Monday, November 30, 2015

Why children should not light Chanukah licht?

Rite-Lite Judaica Polished Silvertone Menorah

Why children should not light Chanukah licht?

Harav Elyashuv’s  zt”l  held,

“ A child who is under Bar Mitzvah and has
reached the age of Chinuch
should not light his own Chanukah candles. He
should rather be Yotzei from an adult’s lighting.”
Mitzvas Chinuch, requires the child  perform the Mitzvah
in the same manner as an adult would have done
to be Yotzei.  
To be mekayam Chinuch you can’t have a child
shake a lemon or a Pasul Esrog.  Chinuch requires the child to
use only a Kosher Esrog etc.

Rav Elyashuv's Chidush is, being an adult can’t be Yotzei with the
lighting of the child, הדליקה חרש שוטה וקטן, לא עשה כלום   
so too when the child is lighting for himself it is  Pasul and you
are not mekayam Chinuch with his lighting. Therefore
it is preferable for the adult to light for the child.

There are Mitzvos Sh’begufo where this rule would not apply.
Eating Matzah or eating in the Sukkah etc., since you can’t have
an adult do it for them (Mitzvah Sh’beguf) Chazal originally
instituted the Chinuch even when the child's performance
would not be  valid for an adult. (אינו בר דעת )
This exception will also hold true for Kiddush, Birkas  Hamazon
Brochos ,etc.  Even though  an adult can be Motzie him, since he
is only Yotzei as שומע כעונה  as if he said it himself  there is no
advantage having an adult make Kiddush/Brochos for the child.

Did You Know (106)

                Donuts or Pizza?
In Shulchan Aruch there is no mention to eat
food fried in oil on Chanukah.

The Rema does write to eat cheese on Chanukah

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Question Of The Day

Daf Hashavua
Sotah 33a
אל ישאל אדם צרכיו בלשון ארמי – הא ביחיד הא בציבור

How  can  we sing at home (no Minyan) the last two stanzas in Koh Ribon Olam? (Aramaic)

In the last two stanzas we ask  Hashem in Aramaic  to redeem his nation from Galus, and to return to the Bais Hamikdosh. (Bakoshos B'yachid Aramaic)

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

הוא מצבת קברת רחל עד היום

 R. Yehuda Dovid Eisensteinע"ה in his autobiography has
an entry from June 7th 1899* Erev R.Chodesh Tamuz.
He writes he visited Kever Rochel in Bais Lechem.
“Men & women come there every Erev Rosh Chodesh
to light candles and Daven. The exact spot where Rochel
Is buried is unknown because there are other Kevorim
with Matzeivos there**. They are not exactly sure which
one is Kever Rochel. It doesen’t really matter  because the
Matzeivos  within the approximate area brings out the
התעוררות  and הרגשות  (emotions and feelings) and the
historical memories. There is  no need  to investigate the
exact stone and  location of Kevuras Rochel.”

Today we have one large tomb that is probably covering
the multiple stones.  One of them was Matzeivas Rochel.

We are all familiar with Yakov placing stones around his
head and in the morning they all became one stone.

There were multiple Matzeivos around the Kever where
Rochel is buried. Somehow they all disappeared and one
large tomb replaced them.

*50 years after Moses Montefiore renovated Kever Rochel.
** R. Binyamin (from) Todelo  who visited E.Y  in the year

1170, describes Kever Rochel having 11 stones.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Father or Mother

Sefardim engrave on the Matzeiva, the name of
the Niftar  and the Niftar’s mother's name.

Ashkenazim engrave  the name of
the Niftar and the Niftar’s father's name.

Recently  Ashkenazim have a Minhag to add another
line at the bottom, and write Sheim Imoi/Imoh -----

The vast majority of the old Kevorim in Eretz Yisroel
had no engraving at all.

Rabbi Yechiel Michel Tukachinsky zt"l, writes*, in the year 1928,
the Jerusalem Museum exihibited old coffins and bones
which were found on Har Hatzofim.  He went with Rav A.Y.
Kook zt”l and managed to convince the Museum to
return the bones for reburial.
(interesting- quiet Shtadlonus without public protests & riots,
 can sometimes be effective as well)
The Museum insisted  to keep the coffins. R.Y.M.T. noted
there were 23 coffins, from two families. 10 came from
one family and 13 from the other family.
4 of the 10 had engraved only the name. (Yehuda, Chana,
Miriam, Yehuda) The other 6 had no engraving at all.

The other family had all 13 coffins engraved. Two had
names without the father. Three had the name followed by
the word” Ben” (son) fathers name was illegible. Two women
both were called  Shalom. One was Eishes Yehudah, the other was
Eishes Elozor. One was Shimon Avi (father of) Yosef.  The other
five had  their names the sons of their  fathers.

These coffins were from Zman Bayis Sheini and followed
the Ashkenazi Minhag of naming the father, not the

Gesher Hachayim  2  p205


Krias Hatorah is a Chovas Hatzibur.
The Birchas Shmuel (R. Baruch Ber zt”l) writes in the name of his Rebbe R. Chaim zt”l, “ Unlike Tefillah where 6 out of 10 is O.K., For Kerias Hatorah you need all 10 people who participate, to do Krias Hatorah."


It is customary when you call up the last speaker at a simcha or
function to say  "Achron Achron Chaviv".
It is also customary  to honour special people with Bracha Achrita.

                        Is last, more of a kibud than the ones before?

The phrase Achron Achron Chaviv  comes from Rashi in Parshas Vayishlach .
Yakov placed his family to stand in front of Eisav , in the order of his love for them.
Hence, first the Shfochos & their children then Leah & her children and Achron
Achron Chaviv. Rochel & Yosef. ( distanced farthest   from Eisav)
They were placed there for greater protection and has nothing to do
with Kavod.

It is very likely that the last Kibud is the least of the kibudim and the phrase
is used, when calling up the last one, just
to appease him for getting the last (least) Kibud.

The Gemoro in Gittin 60a & Shulchan Aruch O.Ch. 136 lists whom to call up
to the Torah after Kohen & Levi. The Gemoro says you start with the most
Chashva person (Talmid Chacham& Parnes ) until you get to the last two Aliyos
(Shishi* & Shevi’ie) where everyone can be Oleh.  According to the Gemoro and
Shulchan Aruch , last Aliyos  are the least Kibud.

The Mishna Verurah  (136 sk5) writes in the name of the Achronim , Today the Minhag
Is for the Godol Hatzibur (The Rov etc.) to be mesayem the sidrah  (takes Achron.)

There might be two reasons for this practice. a) אין המצוה נקראת אלא על מי שגומרה
b) The Rabonim who are Oleh Achron are practicing humility. (Praven Anivus)

For this reason Shishi became a Chashuva Aliyah. Being the Gemoro says that
From Shishi and on everyone may be Oleh, there were Rabonim who were humble
and asked to be called up for Shishi . Eventually it became the Chashuva Aliya, to
be given to Rabonim.

*The Zohar disagrees with the Bavli and considers Shishi as a Chashuva Aliya.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

נר ה' נשמת אדם

Ner Mitzvah 9 Day Memorial Yahrtzeit Candle Pack of Two

     לז"נ רות בת ר' צבי יהודה - ופעסל בת ר' בונים ע"ה
יום השנה ז' כסלו                        
נר ה' נשמת אדם                                      
There is no mention in all of Shas
about Ner Neshamah (Yahrzeit Licht)

The Mishna in Ms.Brachos (53a) that says not to use a Ner Shel
Meisim for Havdalah,refers to a candle used for the Levaya etc.
and not a Yahrzeit candle, which probably may be used for Havdalah.

The Gemoro in Kesubos (103a) Rebbie left a Tzavo’oh  with his
sons to have a candle burning  at the table,  refers  to
Shabbos candles.

The first mention of Ner Neshama is probably the Kol Bo in
Hilchos Yom Kipurim. The Kol Bo writes to light a Ner
for deceased parents, on Erev Yom Kippur, so they will have
a Kapparah.

It is very likely, the parents have a Kapparah,because
of  ברא מזכה אבא  , The Mitzvohs a child does benefits
the deceased parents.
The Tur writes (630) There is a special Inyan to have
lots of candles in Shul on Yom Kippur.
In the olden days, the largest and one of the few
expenses  a Shul had, was Ner Lamo’or. Bees wax

was a very expensive commodity .

It is very possible, the Chachamim tried to entice  people
to donate Ner Lamo’or, so they attached the special
Segulah of Kappara for the Meisim, a Siman Tov for the
living and the Ner Hashem Nishmas Adam for a Yahrzeit.

The Ksav Sofer (Shu”t O.Ch 68) is Matir to light a
Yahrzeit candle (preferably in Shul) on Yom Tov
because people consider lighting Yahrzeit  Licht more

of a Mitzvah than any other Mitzvah  in the Torah.

So not to be sad on Yom Tov (שמחת יו"ט ) he may light it

even though it is לא לצורך   

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

two seven year olds

The Chasam Sofer (Toras Moshe Parshas Ki Sisa
dh  ואעשה אותך לגוי גדול  ) writes a Dvar Toireh he
said as a seven year old child.
The Megaleh Amukos (Parshas Bo) writes a long
Drasha in Kabalah from his son Shlomo who was a
seven year old, at the time.

Many are unaware

                                                Many are unaware

The Toras Moshe Chasam Sofer Al Hatorah was compiled by Harav R. Shimon
Sofer zt”l son of the Ksav Sofer. He writes he used the notes of R Yehuda
Frankfuter and the Maharam Shick zt”l*  and also added Toirehs from a Sefer in a
Ksav Yad named שיר מעון that has no Mechabers name

Eventually it was discovered the Mechaber of the Sefer שיר מעון is non other but
R. Shimon Sofer himself.

There are more than 200 Shtiklach Torah from the שיר מעון printed in the
Chasam Sofer. Some of them are clearly marked at the end מספר שיר מעון    
most are marked simply מש"מ

Many who learn the Chasam Sofer Al Hatorah are not aware
that some entries of Divrei Torah are not from the Chasam Sofer but from
his grand son.

An Einikel from R. Shimon Sofer, R. Moshe Yosef Paskesz,  reprinted the Chasam
Sofer 21 times. In the 21st edition , R. M.Y.P. explains why his Zaidah
 published his own Torah together with the Chasam Sofer.

He says  “ His Zaidah (R.S. Sofer) wrote the Sefer שיר מעון and because of his Anivus
didn’t publicize himself as the Mechaber. He was struggling with
himself if it is the right thing to do  to combine his own Toireh together with the
Chasam Sofers.

One day they noticed that he was fasting. When asked, he told them he had a
vision of the Chasam Sofer revealing himself and gave him permission
to combine his Toireh with the ChasamSofer’s Toireh. Hence he printed them

*both, Talmidei Chasam Sofer

Monday, November 16, 2015

Did You Know (103)

The Meiri (Moed Katan 9a) writes:
 “A person should always cherish a Bracha from a Talmid Chacham. He should attempt with all his might to receive  a Bracha from him.”

Friday, November 13, 2015

Why 2 days Rosh Chodesh?

Why 2 days Rosh Chodesh?
The Chida in Machzik Bracha (108) quotes Reb Yeshaya mi Trani (Tosfos Rid) who says that the two days Rosh Chodesh is not because of Safek.  Had it been because of Safek we would have had to have every Rosh Chodesh two days.

Reb Akiva Eiger (O.Ch. Hagohos 108:11) in the name of the Binyan Ariel writes two days Rosh Chodesh was instituted because of the times when they had a Safek.
It would seem that this same Machlokeh would be between R. Doseh & Rabanan (Eiruvin39a)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Did You Know (102)

Women doing laundry on Rosh Chodesh.

According to
1) Reb Shlomo Zalman  Auerbach & Rav Elyashuv zt”l: 
Women may launder in a wash machine

2) R. Chaim Kaniyevski  Shlita argues, but
holds that women may load the machine
and  a male should push the button.

3) R. Nissim Karelitz Shlita holds women

shouldn’t even load the machine.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Did You Know (101)

Reb Shlom Zalman Aurebach 
According to Harav Hagaon Reb Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt”l:
Someone  who forgot to say Ya’aleh Veyavo and needs to repeat the Shemoneh Esrai,must do so with a Minyan.
However, there is no need to travel 1 Mil./ 4 Mil. to find a Minyan for the second Shemoneh Esrai.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Thursday, November 5, 2015

How much did it cost ?

Cost of מערת המכפלה

Based on silver @$17.00 per oz.
Avraham Avinu would have paid for
the Mearas Hamachpeila
$263,842.00  or $10,193,897.00

The Gemoro in Bechoros 50a says that the Shekelim
Avraham gave to Efron were Kantarin.(400 Kantarin)

A Kantor (Cent) is*    x100  (multiply by a 100) Shekel
assuming a Shekel = 11grm. X100 = 1100 grm (1.1 kg.)
1.1 x400 = 440kg.

440x 35.273** = 15,520.12oz x  $17.00

=$263,842 .00
or $10,193,897.00

*  Sefer Midos Veshiurei Hatorah claims
a Kantor = 42.5 kg.According to him the
cost would be $10,193,897.00

**1kg. = 35.273 oz.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

R.Yehuda Hachasid ?

Daf Hashavua
Sotah 10b
אמר שמואל סבא חמוה דרב שמואל בר אמי
Father-in-law and son in law both with

same name. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

אינה בת עונשין ?

לז"נ איש החסד והמעש
ר' משה יוסף בן ר' שמעיהו זצ"ל

יום השנה, כ"א מרחשון

The Chasam Sofer (Shu”t Y.D. 2 :155) writes in the name of
The Achronim “You can’t rely on the Agadah of בת כ' לא חטאה
שהרי אינה בת עונשין .
According to Halacha, once you become a Gadol with years
(13 -12) and Simanim, you are Chayav all the Chiyuvei Torah
of Bais Din Shel Ma’aloh and Matoh".
The Chasam Sofer claims the Shiur of 20 years
Is applicable only on Aveiros of the Dor Hamidbor
or  Aveiros of Kodem Matan Torah. This does not apply
today on any of the Taryag Mitzvohs.

Story told by Rav Shach zt"l

ממשה עד משה לא קם עוד כמשה                           
Since Moshe Rabeinu brought down the Torah, Never in history  has there been a person who  together with his Mishpocho supported and benefited so many Lomdei Torah and funded so many Mosdos Hatorah, as Reb Moshe Yosef Reichmann zt”l . יהי זכרו ברוך
יום השנה כ"א מרחשון

Reb Baruch Ber Zeldovich together with his brother in law & business partner R.Ber Pinnes were one of the greatest Ba’alei Tzedaka in Russia during the 19th century.They supported most Yeshivos & Mosdos Hachesed in Russia.
Reb Chaim Soloveitchik zt"l once came to Minsk to collect funds for the Volozhiner Yeshiva, which was in a desperate financial situation. Reb Baruch Ber donated the full amount the Yeshiva needed. Being that his partner -R' Ber was out of town, so R. Baruch Ber took the whole sum from his own personal account.

When Reb Ber Pinnes returned, he claimed that he had been a partner with R. Baruch in every venture for many years, and therefore, the saving of the Volozhin yeshiva was an investment that he was entitled to buy into equally with R.Baruch. This argument  ended  at a  Din Torah. (The outcome of the Din Torah is unknown.)

Once a bribe was needed for an anti-Semitic minister in the government . R. Baruch Ber  donated 30,000 Rubles for the cause and risked  himself by being the one who handed the money (bribe) personally to the minister.
Years later R.Baruch Ber became a Yored Minechosov. He lost all his money.
When it was asked from R.Chaim Soloveitchik “ How is it possible for such a great Ba’al Tzedakah to lose his money?” R. Chaim answered with a Moshol.
A father who sent away his son to university  to study at  a specific faculty . After the son  successfully completed the course, his father  sent him to a different department to study a new & different  course. 
So too, explained R. Chaim, When a person successfully completes his mission in life with flying colours
and accomplishes it in fewer years than expected from him, then HKBH gives him a new mission to fulfill. R. Baruch Ber’s new mission was to serve Hashem as a none Gvir.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Did You Know (98)

According to Harav Y.S. Elyashuv zt”l, The words
of the Chasam Sofer are accepted as הלכה למעשה
regardless if he wrote it in the Teshuvos or  in
the Chidushim* on Shas.

*elsewhere not considered Halacha L'ma'aseh

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