Thursday, November 19, 2015

נר ה' נשמת אדם

Ner Mitzvah 9 Day Memorial Yahrtzeit Candle Pack of Two

     לז"נ רות בת ר' צבי יהודה - ופעסל בת ר' בונים ע"ה
יום השנה ז' כסלו                        
נר ה' נשמת אדם                                      
There is no mention in all of Shas
about Ner Neshamah (Yahrzeit Licht)

The Mishna in Ms.Brachos (53a) that says not to use a Ner Shel
Meisim for Havdalah,refers to a candle used for the Levaya etc.
and not a Yahrzeit candle, which probably may be used for Havdalah.

The Gemoro in Kesubos (103a) Rebbie left a Tzavo’oh  with his
sons to have a candle burning  at the table,  refers  to
Shabbos candles.

The first mention of Ner Neshama is probably the Kol Bo in
Hilchos Yom Kipurim. The Kol Bo writes to light a Ner
for deceased parents, on Erev Yom Kippur, so they will have
a Kapparah.

It is very likely, the parents have a Kapparah,because
of  ברא מזכה אבא  , The Mitzvohs a child does benefits
the deceased parents.
The Tur writes (630) There is a special Inyan to have
lots of candles in Shul on Yom Kippur.
In the olden days, the largest and one of the few
expenses  a Shul had, was Ner Lamo’or. Bees wax

was a very expensive commodity .

It is very possible, the Chachamim tried to entice  people
to donate Ner Lamo’or, so they attached the special
Segulah of Kappara for the Meisim, a Siman Tov for the
living and the Ner Hashem Nishmas Adam for a Yahrzeit.

The Ksav Sofer (Shu”t O.Ch 68) is Matir to light a
Yahrzeit candle (preferably in Shul) on Yom Tov
because people consider lighting Yahrzeit  Licht more

of a Mitzvah than any other Mitzvah  in the Torah.

So not to be sad on Yom Tov (שמחת יו"ט ) he may light it

even though it is לא לצורך   

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