1) 33 -
34 yrs. Sanhedrin 106b
2) over
60 yrs. Zevachim 116a Da'as Zekeinim mi Ba'alei Tosfos
(Shmos 1)
3) over 140
yrs. Sanhedrin 106a Da'as Zekeinim mi Ba'alei Tosfos (Shmos 1)
4) over 210
yrs. Sanhedrin 106b Rashi
5) over 400
yrs. Sanhedrin 105a
1) A Min asked R.
Chanina How old Bilam was etc.
2) The Goyim consulted
Bilam during Matan Torah. The D.Z m B.T. assumes
Bilam at that time was
at least 20 yrs. old, plus the 40 yrs. in the Midbar.
3) Bilam was one of
Paroh's advisors when Moishe was born. Bilam at that time was at
least 20 yrs. old plus
80(in Mitzrayim) plus 40 (in Midbar)
4) Bilam was
one of Paroh's advisors when the Bnei Yisrael went down to Mitzrayim
5) Bilam and Lavan were
both the same person.
Machlokes Rishonim
a) if it was the same Bilam or one was his grandfather,
b) if the Midrashim
argue with each other.
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