Friday, November 30, 2012

Riddle-Wearing a necktie on Shabbos

Yankel lived in downtown Toronto (no eiruv) The Rov told him that this shabbos he
may not wear the tie out of the house, and the following shabbos he may wear the
same tie (no eiruv) outdoors.

1)      The issur of chutz l’tchum is applicable to people and belongings.
2)      An item belonging to two people can only be used within the eiruv of both owners.
3)      A person out of  t’chum gets his 4 amos. ie he may walk within the 4 amos
4)      A house or any reshus hayachid is considered within 4 amos.

Yankel  couldn’t afford the beautiful Hermes tie. He got his brother Zvi,
 to invest in the tie. Their deal was that they were both to wear the tie.
There were  no specific days one got to wear it. Whoever wanted it on
that day, wore it.*
Zvi traveled to Eretz Yisrael for one Shabbos  (chutz l'tchum). He left
behind his brother Yankel and the Hermes tie.

Yankel may not wear the tie out doors while his brother Zvi is away.

*Had the deal been, each one gets his turn to wear it, then Yankel
may wear the tie outdoors when it’s his turn even while his brother Is chutz l’tchum
** Shulchan Oruch Hl. Shabbos #397- 8

Thursday, November 29, 2012

This week’s Daf -Im Lavan Garti V’taryag Mitzvos Shomarti

Rashi doesn’t say the gematria of garti is the same as the word  taryag .  There
 is no such word as taryag. Taryag is a combination of letters that equal  613.

Similarly when the gemara (Shabbos 55a )  says that the seal of Hakodosh Boruch
Hu is Emes.
The pshat is the seal of HKBH   have these three letters Alef Mem & Sov . Not that
his seal is the word Emes. See Rashi & R. Nisim Gaon.  Alef the first letter represents
Ani Rishon , Sov the last letter represents  Ani Achron  and Mem the middle letter
represents Ani Hu (present).
Yoma 69b The piska (note- kvital) fell from heaven and had written on it Emes.
Rashi writes” K’lomer ani maskim imachem” (I agree with you). The pshat is not
we see Hashem agreeing by sending the word Emes (true). We see it by sending
his seal of approval (alef mem sov).
Sanhedrin 64a same pshat in rashi.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Women Talmidei Chachamim-IM LAVAN GARTI

     Most of us are familiar with Bruriah wife of R.Mier. She was a great Talmida Chacham.*1
    There were many more, some not as famous as Bruriah.

1)      The daughter of R. Shmuel Halevi (Gaonim) was a bokie in Gemoro and she taught
2)      The wife of the Rokeach. She was killed with her children . The Rokeach
               wrote a Kinah for her.
       3)     Shut Maharshal (29)   writes, his grandmother Miriam had a yeshiva and said Halacha
                for outstanding bachurim  from behind the curtain.
       4)      Hakdamah  Drisha  (yo”d 2)  writes ,about the greatness of his  mother Beila.
                 She learned Chumash/Rashi and meforshim ,mechadesh chidushim, Knew hilchos
                Nidah almost like Moire Hoiro’oh etc. He also brings two halachos from his mother
       5)      Hakdamah  in the Chavas Yair writes ,his grandmother Chava *2
                knew more Torah ,than many Roshei Yeshivos.
        6)     Sister of R. Yeshaya Berlin (Pik)

The Tosfos Brocho *3  Parshas Vayishlach writes,  Ms. Berlin (sister of R. Y. Berlin)
was known to be a very learned woman and quotes a vort from her

                                                       IM LAVAN GARTI
Rashi  writes that Yackov said  Aba hivtichani hevei g’vir l’ochicho v’lo niskaymo  vi.
Our father has promised  me that You will be a gvir to your brother and it wasn’t
fulfilled , vi  (in me)
Ms. Berlin said that the word GVIR is made up of two words.  a) ger(  gimmel reish)
b)      vi  (veis yud)
If you remove the veis and the yud from gvir you will be left with ger
Yackov  told Esauv  that  Yitzchock  promised  that I will  become a gvir but lo niskaymah
Vi The vi of gvir was  left out.,  hence I am only a ger  Im Lavan Garti  and there is no
reason to be jealous.

*1 Pesachim 62b learned 300 halachos in one day
*2 The Shla Hakodesh wanted to marry her in zivug 2
She refused him. The Shiah said on himself " I wasn't
zoche to marry such a holy woman". 
*3 R. Boruch Epstien (Torah Temima)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Who was Rabbi Meir Baal Haness?

Who was Rabbi Meir Baal Haness?

We all are familiar of the Tana R.Meir. His original name was Meisha .
 They called him R. Mier because he lit up the eyes of the chachamim
in halacha. (Eruvin  13b).
R. Mier was niftar in Asia (Chutz Laaretz)  He asked that his body be
placed on the sea being E.Y. is surrounded by 7 seas. (Yerushalmi  Kelaim perek 9  hl.3)
According to the  Yerushalmi it is not clear if his body ever ended up  buried in E.Y.

One of the first sources  that mentions R. Mier’s  burial  place in E. Y. is in the
Sefer Gelilos Haaretz. He writes that R. Mier is buried in the city of Tveryah.

The Seder Hadoros  quotes the same  Sefer Gelilos Haaretz  who writes  R. Yitzchock
 from Gush Chalav and R. Mier Baal Haness are both buried in Gush Chalav. The
Seder Hadoros continues that he doesn’t know who they were. (Seder Hadoros  never
heard of  R. Mier  Bal Haness.)

Sefer Zichron Yackov  (vol 2 p 30) writes about the pushkas  that were  named
after  an ish  chasid  v’kadosh who lived in eretz hakodesh a few hundred years
ago. He was famous – and was called R. Mier Bal Haness.

Two of the greatest frum historians (R. Yechiel Heilprin, Seder Hadoros  & R. Yackov
Lipshutz ,Zichron Yackov ) both held , R. Mier Bal Haness  is not  the Tana R.Mier.

1)        R.M. is buried in Tveryah    RMBH is buried in Gush Chalav

       2)         Seder Hadoros doesn’t know who R.M.B.H. was
       3)         Zichron Yackov claims R.M.B.H. lived a few hundred years ago
            R.M. lived two thousand years ago.
               4)       To donate  L’iluy  nishmas a Tana  who was niftar 2,000 years ago
                           sounds  very strange and maybe even chutzpadik.
                           A neshama from 2000 years has reached it’s peak a long time ago.

5)        The term Baal Haness is not found in Shas.  In  Shas
                    we only find the melumad banisim.

There are thousands of yidden who go to the kever of the Chasam Sofer
and come back claiming they have been to the kevarim of the Chasam Sofer and
his father in law R. Akiva Eiger.
The truth is that the R. Akiva Eiger buried in Pressburg (next to the Ch S.) is not
the famous shver  Of the Ch. Sofer.  He is the grandfather of R. Akiva Eiger the shver .
He was Rov In Pressburg for 11 days, hence buried in Pressburg.
R. Akiva Eiger the shver is buried in Posen.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Yakov Avinu davened for lechem le’echol uvegged  lilbosh. The obvious question
Is why  is it important   to  point out that the bread is for eating and the clothes
for wearing.

One of the answers is,   some  people have bread but are lo aleinu sick and can’t
eat it. They are hooked up to an intravenous  or feeding tube or.  They have
beautiful  clothes, but can’t wear them. They wear hospital gowns or pajamas.

I heard this story from a Gerer Chasid who grew up in Tel Aviv in the forties.
His father planned a trip to Yerushalyim to receive a bracha from the
Imrei Emes. Due to the Arab unrest, it was a very expensive, difficult and 
dangerous to travel to Yerushalayim. The preparation and trip took  up
a whole day.

His father finally arrived in Yerushalyim and entered  the  Rebbes room.
The Rebbe glanced at him and all he said ,  he should  have nachas from
the  children.  He was in and out of the   room in less than 5 seconds.

When he returned to his family, he told his wife about his 5 second
encounter with the Rebbe and the short and single bracha he received.

His wife was very disappointed, and complained, that after taking
such a long, difficult and dangerous trip, the only bracha he managed
to get was nachas  from the children.

His fathers  explained, having nachas from children in itself is a great bracha.
 However this bracha includes additional brachos.

In order to have nachas from children, both parents need to be healthy.
Sick people can’t and don’t have nachas. You also need a roof over your head
and some food on the table, otherwise you can’t have nachas from others.
Therefore this bracha cosists of  Bonei , Chayei Umezonei  (good children,
healthy life  & parnoso).
What more can a person ask for?

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Taxi Question

Rochel from Monsey, learned in a seminary in Yerushalayim. Once a week she did chesed with a family who lived 20 minutes from the seminary. The taxi fare was approximately 50 Shekel.

Rochel appeared to be an innocent naive Bais Yakov girl. However growing up in a large family with brothers who were Yeshiva Bachurim, she learned not to be naïve. She actually was quite street smart.

On one chesed day she flagged down a taxi and told Moshe the driver, she had only dollars . He told her to hop in the car. Moshe said he would charge
 her a special low price of $70.00 for not using the meter.

During the car ride, Rochel pulled out a crisp new $100 bill. She played with the bill and made sure Moshe noticed it. Just before they arrived at the destination, Rochel slipped the $100.00  back In  her purse. She then asked Moshe to turn the lights on, claiming the bill fell out of her hands. After  searching for a while, she  asked him for a flashlight. He told her, he didn’t have one. She told him, she would run into the house  and  get one.
While she ran into the house, Moshe thought to himself , the $100 is
In the car, why wait. He drove off thinking that he made himself an additional $30.00. Moshe felt he was entitled to it  for the inconvenience of waiting the extra ½ a minute.

When Rochel came back to the Seminary , she proudly told her friends how she had managed to outsmart Moshe the ganev . Her madricha told her that she had to ask a  sheilo.

 a)  Does she have to track him down and pay $70.00 ( original amount
agreed to pay.)
 b)  Pay 50 shekel (the true value of the fare.)
 c)  Not necessary to track him. (He tried to cheat her twice and ran off.).

In this weeks parsha, we find Yackov & Lavan making a deal on how to
divide the sheep between themselves. At the time the deal was made, they
both knew the approximate statistic of what percentage each would end up with.  (let’s assume 50% each side)
Yackov put up the peeled rods and changed The  statistic to his favour. 
Had Lavan known this to happen, he would never have entered into
this deal.
The meforshim ask how can an ish tam do such a thing and cheat Uncle
The daas z’keinim mibalei tosfos answers. Dovid Hamelech in Tehillim
writes (18 – 27) Im novor tisboror v’im ikeish tispatol. (and with the
crooked you act perversely) Therefore Yackov had a right to  cheat
Lavan. The Likutei anshei sheim takes it a step further and says that
not only do you have a right to cheat an ikeish but you have a chiuv
and must do so.
                                      Halacha v’lo l’maaseh
In the case of this taxi driver, we can safely assume that he is an
Ikeish, and therefore we may or even must outsmart him. R. Yitzchok
Zilberstein shlita paskened that you definitely don’t have to chase after him
to pay.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Chazon Ish Blech

This week's daf

Esrogim dealers charge a premium price for esrogim & hadasim that have
the name chazon ish attached to them.

I am surprised that the frum hardware stores haven’t
come up yet with a chazon ish blech.
See attached : Chazon Ish Blech

The Chazon Ish holds that  chazara may be done only by  putting
the pot on top of another  pot  (kedeira al gabi kedeira). Our
flat blechs are useless.

Using a blech does not change the status of the burning stove into
a gerufah uketuma and you may not return the pot. (most poskim disagree)
The Piskei Teshuvos (siman 253 footnote #50 quotes a sefer (Och ci)
that the Chazon Ish told him to ask the blech maker to put a lip surrounding
the blech and this will give it a status of a Kedeirah (pot)
and he will be allowed to do chazarah. (even according the Chazon Ish.) 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mamorim With No Mekor

The one thing that these 15 mamorim have in common, is, that not a single one of
them is a mamar chazal.

Although some of them are based on chazal, you won't find  this
exact loshon in chazal.

ps. The terminology Chazal is applied to Tanoim and Amoiroim and not
to Achronim or even Rishonim.

 These 15 famous maamorei chazal are quoted all over. I am looking for their marei mokomos if anybody knows please notify me.
 1 אותיות מחכימות
2 אין אורח מכניס אורח
3 אם לא יועיל לא יזיק
4 בא שבת בא מנוחה
5  ברא כרעיה דאבוה
6  דברים היוצאים מן הלב נכנסים אל הלב
7  המאבד עצמו לדעת אין לו חלק לעולם הבא
8  המתחיל במצוה אומרים לו גמור
9  די לחכימא ברמיזא
10  כבדהו וחשדהו
11  כל הכועס כאילו עובד ע"ז
             12  כל הרודף אחר הכבוד הכבוד בורח ממנו
13  מי שיש לו מנה רוצה מאתיים
14  צרת רבים חצי נחמה
15  לב מלכים ושרים ביד ה"

Monday, November 12, 2012


              1)      The minhag when doing atifas hatalis  is, to throw two and or four corners
of the talis to the back of the left side. There is no mekor to do the same
on the back of the right side.

2) Using a mirror to adjust the tefilin shel rosh. See shut Divrei Chaim that
it is a minhag Boros (amei haaretz). I personally have never seen
any of the gedolei talmidei chachomim using a mirror.

3) The chazzan ending Goaal Yisroel quietly is a new minhag which the
Mishna Verura wasn’t aware of. (Some claim that it was done in European

Yeshivos before the war). The only advice the M.V. has,
is to start shemonei esrei a few seconds before the chazzan.

4) Pointing the pinky finger at the sefer torah during hagbah and then
kissing it, is definitely not an ashkenazik minhag. Although R. Chaim
Palagi came up with a reason to do so, this is not considered a mekor.
In chutz laaretz, you won’t find ashkenazic, gedolei talmidei chachomim
doing so.

5) Saying  the ketores from a klaf is a fairly new minhag. Here again

even though   R. Chaim Palagi mentions this segulah, it has no mekor.

According to some Poskim writing the klaf is problematic, halachicly.

           6) For birchas hazimun, when then the mezamen says nevoreich elokeinu or
           The mezamnim answer boruch elokeinu they raise their behinds off the chair.
            This minhag has no mekor. (others are machmir even when there
             is no minyan and  elokeinu is not said)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


This week’s daf

Al shlosho aveiros noshim meisos b’shas leidoson 

Most sidurim have the nusach  leidoson,  translation -- at their birth (wrong)*

Some sidurim  have the nusach  lideton,   translation -- when they give birth (right)

*If they die at birth they can’t sin and are infants not women 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Everybody Does It

  1) At least twice a day the Chazzan says Borchu es hashem hamevoroch.
               2) The Kol Bo writes , when the chazzan says Borchu,   he must bow down. (mekor)
               3) There  is no mention anywhere, for the tzibur  to bow when answering   (no mekor)
               Boruch hashem hamevorach
              4) The Mechaber & Rema write ( O ch. 113 – 3)  שאין לכרוע אלא במקו שתקנו חכמיס 
               You may    not  bow  down  only  in places where  chazal  instituted  to do so .
5) The mogein giborim  writes ,   people bow at borchu  but we cant find

               a  smach for it (a heter ).

How and why is it, that today everybody bows down, when answering after boruchu ?
Wouldn't it be neged halacha?

The maharashdam * (yd 193) writes ,on  minhagim that go back
 a long time,  and  are against  halacha, we must search  until we find a
 mekor (source).  to come up with a heter. Minhag Yisroel Torah.

Therefore the Biur Halacha (113  3)   came up with a smach (for tzibur bowing)
               from a pasuk in Divrei Hayomim (1-29- 20) Vayomer Dovid --- Borchu noh
es hashem elokeichem, Vayevorchu, --- Vayikdu VAYISHTACHVU---
              Even though   its a dochek to apply this  to our case, but Minhag Yisrael Torah.
              We do find  Poskim , calling some  minhagim , minhag shtus, or mitzvo lvateil etc. 
              probably the difference  between minhag shtus and M.Y. Torah depends
           if it is done by a large tzibbur and has been done for a long time.
           If a tzibur have been doing something for a long time,  It would be very
             difficult to make them change.

        * R. Shmuel di Medina

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