Friday, May 29, 2015

Did You Know (50) (51)

According to the Toras Chaim,
Ta'anis Chalom  works only when fasting on the
following day (even on Shabbos) after the dream.
The same applies to the Tefillah "Ribono Shel Olam,"
said during Birkas Kohanim. It works only on dreams
you had the night before.
The Biur Halacha (130) quotes the Machtzis Hashekel
not to say the The Tefilah for Chalomos on the second
day Yom Tov unless you dreamt the night before.
The Velt firt zich nisht azoi. The B.H. concludes you
shouldn't start with Chalom Chalamti which is not
true if you havn't dreamt.You should start instead
at Yehi Ratzon Sheyiyu Kol Chalamoisai 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

More On Mesechtas Nedarim

The only Mesechte in whole of Shas that has a header on top
of every page with the word "Rashi"  is Meseches NEDARIM.

The Pirush under the header, is definitely not Rashi.

Some say it was written by the Rivan*- son in law of Rashi.

The Maharsha wrote two Seforim (Chidushei Halachos & Chidushei Agodos) on most Mesechtos in Shas.

The Chidushei Halachos on Meseches Nedarim has no Chidushim whatsoever. The whole Sefer has only corrections on the mistakes in the Mesechte.

* R. Yehuda ben Noson

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Meseches Nedarim

R. Yehdai Gaon writes (year 760):

For more than one hundred years both yeshivas (Pumbedusa & Sura) hasn't been learning  Meseches Nedarim.

When the first Shas was printed  by R. Yehoshua Shlomo and his son R Gershom Soncino , they printed only those Mesechtos the Yeshivos were learning.

Click Here To Buy A Schottenstein Daf Yomi Edition of the Talmud - English [#29] - Nedarim volume 1 (folios 2a-45a) from amazon

Meseches Nedarim was not printed because it was one of the Mesechtos not learned in the Yeshivos.
Meseches Nedarim was neglected for about 800 years.

אנן לא גרסינן נדרים ולא ידעינן לאסור ולהתיר בהלא נדר 
ולא שבועה (ר' יהודאי גאון )
It was a non-Jew, Danille Bomberg* the first one, to print the complete Shas** including Mesechta  Nedarim.
Only after the printing of the Bomberg Shas , did Meseches Nedarim become part of Shas and Yeshivos started learning it. 

If not for Bomberg, Mesechta  Nedarim might not have been part of the Daf of today.

*born in Antwerp Belgium
** printed in Venice 1520 -23 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

How to count the Omer-The last day

 לז"נ הרב שמואל ב"ר מנחם דונאטה  זצ"ל
                                                                                                                                                                         יום השנה  ג' סיון

The Chok Yackov* O. Ch. 489 quotes the Mahril that on the last day of Sefirah you
count היום תשעה וארבעים יום שהם שבעה שבועות בעומר ומחרתו ערב שבועות

The Pri Megadim asks ," where did the Mahril get this din and why would you need 
to add Umachroso Erev Shavuos to the counting of the last day of the Sefirah".

If you look inside the Mahril you will see that:

The Mahril says that on the last day you count Tisha V’arbaim Yom S’haim Shivah Shavuos  Baomer . PERIOD- STOP –NEW SENTENCE - Umachroso Erev Shavouos . 

This is not part of the counting, just  starting a new sentence and telling you about the following day.

Did You Know (49)

According to the Ben Ish Chai:

When saying the Lesheim Yichud on the last day counting the Omer one should skip the words “Sheva Shabosos” otherwise  you might have been Yotze with that, the Sefira (of weeks) and can’t make a Bracha, anymore.

Click Here To Buy Golden Apples: Parables of the Ben Ish Chai (ArtScroll (Mesorah))

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Target Thanks A Billion: Have Target Donate $25 To The School Of Your Choice

A Great way to help your child school without costing you anything .

Target is giving $25 to the school of your choice for every thank you that you write to a teacher 


My Kashye On The Magen Avrohom And The Chasam Sofer

The Mogen Avraham #494 asks:
How can we say on the first day of Shavuos “ Yom Matan Toraseinu”  when Chazal tell us “ Hakol Modim Beshivah Nitnah Torah”.
Every body agrees the Torah was given on the seventh  and not on the sixth of Sivan.
The Chasam Sofer (Drashos Shavuos)  answers the Magen Avraham’s Kushya.
 I can’t understand  the M. A. Kushya and why the Chasam Sofer needs to answer it.
 The question doesn’t even begin:
The Nusach we have for the last thousand years is “Zman Matan” not Yom Matan.

Umitzvah Leyashev

If you have an answer please leave a comment in the comment section below or e-mail to 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Four Corner Challa

We all know of Schlissel Challa. Few heard of Four Corner Challa.

Schlissel Challah's first Mekor is in the name of the Ohev Yisrael (Apte Rebbe)

Four Corner Challa's Mekor is one of the Rishonim.

The Kol Bo (52) writes:

"The Minhag is for women to bake on Shavuos a long bread with four corners (points) lezecher the Shtei Halechem (looks like 2 breads) or because  Mazel Sivan is Teomim (twins)"

There is no Parnassa Segulah attached to this Minhag. Probably this is the reason, the Minhag hasn't survived.

The Sholosh Shavous -Daf Yomi

The Gemoro says on the Pasuk in Shir Hashirim:
                        השבעתי אתכם בנות ירושלים

The 3 Shvuos Hashem made. 2 with the Bnei Yisroel and 1 with the Goyim.

1) They should not go up (to E. Yisroel) all together by force like a wall

2) They should not rebel against the Goyim

3) The Goyim should not oppress the Yidden  harshly .

The Satmarer Rebbe, R, Yoel Teitelbaum zt"l writes in the Hakdama to his Sefer VaYoel Moishe:

 "The sin that brought the Holocaust to the Jewish nation, was for transgressing the שלש שבועות . (Zionism)."

The Avnei Nezer (Y.D. 2: 454)  writes on the Agedeta of the שלש שבועות

“ It is a very difficult Agada, and from Hashem I will ask to guide me—“

One of the many question he has on the Agada is:

You can be Mashbia others only if the Nishba accepts the Shevua. 

The Ramban writes “When Moishe was Mashbia the Bnei Yisrael to accept the Torah , they accepted the Shvua,  as Rashi says on the Pasuk of אלה דברי הברית - they accepted the Torah
באלה ובשבועה  . Also, on Har Grizim & Har Aivol they  answered Amen on the Shvuah.

Where and when did the Bnei Yisrael accept the 3 Shvuos?

We don’t find Shlomo Hamelech to have gathered the Bnei Yisroel for them to be Mashbia them to accept the  3 Shvuos.

Furthermore, exactly  whom, where, when and how  was he Mashbia the Goyim?

The Avnei Nezer answers, “The Zohar asks ,when Hashem went to the other nations to accept the Torah, to whom exactly was this proposal presented, and which Navi of theirs rejected the Torah?”

The Zohar answers “ Hashem went to their  שר (Angel in charge of  the nation) in heaven.

Similarly  the 3 Shvuos were not done with the physical Bnei Yisroel, but with the שורש נשמותיהן למעלה .(their Neshama)

That’s why it says השבעתי אתכם בנות ירושלים

The Zohar in Parshas ויחי writes that “Bnos Yerushalayim” refers  to the Neshama.

We find this concept in Chazal of Mashbi’in Es Haneshama  before it enters this world  תהא צדיק ואל תהא רשע

This Shvua is only for the Neshama and not for the Guf . The Bnei Yisrael were required to physically accept the Shvua in the times of Moishe, otherwise they would not have been punished for transgressing any of the Mitzvos.

The Avnei Nezer concludes that since the 3 Shvuos were only with the Neshama and not the Guf,
there is no punishment* for transgressing them.

*He has a lengthy explanation on
אם לאו אני מתיר בשרכם

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Saffron - $2,000/lb

Saffron - $2,000/lb

Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world and comes from
the saffron crocus flower. It takes 75,000 dried filaments from the
flower to make one pound of saffron

What does Saffron have to do with the Yom Tov of Shavuos?

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Which Two Days

There is a certain action that is forbidden to do only
on two days (weekdays) of the year.

One of two the days is on Hoshana Rabba.

1) What action is forbidden to do on those two days?

2) When is the other day?


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

What Is The Scenario ?

Two Shuls,located in two different countries ( A+B)

The Rav in Shul A gets a different Aliya than the Rav in Shul B.

The only difference between the Shuls, is the location.(same Minhagim etc.)


Monday, May 11, 2015

Did You Know

According to the Mogen Avraham (428):

If the Kriah of the week is (only) Bechukosai (this year in E.Y.) then the Rov should
be Moichel his Shlishi to the person who gets the Tochocho.

The Rov should get Revi'ie.

Parshas Bechokoisai-The Minhag Of Mi Sheyirtza

The Mekor Chaim *(137) enumerates the Chiyuvim, to be
Oleh Latorah, according to Minhagei Vermeize (Worms).

Amongst the Chiyuvim is Mi Sheyirtza (Whoever wants). His Chiyuv for an Aliyah is on the first day of Shavuos and on the first day of Rosh Hashana.

1) How do you become a Chiyuv just because you want ?

2) Why on the first days of Shavouos and Rosh Hashana ?

*Chavas Yair


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Historical facts, very few know of-Lag Baomer -Taamei Haminhagim

One hundred years ago there lived in Lemberg a Shochet named, Reb Avraham Yitzchok Sperling 

As a young man he was always interested in Minhagim and the reasons behind them.

He collected hundreds of Minhagim with their reasons and published the Sefer "Ta'amei HaMinhagim."

This Sefer was an instant success as a best seller. It was reprinted at least six times in his
lifetime. (unheard of in those days)

The original Sefer had only three entries for Lag Baomer:

1) Tachanun is not said.

2) Children play with bows & arrow.

3) To increase lit candles.

The reason for so few entries is because in those days Lag Baomer, in
Chutz Laaretz was a very minor occasion even for Chasidim..

To be continued....
Click Here TO Buy Reasons for Jewish Customs and Traditions (Ta-amei Ha-Minhagim) on Amazon

Four Questions For Lag Baomer

1) Where is Kever Rashbi located ?

2) When was Rashbi niftar ?

3) Who wrote the Zohar ?

4) How can you bring nachas to Rashbi 

(guaranteed) ?


Dancing In A Cemetery

                                                HALACHA V’LO L’MA’ASEH

In Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 368 – 1 it says:

In a Bais Hakvoros you may not behave lightheartedly (Kalus Rosh)*. The Mechaber
and the Rema enumerate in detail a long list of things that are considered Kalus Rosh,
(relieving oneself, eating & drinking, reading and learning etc. -- )

Dancing  & music in a Bais Hakvoros is not  listed as a Kalus Rosh behaviour.

What is the reason there is no mention of  dancing  & music as Kalus Rosh? 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

סוד ל"ג בעומר חתם סופר

There are seven parts to a day   (Sheva  Bayom  Hillalticha Tehillim 119)
7 weeks x 7 days x7parts of the day (7x7x7)                                          = 343
Lag =33 + Omer = 310       (Lag Omer)                                                      = 343
Hod x Hod (15 x15)                                                                                      = 225
Minim Ugov   (represents the sefira of Hod,*)                                       = 225
225 Reish Kof Hei ריש כף הה (bemiluo)                                                     = 620
2 x Shai Olamos  310 x2 (Tzadik v’Tzadik )                                              = 620
Keser     כתר     (for Tzadikim)                                                                   = 620
Kareis    כרת       (for Reshaim)                                                                  = 620

*10 Hallellu Kos = 10 sefiros  (Tehilim 150)

Monday, May 4, 2015

Who was Rabbi Meir Baal Haness?

Who was Rabbi Meir Baal Haness?

We all are familiar of the Tanna R.Meir. His original name was Meisha .
 They called him R. Mier because he lit up the eyes of the Chachamim
in Halacha. (Eruvin  13b).

R. Mier was niftar in Asia (Chutz Laaretz)  He asked that his body be
placed on the sea being E.Y. is surrounded by 7 seas. (Yerushalmi  Kelaim perek 9  hl.3)
According to the  Yerushalmi it is not clear if his body ever ended up  buried in E.Y.

One of the first sources  that mentions R. Mier’s  burial  place in E. Y. is in the
Sefer Gelilos Haaretz. He writes that R. Mier is buried in the city of Tveryah.

The Seder Hadoros  quotes the same  Sefer Gelilos Haaretz  who writes  R. Yitzchock
 from Gush Chalav and R. Mier Baal Haness are both buried in Gush Chalav. The
Gelilos Haaretz writes that he doesn’t know who they were.
(Seder Hadoros & Gelilos Haaretz never heard of  R. Mier  Baal Haness.)

Sefer Zichron Yackov  (vol 2 p 30) writes about the pushkas  that were  named
after  an” Ish  Chasid  V’kadosh who lived in Eretz Hakodesh a few hundred years
ago. He was famous – and was called R. Mier Baal Haness”.

Two of the most respected Frum historians (R. Yechiel Heilprin, Seder Hadoros  & R. Yackov
Lipshutz ,Zichron Yackov ) both held , R. Mier Bal Haness  is not  the Tanna R.Mier.

 1)                       R.M. is buried in Tveryah    RMBH is buried in Gush Chalav

 2)                       Seder Hadoros & Gelilos Haaretz don’t know who R.M.B.H. was

 3)                       Zichron Yackov claims R.M.B.H. lived a few hundred years ago
                           R.M. lived two thousand years ago.
  4)                     To donate  L’iluy  Nishmas a Tanna  who was niftar 2,000 years ago
                           sounds  very strange. 
                           A Neshama from 2000 years has reached it’s peak a long time ago.

  5)                     The Loshon, Baal Haness is not found in Shas.  In  Shas

                           we only find the term Melumad Banisim.

Whose Minhag is it ?

R. Y. M. Tukaczhinsky zt"l (Sefer Eretz Yisroel 18-3) writes “ the
Sefardim & Chasidim celebrate Lag Baomer and light fires.”

Seems,  non Chasidic Ashkenazim have no such Minhag .(in E.Y.)

The Minchas Elozor 4-60 (Chasidic Rebbe) writes “ Lag Baomer
celebrations (music & dancing etc.) are only for Bnei  Eretz Yisroel.
In Chutz La'aretz these celebrations are strange and haughty .
כזרות יחשב וכיוהרא  “

 Seems, in Chutz La'aretz even Chasidim have no Minhag of
celebrating Lag Baomer.
Not to deviate from your  Minhagim & Mesorah, means
you don't search for & follow new Minhagim, your
parents/ grandparents  haven't heard of or done so

Friday, May 1, 2015

Vort On This Weeks Parsha -Achrei Mos- Kedoshim

Vayikra 16 : 21 the Pasuk says , וסמך אהרן--- ושלח ביד איש עתי המדברה .
The next Pasuk (22) it says again ושלח את השעיר במדבר  .

R. Y.B. Soloveitchik zt”l (Boston) explains*, there were two Shlichos done.
In Pasuk 21,The Meshaleiach (sender) was the Kohen Gadol. The Ish Iti was the Shliach
of the Kohen Gadol (Ahron) . His mission was to bring the שעיר   into the Midbar. As
soon as it arrived in the Midbar, The Kohen Gadols responsibility was done with. At
this point the K.G. may do the Krieah (reading) of the Parsha.
This is what the Mishna is telling us, אמרו לו לכ"ג הגיע שעיר למדבר   

In Pasuk 22 the sender is not the Kohen Gadol but the Ish Iti . (for Klall Yisroel)
The Ish Iti sends (delivers) the שעיר  to the צוק 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ובזה  מיושב הרבה דיוקים
                                                                                                                                                                                                         * שיעורי הגרי"ד  

The Ish Iti always died within the year. They picked a person whom

they knew (בקי בחכמת המזלות ) wouldn't survive the year.    (ילקוט ראובני )

Whose Minhag is it ?

R. Y. M. Tukaczhinsky zt"l (Sefer Eretz Yisroel 18-3) writes “ the
Sefardim & Chasidim celebrate Lag Baomer and light fires.”

Seems,  non Chasidic Ashkenazim have no such Minhag .(in E.Y.)

The Minchas Elozor 4-60 (Chasidic Rebbe) writes “ Lag Baomer
celebrations (music & dancing etc.) are only for Bnei  Eretz Yisroel.
In Chutz La'aretz these celebrations are strange and haughty .
כזרות יחשב וכיוהרא  “

 Seems, in Chutz La'aretz even Chasidim have no Minhag of
celebrating Lag Baomer.
Not to deviate from your  Minhagim & Mesorah, means
you don't search for & follow new Minhagim, your
parents/ grandparents  haven't heard of or done so.

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