Friday, December 30, 2016

גברא/ חפצא

לזכות נשמת אבי מורי ר' צבי יהודה בן ר' משה זללה"ה
יום השנה ל' כסליו א' דר"ח טבת                   

Why when Toiveling two Keilim the Bracha is Tevilas Keilim, (plural) and when lighting two candles the Bracha is Ner Chanukah (single) ?

                          גברא/ חפצא
Mori V’rabi Harav Hagaon R. Shlomo Miller Shlita,
answered. The difference between a Brocho that
starts with Al Tevilas and a Bracha that starts with
Lehadlik . AL is on the Cheftza (object) Le is on the
Gavra (person)
A Bracha made on the Cheftza,(Al) we count the
Chafeitzim and if there are two or more we use
the plural term.
A Bracha made on the Gavra(Le) (who is one) we

always use the single term.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Yahrzeit Riddle ? Can You answer ???

The two brothers Reuvain & Shimon, both 
live in the same city.

They have Yahrzeit for their father Yakov, yet Reuvain has Yahrzeit a day before his brother Shimon.

For Answer Click Here 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Happy Chanuka ?

א פרייליכן חנוכה                              

The Mechaber in Shulchan Aruch (O.Ch. 670 :2)
writes, "Chanukah was not instituted for משתה & שמחה".

The Rambam does write, that Chanukah is ימי שמחה והלל

The Brisker Rav writes that the Rambam meant with ימי שמחה
only to the extent that there is no Hesped & Ta'anis but
not that there is a Chiyuv Simcha.

According to the above, it would not be the appropriate greeting to wish someone "Happy Chanukah"

However according to the Taz who quotes from the 
Maharshal, the Rambam does consider Chanuka as a 
Yom Tov where משתה & שמחה  are required.

Have a joyous & Lechtigeh Chanukah

Monday, December 26, 2016

Creamy Birthday Cake

(Nital approved)

The Gadol Hador and his birthday cake 

The Jerusalem newspaper “Chavatzelet” reported on
February 1909 that on  the 2nd of Shevat  R.Shmuel
Salant [zt”l] celebrated his 93d birthday.

Gedolei Yerushalyim assembled in his house.

One of the Gedolim said Chidushei Torah.

R. Chaim Berlin  (shlita) [zt”l] sent, as he usually did, a decorated 
fancy  birthday cake with flowers & ornaments. 
It was inscribed with the following words,

בשם ה' כי ארך ימים ושנות חיים טובים ארוכים
ושלום רב יוסיפו להרב הגאון מורנו רבנו רבי
שמואל בן רבי צבי,אמן אמן  זה משלי ידידו רצוף
אהבה רבה, חיים ברלין

The Gematria of this Bracha = 5669 (1909)

Thursday, December 22, 2016

$125 price drop !

Nespresso A+GCC1-US-GR-NE VertuoLine Evoluo Coffee & Espresso Maker with Aeroccino Plus Milk Frother, Grey

  • Includes Aeroccino Plus milk frother: rapid one touch preparation of hot or cold milk froth. Items sold separately valued at $298
  • New revolutionary Centrifusion technology to gently brew both Coffee and Espresso with one touch of a button
  • Capsule recognition and code reading technology for blend-specific parametric brewing. Two capsule sizes, large for Coffee and small for Espresso
  • Easy insertion and ejection of capsules. For use with Nespresso VertuoLine capsules only. Not compatible with Nespresso OriginalLine capsules.
  • Removable used capsule container holds 13-20 used capsules. Automatic off mode after 9 minutes of inactivity. Fast heat up time 15 seconds

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

5 day fast

Parshas Hashavua:

When do you have the 5 day fast?*

הלכה מפורשת בשו"ע*


Lies And Lies

Daf Hashavua

Bava Metzia 87a

גדול שלום שאפילו הקב"ה שינה- ואדוני זקן/ואני זקנתי

The Mogen Avraham 157 quotes The Sefer Chasidim 
who writes when Chazal said you may say non truths 
for the sake of peace, " it only applies to the past and 
not for the future.

 The Sefer Chasidim explains this halacha :

Reuvain has the money but doesn’t want to lend it to  Shimon because he doesn’t trust him.
1)  Shimon asks Reuvain to lend him money. Reuvain may not lie and say he doesn’t have any money. (future)

2)  Shimon asks Reuvain How come last week when I asked you for money, you didn’t lend  me. Reuvain may answer falsely and say "I didn’t have any money." (past) 

Reuvain may do so because if he lies, there will be peace between  them but If he says the truth (I don’t trust you) then Shimon will be upset & angry.

The obvious question is:

If you may  lie for the sake of peace , why should there be a difference between past & future?

Mori V'Rabi Harav Hagaon Reb Shlomo Miller Shlita explained the reason for the  difference:

 "In case # 2) there are only two options  
a) lie – will be peace   

b) truth – will be upset & angry, therefore you may lie for peace.

In case #1)  there are three options  
a) lie,(don't have)    
b)  truth,(don't trust you)    
c) lend him the money.

The only time that you may lie is when lying is the only option for peace.

When you have another option to keep the peace   (lend the money)then you may not lie. You may lie only when the only alternative for peace is to lie".

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Another Chanuka Riddle

Hilchos Chanukah (hint)

How can you save a life by singing Zemiros?

(if you won't sing he will die)

For answer CLICK HERE


Because he becomes Bar Mitzvah on a certain
day of the week, therefore instead of following
his father's Minhag he should follow the opposing

Minhag when performing this Mitzvah. 

for answer click here 

Did you know ? (11)

According to Harav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv zt"l: (Ashrei Ha'ish)

Lighting Chanukah Menorah in front of the City Hall, Parliament
buildings or other public places etc. makes no sense whatsoever
even if your intention is to publicize the Neis of Chanukah.

Chazal instituted Pirsumei Niseh, where, when and how.

Anywhere else*, there is absolutely no Mitzvah to do. 

Those who light there with a Brocho are oiver on Brocho Levatalah"

*even putting a Menorah on the rooftop of a car. אמבצי

Monday, December 19, 2016

Did You Know (168)

There is no Mitzvah to light Chanuka candles in Shul.

Lighting Chanukah candles in Shul is not mentioned in 
Bavli, Yerushalmi or Rambam. Even the Tur & Shulchan 
Aruch don't say there is Chiyuv to light in Shul. They do 
mention it indirectly. (where to place it and to light 
it before Havdalah)

The Minhag of lighting in Shul started in the times of the 

This Minhag is one of the rare Minhagim 
where we make a Bracha  אשר קדשנו במצותיו on a Minhag.

The Drunk Rosh Yeshiva

שאין חלום בלא דברים בטלים

The Steipler zt"l said, there once was a Rosh Yeshiva 
who got drunk on Purim and said they should ask him 
any question in Shas and he will have an answer.

They asked him from the gemoro Nedarim 8 a+b
"If someone dreamt that he was put in Cherem and
they were Matir his Cherem, he must be Matir
his Cherem again after awakening. 

Because we assume part of the dream to be true and
part not to be true, We assume the true part of the dream 
was being put in Cherem and the untrue part of the dream 
was they were Matir him".

The question they asked from the Rosh Yeshiva was:

"why don't we assume the opposite, that the untrue 
part was being put in Cherem and the true part
was them being Matir the Cherem, and he wouldn't 
need another Heter after awakening?

The Rosh Yeshiva answered that according to the Rishonim
who hold Cherem is Deorysa and even if it is only divrei 
kabbalah, when there is a Safek we need to go Lechumra 
and assume he didn't have a Hatara.

The Steipler said from the answer he gave,  you
can tell he was drunk.

How did the steipler know that the Rosh Yeshiva was drunk???

Click here for answer 


Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Chida On Why We Say The Mothers Name When Davening For A Choileh

The Chida writes that when Davening for a חולה we use the mother's name.

The reason is  because we need a lot of Zechusim. Usually  women have more Zechusim than men. Women don't  have the  Aveirah of Bitul Torah.

The Steipler zt"l  once Davened for Reb Yechezkel Abramsky zt"l not knowing his mothers name. He Davened  for Yechezkal Ba'al Mechaber (author of) Chazon Yechezkal.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Buy Menorah's Online

Parshas Vayishlach


How do we know a boy becomes Bar Mitzvah at age 13 ?

See answer here

Did You Know (167)

The Brisker Rav zt"l holds one who wants to 
be Yotzei daytime Kiddush from another person  
must drink from the wine, otherwise he is not Yotzei Kiddush.

Since the daytime Kiddush consists of only the Bracha
of Pri Hagafen, (the Pesukim we say before are not really
part of Kiddush) therefore by merely answering Amen
on the Pri Hagafen which is done during the weekdays as
well, he is not Yotzei.

Harav Yosef S. Elyashiv zt"l argues and holds one is Yotzei
Bedieved even when not drinking from the wine.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Rockport Sale


Ya'amod Shishi

                          Achron Achron Chaviv

It is customary when you call up the last speaker at a Simcha or
function to say  "Achron Achron Chaviv".

It is also customary  to honour special people with Bracha Achrita.
                        Is last more of a kibud than the ones before??
The phrase Achron Achron Chaviv  comes from Rashi in Parshas Vayishlach .
Yakov placed his family to stand in front of Eisav , in the order of his love for them.
Hence, first the Shfochos & their children then Leah & her children and Achron
Achron Chaviv. Rochel & Yosef. ( distanced farthest   from Eisav)
They were placed there for greater protection and has nothing to do with Kavod.
It is very likely that the last Kibud is the least of the kibudim and the phrase
is used when calling up the last one, just to appease him for getting 
the last (least)Kibud.

The Gemoro in Gittin 60a & Shulchan Aruch O.Ch. 136 lists whom to call up to the Torah after Kohen & Levi. The Gemoro says you start with the most
Chashva person (Talmid Chacham& Parnes ) until you get to the last two Aliyos
(Shishi* & Shevi’ie) where everyone can be Oleh.  According to the Gemoro and
Shulchan Aruch , last Aliyos  are the least Kibud.

The Mishna Verurah  (136 sk5) writes in the name of the Achronim , Today the Minhag
Is for the Godol Hatzibur (The Rov etc.) to be mesayem the sidrah  (takes Achron.)

There might be two reasons for this practice. a) אין המצוה נקראת אלא על מי שגומרה
b) The Rabonim who are Oleh Achron are practicing humility. (Praven Anivus)

For this reason Shishi became a Chashuva Aliyah. Being the Gemoro says that
From Shishi and on everyone may be Oleh, there were Rabonim who were humble
and asked to be called up for Shishi . Eventually, it became the Chashuva Aliya, to
be given to Rabonim.

When the Chasam Sofer was negotiating his position for Rabanus in
Pressburg, R.Bunim Eiger zt"l asked the Ch.S. what's holding it back.
The Ch.S. answered two points have not been settled yet.
1) The Kehilla didn't agree to offer him an increase in salary for the winter 
months so that he can buy wood for heating.
2) The Kehilla didn't agree to give him Shlishi every Shabbos & Yom Tov.
Chasam Sofer insisted on Shlishi for every Shabbos & Yom Tov. They must have settled, he 
did end up becoming  Rav in Pressburg 

*The Zohar disagrees with the Bavli and considers Shishi as a Chashuva Aliya.
The Chasam Sofer (O.Ch.66) quotes from the בעלי חן (Kabbalist) The seven
Aliyos represent ,אברהם, יצחק,יעקב,משה אהרן יוסף  דוד

Yosef the sixth = Yesod, therefore the importance of Shishi. 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Did you know ? (107)

Candle Menorah In Kiel Germany across the street from Nazi Headquarters.
Read more about this fascinating story  here
The Chasam Sofer writes (Shu”t O. Ch,186):

All the large Shuls,he has visited Minhagim are based on the early Gaonim.

Most of them lit the Menorah with wax candles. (not with oil) 

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Is the practice of witchcraft permitted, to heal the sick?-What does The Zohar Say

Where a ma'aseh (action) is done:   There is an issur D'orysa (Shach Y.D. 179 :1 )

Where no Ma'aseh is done & witch is a Goy ,( just asking for advice) :

1) Trumas Hadeshen : (2:96) For  a sick person even if not Choleh Mesukan , it is permitted.

2) Teshuvas Maharshal : (3)  Only for a Chole Mesukan is it permitted.

3) Zohar: Even  for a Chole Mesukan it is not permitted. (Kishuf = Avoda Zarah)

According to the Zohar going to a fake Kabbalist (might be practicing kishuf) is
a Safek Issur D'orysa of Avoda Zarah (Yehoreg V'al Ya'avor)

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


    יום השנה ז' כסלו                      לז"נ רות בת ר' צבי יהודה  ופעסל בת ר' בונם ע"ה

                    YAHRZEIT CANDLES
There is no mention in Shas, of Ner Neshamah (Yahrzeit Licht).
The Mishna in Ms.Brachos (53a) that says not to use a Ner Shel
Meisim for Havdalah,refers to a candle used for the Levaya etc.
and not a Yahrzeit candle, which probably may be used for Havdalah.

The Gemoro in Kesubos (103a) Rebbie left a Tzavo’oh  with his
sons to have a candle burning  at the table,  refers  to
Shabbos candles and not Yahrzeit candles.

The first mention of Ner Neshama is probably the Kol Bo in
Hilchos Yom Kipurim. The Kol Bo writes to light a Ner
for deceased parents, on Erev Yom Kippur, so they will have
a Kapparah.
It is very likely, the parents have a Kapparah, because of the Klall
of  ברא מזכה אבא  , The Mitzvohs a child does benefits
the deceased parents.

The Tur writes (630) There is a special Inyan to have
lots of candles in Shul on Yom Kippur.
In the olden days, the largest and one of the few
expenses  a Shul had, was Ner Lamo’or. Bees wax was a very
expensive commodity .

It is possible, the Chachamim tried to entice  people
to donate Ner Lamo’or, so they attached the special
Segulah of Kappara for the Meisim, a Siman Tov for the
living and the Ner Hashem Nishmas Adam for a Yahrzeit

מלא שבע זאת

לז"נ רות בת ר' צבי יהודה  ופעסל בת ר' בונם ע"ה
    יום השנה ז' כסלו                           
מלא שבע זאת                              
The Chasam Sofer writes (Shu”t E.H. 1: 122)
He never heard or saw while he was in Frankfurt*, having 
Sheva Brachos from the second day on. (day after Chasuna)
Only once did they have a Sheva Brachos on Shabbos
It was so unheard of, the whole city  talked about it.

Today the Minhag is to be מחמיר to have at least one
if not two Sheva Brachos every single day.
To compensate for being מחמיר we are מיקל in
Brachos Levatalah and not so Makpid in having proper
Panim Chadashos etc.
According to Harav Hagaon R. Shlomo Z. Auerbach zt"l
one may not use for Panim Chadashos one of the waiters 
or a stranger off the street. It must be an invited guest.

* seems that in Pressburg it was common to have Sheva Brachos  after the wedding


        As with everything a competent Halachic authority should always be consulted .                                                              

Shulchan Aruch Even Haezer 21- 5
It is forbidden to be served by a woman at all, whether she is an adult or a minor, whether a slave or free, lest he come to have forbidden thoughts. What service were they speaking of? Washing his face, hands, and feet,--
Rema. Some say that all this is forbidden only when they are alone, but in a place like a bathhouse where many people are found, one may be washed by an idolatrous slave woman, and this is the custom. And some say that anything not done in an affectionate manner where his intent is only for Heaven's sake, is permitted. Thus the custom is to be lenient in these things.
Bach Quotes the Maharshal “ For this reason(not done in an affectionate manner and in a public place)   the Minhag is to dance with the Kallah  (hand in hand*) so that her husband will love her or for the Kovod of her father, however, Talmidei Chachamim, should refrain” (dancing with the Kallah)
The Bach adds that in his country (Galicia) “the Minhag was, even for Gedolim to dance with the Kallah. Where the Minhag is to dance you  may  keep the Minhag, where there is no such Minhag then there is an Issur (to dance with the Kallah).”
Poskim  who  opposed this Minhag, (hand in hand dancing) called  this a Mitzvah Haboh Ba'aveiroh.(=Aveiroh dance)
Eventually the Rabonim managed to abolish this Minhag of dancing hand in hand with the Kallah and instituted instead to dance with the Kallah by holding on to a napkin that was held on the other end by the Kallah.
Hence this new Minhag became a Mitzvah Tanz** instead of an Aveiroh Tanz.
(Chasidim replaced the napkin for a Gartel a) had no napkins- b) longer and further away from Kallah)

For the father and grandfathers of the Kallah there never was a problem holding hands so  the original Minhag remained and they dance holding hands.

Monday, December 5, 2016

רבי רבי רבי איך וויל זיך מקשר זיין צו דיר

רבי רבי רבי איך וויל זיך מקשר זיין צו דיר

The lyrics to this song are based on the Tefillah 
of the Breslover Chasidim who say before
every Tefillah.
הריני מקשר את עצמי עם ר' נחמן בן פיגא*

The Steipler zt"l said they don't really
mean it when saying it, otherwise according
to the Nefesh Hachayim it would be considered
Avodah Zarah Mamash.

*shortened version

The Four Questions

The four questions   די פיר קושיות 

Yakov gives Rochel a secret code, so that her father
won't cheat him. Rochel decides on her own, to disclose it
to her sister Leah so that she will not be embarrassed.

1) What right does Rochel have giving away the secret
code she was entrusted with?

2) Shouldn’t she have told Yakov right at the beginning that
she can’t go along with this scheme? (not to embarrass Leah)

3) Why was Yackov not concerned with Leah’s embarrassment?

4) What right did Leah have to fraudulently marry Yakov?


Thursday, December 1, 2016



According to the Aruch Hashulchan (O.Ch.1:26)*,
Kohanim need to stand when saying Korbanos.

The Satmar Rebbe

  Parshas Hashavua אחרי  The Satmar Rebbe, R Yoilish Teitelbaum Zt"l was asked why he was so harsh and critical of כלל ישראל . Why co...