Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Achron Achron Choviv (Part 2)

The Mishna Verurah  (136 sk5) writes in the name of the Achronim , Today the Minhag
Is for the Godol Hatzibur (The Rov) to be mesayem the sidrah  (takes Achron.)
There might be two reasons for this practice.   a) אין המצוה נקראת אלא על מי שגומרה

b) The Rabonim who are Oleh Achron are practicing humility. (Praven Anivus)

For this reason Shishi became a Chashuva Aliyah. Being the Gemoro says that
From Shishi and on everyone may be Oleh, there were Rabonim who were humble
and asked to be called up for Shishi . Eventually it became the  Aliya, to
be given to Rabonim.
Chasam Sofer 

The Chasam Sofer wrote to R.Bunim Eiger (brother of R.Akiva E.)
He hasn't finalized his contract with the Kehilla of Pressburg
to become their  Rov, because,  a) They did not offer  an increase in salary
 for the winter months, to cover the additional expense of firewood.
b) they didn't agree to give him Shlishi every Shabbos. 

(They must have settled , & he  became Pressburger Rov) 

Achron Achron Chaviv (part1)

החביב חביב קודם                                   

 ושמחתם – אתם ובניכם ובנותיכם -- 

                               Devorim 12 : 12 The Torah lists who has to be b’simcha in order of importance.
1) yourself 2) your sons 3)your daughters 4)your slaves 5) your maids.

It is customary when you call up the last speaker at a simcha or a function to say
 Achron Achron Chaviv.
It is also customary  to honour special people with Bracha Achrita.

                                Is last, more of a kibud ?

The phrase Achron Achron Chaviv  comes from Rashi in Parshas Vayishlach .
Yakov placed his family to stand in front of Eisav , in the order of his love for them.
Hence, first the Shfochos & their children then Leah & her children and Achron
Achron Chaviv. Rochel & Yosef. ( distanced farthest   from Eisav)

It is very likely that the phrase is used for when we call up the last one, just
to appease him for getting the last (least) Kibud. There is no such thing to
give the last Kibud to the one who is most beloved.

The Gemoro in Gittin 60a & Shulchan Aruch O.Ch. 136 lists whom to call up
to the Torah after Kohen & Levi. The Gemoro says you start with the most
Chashva person (Talmid Chacham& Parnes ) until you get to the last two Aliyos
(Shishi * & Shevi’ie) where everyone can be Oleh.  According to the Gemoro and
Shulchan Aruch , last is the least Kibud.

*The Zohar disagrees with the Bavli and considers Shishi a Chashuva Aliya.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

letoieles harabim

It is now easier to comment on the Toras Aba blog.

We have removed some of the commenting restrictions

What Is The Difference Between Fish And Birds-Chulin 66

The Gemoro (Chulin 66 a+b) says “Akunas, is a type of fish that loses its scales when
it is taken out of the water, and it is kosher.

The Aruch (Akunas) writes that you need Dayanei Yisroel to identify that it is the Akunas
Fish, only then may you eat it. ( it has no scales, you have to verify that it is indeed
Akunas Fish and not a non kosher fish)
The Gemoro (Chulin 63b) says that a hunter is trustworthy to say that his Rebbe
told him that a particular bird is a kosher  species. The Gomoro says his Rebbe refers
to his hunting teacher. (not Rabbi)

Why for identifying kosher birds we don’t need a Rov, and to identify kosher fish

(according to the Aruch) we need a Rov?


The loshon (terminology) of the AruchDayanei Yisroel doesn’t sound right.
Why mention that the Dayan is a Yisroel and not a Goyishe Dayan?
In the times of the Aruch,   The term Dayan was  used strictly for monetary 
or punishment. For Issur Voheter ,the term was Chacham.
There must be that it is a printing mistake and the Gimmel got mixed
Up with a Nun. Instead of      דייני  it should read “ דייגי ”  Jewish fishermen.
The same way you can rely on a Jewish hunter, so can you rely on a

Jewish fisherman, to identify it as a kosher species. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

וצדקינו במשפט

In Nusach Sefard ,in the Shemonei Esrei we say ,   וצדקינו בצדק ובמשפט

How can you be Matzdik with Mishpat ?   You can only be Matzdik with Tzedek,

You can judge someone with Tzedek and Mishpat. You can't be Matzdik with Tzedek and Mishpat.

The two original Nuschaos are both grammatically correct.
 a)  Nusach Ashkenaz וצדקינו במשפט You should be Matzdik us at the Mishpat
 b)  Nusach Acheinu Bnei Sforad. ומלוך עלינו אתה ה' לבדך – בצדק ובמשפט    You should reign
over us with Chesed & Rachamim with Tzedek & Mishpat.

What we call Nusach Sefard was adapted from a combination of a) & b). Although, some Meforshim
tried hard to come up with a pshat on  V’tzadkeinu Btzedek Uv’mishpat,  It probably is
a mistake and a corrupt Nusach.*

*The Ba’al Hatanyas Siddur (Tehilas Hashem)  has the Nusach ומלוך עלינו like,  b) A.B. S.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Shver disagrees

R, Chaim Shmuel Birenbaum (son in law of R. A. Eiger) told his Shver that his Sheilo (Bar Mitzva)  is similar the Chochmas
Adams Sheilo," If someone ate a meal while he was L.A. an Onen and the Meis was buried within 72
minutes after  his meal, Does he need to bentch because he is satisfied now, or do we say
since the eating was done while there was no chiyuv to bentch, He doesn’t need to bentch even after
he is no longer an Onen."

R.A.E. disagreed with his son in law and said it is not similar to his Sheilo (Bar Mitzva ) ????

Why did R' Akiva Eiger Disagree ???

Monday, July 22, 2013

ואכלת ושבעת וברכת

Yankele’s  Bo Bayom Bar Mitzva was on a Friday. His parents made a special Seudah for his
classmates  on Thursday  evening.  They finished with the meal 10 minutes after shkia
and  bentched  before Tzeis Hakochavim (night).

Does Yankele have to repeat the bentching again after  Tzeis Hakochavim ?  (within 72 minutes
 after finishing the meal )

R.Akivah Eiger (Haghaos R.A.E. Shulchan Aruch O. Ch. 184 :2  ) asks, what creates  the Chiyuv
 of Bentching , is it  the Achila & Sevia  or maybe only the Sevia is the mechayev and not the Achila*.

Yankele, ate while he was  a Koton, but was still  satisfied (full) when he became a Godol.(within 72 minutes)
If you need both Achila & Sevia then Yankele doesn’t need to repeat the Bentching.
(there was no achila as a godol)

If all you need is Sevia , then Yankele would be required to Bentch again. When he Benched
The first time he was a Koton  and wasn’t mechuyav to bentch. Now that he is a Godol  and is
still satisfied, he is required to Bentch again  Mideorysa .

*The Torah saidואכלת   to teach, that you need a מעשה אכילה   for the  Sevia.
(If  fed with a feeding tube, bentching is not  required.) and not that

the achila is the mechayav.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Can you solve this Torah riddle?

Mother Goose said to the Shochet, " Eat your heart out, you can't touch me for

the next two months, unless you, eat my heart."

*Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 11:4  The Rema writes, " Some Shochtim have the Minhag
not to shecht any geese in the months of Teves & Shevat.

There is a Kabalah, that there is a certain hour in these two months, if a person
shechts a goose, he dies, unless he eats its heart."

 * Thanks to Rabbi S.Y. B. for the mareh mokom

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Which Month Which Mitzva

There is one month in the year, when it preferable not to do a certain Mitzvah. ???  

Which Month ?

Which Mitzva ?

Mikor for the strange Minhag- Maybe?

SEE HERE Where we wrote about a strange Minhag

In Meseches Sofrim  (18:7) it says that the Minhag on Tisha B’av was, they wrapped the Sefer Torah
In a black cloth, placed it ( Sefer Torah) * on the floor, said Nofloh Ateres Rosheinu  and did Kerias Hatorah.

The Abudraham writes , on Tisha B’av you don’t place the Sefer Torah in it’s usual place.(Bimah)

It is very possible from this came the Minhag to place the Sefer Torah on the back of a
person bending down. They didn’t want to put the Sefer Torah on the Bimah or on the floor.
(Shuls had no tables)

*The Tur & Abudraham”s girsa is Tik Shel S.T.

(the Mantel )

Monday, July 15, 2013

Four Questions Of Tisha Baav

The four questions- Whose fault was it?

The Bais Hamikdash was destroyed because of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza. (Gittin 55b)

1) Why was Kamtza at fault?

2) Why was the Ba’al Haseudah not at fault ? Shouldn’t he be the number one culprit ?

3) Why were  the Rabonon who  kept quiet at the meal not at fault?

4) The Gemoro on 56a said it was R. Zecharia ben Avkulas fault

Answer To The Four Questions:

When the Gemoro says "because of Kamtza & Bar Kamtza the Bais Hamikdash

was destroyed", The Gemoro doesn't put the blame on these

two people. The Gemoro says because of the story of Kamtza Bar Kamtza

the Bais Hamikdash was destroyed.

In the story, there are, whom to blame. Bar Kamtza, Ba'al Haseudah,

Rabonon and maybe even Kamtza*

*The Ben Ish Chai writes that Kamtza which means Grasshopper is a code name

for R. Zecharya ben Avkulas

Talmidei Chachamim Marbim Sholom

According to the Rambam, there are two Tisha B’av Halachos that are
applicable only for Talmidei Chachomim.

(not learning Torah on T.B. is applicable to everyone.)

1 ) The Rambam Hl. Taniyos (Prk. 5 Hl. 9) writes , On Erev Tisha B’av The Chasidim Harishonim
would eat only dry bread with salt, soaked in water. (no cooked dishes) and it  would
be proper  for Chachamim to do so. The Rambam continues In his lifetime he never ate
cooked food , even lentils ,on Erev Tisha B’av, unless it fell on Shabbos.

2) Hl. 11 The Rambam writes Talmidei Chachamim don’t  give Sholom to each other, on

Tisha B’av.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Tisha Baav Minhag

There is no Minhag that looks (weirder) funnier than this".(Teshuva Meiahava O.Ch. 90)
The Birkei Yosef [Chida] (O. Ch. 559 : 4) writes.

There were places where the Minhag on Tisha B'av was, to get a person to bend over.

They covered him with a sheet, placed the Sefer Torah on his back and called

up the 3 Aliyos.(krias hatorah)

There were Gedolim who tried to abolish this Minhag because,

a) It seems very weird

b) He might pass wind.

The Chida disagrees with them and claims, this Minhag has roots, and cannot be


The Shu"t Dvar Shmuel(249) defends this Minhag even though he doesn't know

the source and it seems very strange. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Torah Trivia-Nusach Sefard

Nusach Sefard doesn’t tolerate people who do this. People who do so are not worthy

to daven Nusach Sefard. ??????


Shu”t  Chasam Sofer  (O.Ch. 15b-16 ) The Shoel asks the Chasam Sofer , People
who wear woolen clothing, if  they are allowed to serve as a Shliach Tzibur. The reason for not
allowing, is because Nusach Sefard doesn’t tolerate people who wear woolen clothing. People
 who do so are not worthy to daven Nusach Sefard.
In Teshuvah # 15  the Ch. S. seems to ridicule this statement. He claims, even if the chumra comes
from not wanting to be nichshal in Shatnez, it doesn’t make sense to differentiate between
Nusach Ashkenaz and Sefard.
In Teshuva 16 , Although The Ch. S. still  disagrees with the Shoel , he  takes him more seriously,
 being the Yismach Moishe confirmed , the  disallowing  of a Shlaich Tzibbur who wears wool
 ( to daven Nusach Sefard).

Most Chasidic Rebbes and some Chasidim wear silk   Bekeshes for this reason . 

It is possible, this Minhag originated  by a *Gadol  who made  a statement, " people
 who daven Nusach Sefard don’t wear wool clothing". He was referring to Sefardim who reside
in warm countries.  All he   was   trying to say, was  a fact,  sefardim in warm climate
countries don’t wear wool.  (they have an advantage not to be nichshal in Shatnez). He never
 meant to say , davenening  Nusach Sefard requires one not to wear wool clothing.
* my eigene fantazyes

How old was Bilam when he was killed?

 1)   33 - 34    yrs.  Sanhedrin 106b

2)   over 60   yrs.  Zevachim 116a  Da'as Zekeinim mi Ba'alei Tosfos (Shmos 1)

3)   over 140 yrs.  Sanhedrin 106a Da'as Zekeinim mi Ba'alei Tosfos (Shmos 1)

4)   over 210 yrs.  Sanhedrin 106b Rashi

5)   over 400 yrs.  Sanhedrin 105a

1) A Min asked R. Chanina How old Bilam was etc.

2) The Goyim consulted Bilam during Matan Torah. The D.Z m B.T. assumes
Bilam at that time was at least 20 yrs. old, plus the 40 yrs. in the Midbar.

3) Bilam was one of Paroh's advisors when Moishe was born. Bilam at that time was at
least 20 yrs. old plus 80(in Mitzrayim) plus 40 (in Midbar)

4)  Bilam was one of Paroh's advisors when the Bnei Yisrael went down to Mitzrayim

5) Bilam and Lavan were both the same person.

Machlokes Rishonim  a) if it was the same Bilam or one was his grandfather,
b) if the Midrashim  argue with each other. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

It is almost impossible to fulfill this obligation

Parshas Hashavua/ Daf Hashavua (Pesachim 13a)

והייתם נקיים מה' ומישראל

The Chasam Sofer (Shut 6 : 59) writes. "There are two obligations 

1) To come clean from Hashem

2) from Bnei Yisroel. 

It is much easier to fulfill the first obligation than the second one. The punishment for the second
obligation is also much greater. (Chillul Hashem).

You can have a person doing something which is Halachicly  correct, but isn't careful  and some
"שותי שכר" (beer drinkers) mistakenly accuse him of wrongdoing, such a person has not  fulfilled his
obligation of והייתם נקיים .

It is almost impossible to fulfill this obligation. It is likely Shlomo Hamelech had this in mind when he
wrote this אין צדיק בארץ

We find in this weeks Parsha the Bnei Gad etc. followed Moishe Rabbeinu's advice and fought along
with the other Shevatim for 14 years. They were punished  to be sent to Galus before the rest of Klall
Yisroel, because* they haven't fulfilled 100% the obligation of והייתם נקיים ."

*see Midrash Rabbah (Matos) other reasons 

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Sod (secret) of SIVMAH revealed

The Chasam Sofer in the Hakdama to Seder Nezikin quotes the Rema Mipano ,

שבמה = שור - בור - מבעה - הבער


Simple  basic explanation:

1) There are 10 cities that  border with Eretz Yisrael. (Sivma is # 10)

2) There are 10 midos of kedusha

3) There are 10 midos of sitra achra (opposing kedusha)

4) These 10 bordering cities are located between Eretz Yisroel and Chutz Laaretz, from where the klipos enter.

5) The klipos are the 4 avos nezikin

6) The milchemes midyon transformed these cities with mazikim to holy cities. 

The following from my father R. Zvi Yehuda ben R. Moishe a"h 
ויקרא שם המקום ההוא מחנים                               

מחנים                              = two sets of מחנות = 4
Hashem built the first wall of the Bais Hamikdash      מחנה =             1x 103
Avraham added  the second wall and called it הר   =205+1 ( כולל        2x 103

Yitzchok added  the third wall and called it       שדה   3                309x 103
Yackov added the fourth wall and called it  בית    = 412                  
ועשה טוב בקש שלום           שדה-בית - מחנה- הר                
*Rav Menachem Azariah deFano ( Italian mekubal, known as the Rema miPano

Mechaber of Sefer Asara Maamoros etc.(1548-1620). 


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