Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The seventh & the eighth of אדר


The seventh & the eighth of אדר

The גמרא ב"ב ט"ו ע"א asks  who wrote the last eight פסוקים
in the Torah (וימת שם משה) and answers two Tirutzim.

The זהר has a third answer. "משה was נפטר
and Hashem brought him back
to life. משה wrote then the last eight פסוקים,
and died again."

The מלבים* has a beautiful  פשט on the פסוק
תורת ה' תמימה    ”-The Torah is complete 
– “משיבת נפש”- because Hashem brought back the 
(נפש (נשמה of משה to write and complete the last eight 
פסוקים in the Torah.

*With this זהר we might be able to answer  Tosfos (Menachos 30a)  Kushya.

"How could Moshe have died Shabbos at Mincha time when that year the 7th

of Adar was on a Friday."

It is possible that Moshe died on Friday the 7th of  Adar. He was brought back 

to life and wrote the 13  Sifrei Toras on Friday. He  died again on Shabbos the 

8th of Adar. (אמבצי)

*I couldn't find it in the Malbim


What does ח' אדר have in common with ה' אייר?

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