Nusach Sefard doesn’t tolerate people who do this. People who do
so are not worthy
to daven Nusach Sefard. ??????
Shu”t Chasam Sofer (O.Ch. 15b-16 ) The Shoel asks the Chasam
Sofer , People
who wear woolen clothing, if
they are allowed to serve as a Shliach Tzibur. The reason for not
allowing, is because Nusach Sefard doesn’t tolerate
people who wear woolen clothing. People
who do so are not worthy to
daven Nusach Sefard.
In Teshuvah # 15 the Ch. S.
seems to ridicule this statement. He claims, even if the chumra comes
from not wanting to be nichshal in Shatnez, it doesn’t make sense
to differentiate between
Nusach Ashkenaz and Sefard.
In Teshuva 16 , Although The Ch. S. still disagrees with the Shoel , he takes him more seriously,
being the Yismach Moishe
confirmed , the disallowing of a Shlaich Tzibbur who wears wool
( to daven Nusach Sefard).
Most Chasidic Rebbes and some Chasidim wear silk Bekeshes for this reason .
It is possible, this Minhag originated by a *Gadol
who made a statement, "
who daven Nusach Sefard
don’t wear wool clothing". He was referring to Sefardim who reside
in warm countries. All
he was
trying to say, was a fact, sefardim in warm climate
countries don’t wear wool.
(they have an advantage not to be nichshal in Shatnez). He never
meant to say ,
davenening Nusach Sefard requires one
not to wear wool clothing.
* my eigene fantazyes
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