Monday, November 23, 2015


It is customary when you call up the last speaker at a simcha or
function to say  "Achron Achron Chaviv".
It is also customary  to honour special people with Bracha Achrita.

                        Is last, more of a kibud than the ones before?

The phrase Achron Achron Chaviv  comes from Rashi in Parshas Vayishlach .
Yakov placed his family to stand in front of Eisav , in the order of his love for them.
Hence, first the Shfochos & their children then Leah & her children and Achron
Achron Chaviv. Rochel & Yosef. ( distanced farthest   from Eisav)
They were placed there for greater protection and has nothing to do
with Kavod.

It is very likely that the last Kibud is the least of the kibudim and the phrase
is used, when calling up the last one, just
to appease him for getting the last (least) Kibud.

The Gemoro in Gittin 60a & Shulchan Aruch O.Ch. 136 lists whom to call up
to the Torah after Kohen & Levi. The Gemoro says you start with the most
Chashva person (Talmid Chacham& Parnes ) until you get to the last two Aliyos
(Shishi* & Shevi’ie) where everyone can be Oleh.  According to the Gemoro and
Shulchan Aruch , last Aliyos  are the least Kibud.

The Mishna Verurah  (136 sk5) writes in the name of the Achronim , Today the Minhag
Is for the Godol Hatzibur (The Rov etc.) to be mesayem the sidrah  (takes Achron.)

There might be two reasons for this practice. a) אין המצוה נקראת אלא על מי שגומרה
b) The Rabonim who are Oleh Achron are practicing humility. (Praven Anivus)

For this reason Shishi became a Chashuva Aliyah. Being the Gemoro says that
From Shishi and on everyone may be Oleh, there were Rabonim who were humble
and asked to be called up for Shishi . Eventually it became the Chashuva Aliya, to
be given to Rabonim.

*The Zohar disagrees with the Bavli and considers Shishi as a Chashuva Aliya.

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