1) At least twice a day the Chazzan says
Borchu es hashem hamevoroch.
2) The Kol Bo writes , when the
chazzan says Borchu, he must bow down.
3) There is no mention anywhere, for the tzibur to bow when answering (no mekor)
Boruch hashem hamevorach
4) The Mechaber & Rema write
( O ch. 113 – 3) שאין לכרוע אלא במקו שתקנו חכמיס
You may not bow
down only in places where chazal
instituted to do so .
5) The mogein giborim
writes ,
people bow at borchu but we can’t find
a smach for it “ (a heter ).
How and why is it, that today
everybody bows down, when answering after boruchu ?
Wouldn't it be neged halacha?
The maharashdam * (y”d 193) writes
,on minhagim that go back
a long time,
and are against halacha, we must search until we find a
(source). to come up with a heter. “Minhag Yisroel
Therefore the
Biur Halacha (113 3) came up with a smach (for tzibur bowing)
from a pasuk in
Divrei Hayomim (1-29- 20) “Vayomer Dovid --- Borchu noh
es hashem
elokeichem, Vayevorchu, --- Vayikdu VAYISHTACHVU---
Even though it’s a dochek to
apply this to our case, but Minhag Yisrael Torah.
We do find Poskim ,
calling some minhagim , minhag shtus, or mitzvo l’vateil etc.
probably the
difference between minhag shtus and M.Y. Torah depends
if it is done by
a large tzibbur and has been done for a long time.
If a tzibur have
been doing something for a long time, It would be very
difficult to make them change.
* R. Shmuel di Medina
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