Tuesday, March 31, 2015

קונטרס ואת עמלינו- FREE DOWNLOAD-TODAY ONLY 2nd edition

Just send an e-mail that you are interested in the free kuntres to torasaba2000@gmail.com 

Topics Include :

1.            Zohar Moshe Rabeinu died twice
2.             Chalas Oni – Most popular Jewish name
3.             How many times Shabbos Hagadol in a year?- Shehecheyonu for Bedikas Chametz
4.             Why Shabbos Hagadol ?
5.             Infants fasting –  Chacham fun de Ma Nishtana
6.             Why no Urchatz for Mayim Achronim
7.             Eliyahu Hanavi at the door     
8.             Yagen Haz is not a yogurt
9.             Double dipping
10.         Chumra not to steal
11.         Mordechai Richlers grandfather and the fifth cup
12.         The Mitzvah of not doing it—Who understands will understand
13.         365 days from Pesach
14.         What is a Matzah?
15.         Why not to say Parshas Ha’mon
16.         Kaparos for the Seder- Didn’t cross the Yam Suf
17.         What time for Makas Bechoros –eating Matza- eating Chametz
18.         Unbelievable story

19.         Gebrokts, Machine Matzos & Kitniyos

You Need To Be Chareidi

The Bais Yosef (O.Ch. 481) quotes the Ogur in the name of the Shibolei Leket
"The Mehadrin are Noheg not to eat after Hallel (Afikomen) on the second
If one wants to eat on the second night after Hallel, one may, and
we can't have anything against him.
However by doing so ,he has removed himself from the Klall Mehadrim
and is Oiver on the Chazal who say "You should never remove yourself
from the Klall"

It seems from the Ogur, by not belonging with the Chareidim, you have
removed yourself from the Klall.

Pesach Trivia-What was the case ?

Because he is a Non-Jew he should  sell his Chometz to another Non-Jew, otherwise it would become Chometz Sheovar-and Assur.  ??

The Szyk Haggadah: Freedom Illuminated Paperback – April 1, 2011

The Szyk Haggadah: Freedom Illuminated

Arthur Szyk  (pronounced “Shick”) created his magnificent Haggadah in Lodz, on the eve of the Nazi occupation of his native Poland. There is no Haggadah like it, before or since, filled with sumptuous paintings of Jewish heroes and stunning calligraphy.

This edition, the first since 1940 to be reproduced from Szyk’s original art, boasts a newly commissioned and extremely practical English text by Rabbi Byron L. Sherwin, ideal for use at any family Seder, and a special commentary section by Rabbi Sherwin and Irvin Ungar gives insight into both the rituals of the Seder and Szyk’s rich illustrations.

Available in both hardcover and paperback editions, The Szyk Haggadah will transform the Seder, bringing the story of the Exodus from Egypt into a more contemporary light.

Praise for The Szyk Haggadah:"Szyk's Haggadah is still fabulous and fresh."
 -Hadassah Magazine

Did You Know (#40)

According to Mori V'rabi Hagaon Reb Shlomo Miller Shlita:

If someone plans to eat up all the Chometz he will find during Bedikas Chometz, He may not make the Bracha (Al Biur Chometz) before the Bedika.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Did You Know (39)

According to the Mahral , You are Mekayam Mitzvas 

"Boerev Tochlu Matzos"

for every additional Kezayis you eat during the meal, provided you eat it leaning and not having any other food in the mouth.

1930 Vienese Hagada

Do Yekkes Wash Mayim Achronim At The Seder ?

The Gemoro says “ Mayim Acharonim Chovah “(mandatory ).

Tosfos says " today we are not Noheg  with Mayim Acharonim  because we do not use Melach Sodomis" (Sodom Salt)—

In Shulchan Aruch (O Ch. 181) the Mechaber Paskens  Mayim Acharonim Chovah.

There are some Kehilos  who have the minhag of not washing Mayim Achronim.
The Leket Yosher* writes ," even though we don’t wash Mayim Acharonim during the year, but on Seder night we should wash Mayim Achronim for the love of the kosos (Chibas Hakosos) 
 We follow more chumros at the Seder".

In the Simanim** at the Seder we have twice for washing
(Urchatz & Rochtzo) Why don't we have a third Siman for washing Mayim Acharonim?
The Machzor Vitri quotes the Simanim of R.Yosef Tuv Alam.
Instead of 15 Simanim ,he has 28 and29*** . There are
3 Simanim for Netilas Yodayim,
1)Karpas  2)Motzie  3) Mayim Achronim.

*R. Yosef ben Moshe, compiled all the Halachos and Minhagim
  he heard from his rebbi the Trumas Hadeshen.
** קדש  ורחץ -נרצהנדש ורחץ etc.
***Motzei Shabbos adds “Havdalah”

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Of Gebrokts And Kitniyos

The Sefer Ashrei Haish quotes  Rav Elyashuv zt"l who says that one who has the Minhag of not eating Gebrokts may change his Minhag to eating Gebrokts.  

It is preferable to make Hatoros Nedarim but not necessary. One may rely on the Hataras Nedarim made on Erev Rosh Hashana.

Reb Elyashuv holds  the original Chumra of Gebrokts  started when Matzohs were thick.

Today there is no chance of having unbaked flour in our thin Matzos.

For Kitniyos one may not change , Hataras Nedarim won't help.

Even an Ashkenazia who marries a Sephardi (follows husbands Minhagim) has to keep her original Chumra and should not eat Kitniyos.

The Chumra of Kitniyos is different than all other Chumros. Kitniyos was a Kabala Gemura till the end of all generations. (Ashrei Ha'ish 3)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Most Unique Siman

The most unique Siman (chapter) in all of Tur & Shulchan Aruch (Bais Yosef), is O.Ch. #430.

There is not a single Halacha in the whole Siman.

Challas Oni better than Schlissel Challa

                                                                                                                                                                                    גורן מגזם -דגן מדלקת 
The Rashal used to Darshen that everybody should bake a Challah (before Pesach) using the Pesachdike flour. This way  if there was any  Chometz in the flour we will assume that the Chometz was baked in the Challah and eaten.

It is also a good thing to give this Challah to an Oni (poor man)

The Noheg Katzon Yosef quotes the Rosh “The Minhag on Erev Shabbos Hagodol  is to bake
 חלת עני from the whole Kehilla and distribute it to the Aniyim.

 From the time this Minhag was  neglected, a curse was sent on the grain.”

Monday, March 23, 2015

Shabbos Hagodol

How many times in a year do we have Shabbos Hagadol ?

Dikduk Lesson Of The Day

In the Tefillah of Ato Yotzarto  " ולפי שחטאנו -- חרבה עירנו "
You should make sure to pronounce the Reish of
Chorevo with a שוא נע (Chorevo).

By pronouncing the Reish with a  שוא נח
(Chorvo) the translation changes to "Because we sinned --
you should (ח"ו ) destroy our city".

The actual translation is, "Because we sinned our city was

destroyed. ובני ירושלים עיר הקדש במהרה בימינו

Will You Be Saying Vehi Noiam This Shabbos ?

Did you know ? (38)

According To the Mishna Verurah (295 sk3) This coming Motzei Shabbos we do say Vihi Noam. Erev Pesach is considered only a minor Yom Tov, not enough to refrain from saying Vihi Noam.

The Sheilos Yavetz (19) holds we do not say Vehi Noiam when Erev Pesach falls out on a Friday (since there is an Issur Melacha on E. Pesach)

Interrupting During The Shabbos Hagodol Derasha

 The Teshuvas Minchas Elozor (4-45)  writes:

" in today's generation, the Minhag is not to interrupt the Rov during the Shabbos Hagadol/Teshuva Drasha.

Only in the olden days, when the Torah was beloved and children were raised to learn Torah,did they practice this Minhag, for Kavod Hatorah,to excite the hearts of the young Bachurim so they too will also send their children to learn Torah.

In our generation, Kavod Hatorah has been diminished.

We are concerned that someone will interrupt and ask questions just to antagonize the Rov. For this reason they abolished the Minhag of asking questions during the Drasha.

The Shu't Mishna Sochir (Y.D.166)  says not to interrupt because the Rov might not have an answer and will be embarrassed.

The Vayaged Yakov (Pappa) once gave a Drasha in Budapest.

Someone interrupted and asked him a question. He had no answer and walked away. He said he can't continue because the questioner is correct in his argument. Therefore  his whole Pilpul is wrong, and there is no point to continue.

A similar story is said to have happened to Rav Shach zt"l.

He walked away in middle of a Shiur.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Why The Rebbe Was Wrong At The Chumash Party


A Vav at the beginning of a word can serve as three functions
1) Vav Hachibur ,connecting  to the previous word or sentence (and)
2 ) Vav Hamehapech , reverse future to past or past to future.
3)  Vav Hachibur + Hamehapech , both functions.( 1+2)
1) Moshe V’aharon                         _          Moshe and Aharon                                               [Chibur]

2) Yikrah = he will call (future)        –        Vayikrah = he called (past)                                  [Mehapech]

2) Osoh = he made (past)                _        Veosoh = he shall make (future)                         [Mehapech]

3) Yomar  = he will say (future)       --       Vayomar = a) he said (past)  – b) and he said (past+ and)     [Mehapech +Chibur ] 

Vayikrah is a new Parsha and Chumash. The Vav can’t be a Chibur it has no connection to the previous Parsha. The Vav can act only as a Mehapech.

Therefore the correct translation is He called , not And he called.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The 2 reasons for dipping bread in salt and why the Chasam Sofer Did Not Eat Salt On Friday Night

1) Al Kol Korboncho Takriv Melach.
The table is like a Mizbeiach and the bread
is like a Korbon which requires salt.

2) Bread (whole wheat) has some harmful
toxins .By adding salt to the bread the harmful
effects are removed.

There is also an Inyan to have salt on
the table while waiting for others to wash.
The Soton is Mekatreg during that time
(no Mitzvohs performed) . The salt at the
table, represents the Bris Melach and
protects from the Kitrug.

On Friday night  it is not applicable

1a) There was no burning of Korbanos
on Friday nights.
2a) Pas Nekia (white flour) doesn't require

The  protection of the salt from Kitrug,
all it requires, is placing it on the table.
There is no need to eat it.

According to the Chasam Sofer ,On Friday
night,since we eat Challah which is
Pas Nekia (white flour) and Korbanos
were not burnt on Friday night, therefore

there is no need to dip the Challah in salt.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Did you know ? (35) (36)

The Tur (O. Ch. 299 ) writes,"Some have the Minhag, on Motzei Shabbos,
to say all the Pesukim in Nach where, the name Eliyahu is mentioned.
They say it is a Segula against memory loss and to have Hatzlacha all week long."

Many people are familiar with the Motzei Shabbos Tefillah "Got fun Avraham".
Fewer people are aware of the Tefillah" Ribon Haolomim "(first part originates 
from Yerushalmi).The Tur, Aruch Hashulchan and Mishna Verura all write to to

say it on Motzei Shabbos.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

6 reasons why milking a cow on Shabbos is asur-Parshas Hashavua

Milking a cow on Shabbos,

Why not?
6 different reasons, probably no other מלאכה,  do we have a six way מחלוקה to which אב מלאכה it belongs to.

מפרק(דש)               Rashi Shabbos 95a
קוצר                      Yerushalmi Shabbos 7 :Hl 2
ממחק                   Tosfos Shabbos 73b
בורר                      Rashbo Shabbos 144b
טוחן                      Yeraim # 274
גוזז                       Tosfos Rosh Shabbos 95a

Monday, March 9, 2015

Did You Know (34)

According to the Aruch Hashulchan (O.Ch. 151 : 5) “ Smoking in Shul is is definitely an
Issur Gamur . There is no greater Kalus Rosh (disrespect).
The only ones who are allowed to smoke (in Shul) are the ones who learn there,  all

day or half  a day.For them it is like eating food, which is allowed".

L'Kovod the upcoming Bris from My Einikel

The Maharil writes the reason we say at a Bris, "Hodu
Lashem  Ki Tov*",twice, is because the Gemoro says Arbo'o Tzrichin L'Hodos.

One of the four who need to thank is someone who gets out of
prison. The baby coming out of the mother's womb is like coming out of prison. 

The second time is for the Mother (Cholanis)

In Posen (R.A.Eiger zt"l) they were Meikal (lenient) on yellow babies.
Brisos  were performed on babies who were light yellow, because most babies from wealthy families are usually yellow.
(Teshuvas R.A.E.Hachodosh #5)

Since Krias Hashem doesn't require a Kos (wine) R.A.Eiger drank the wine immediately after the Bracha (Asher Kidash Yedid) before Krias Hashem, so there shouldn't be a Hefsek.

According to the Chasam Sofer (O. Ch 158-9) The Mohel and  all who assist him, have the Segulah of becoming rich. (not only Sandek ) provided they volunteer (no remuneration).

The Segulah of Sandeko'os overpowers the Mazal. Even if someone was born in a Mazal to be a poor man, can become rich. Therefore we try to spread the Segulah to many people.

All Mohalim  were born in the Mazal to be rich. Therefore there is no need to spread the Segulah. The same Mohel may perform many Brisos in the same family.

*טוב= מילה, ותרא כי טוב, נולד מהול

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

One Answer We Received

One  Answer We Received To Please Help With An Answer 

Thanks to all of you, who contributed to
solve the question I had no answer.
Bracha for Mikra Megillah requires standng (Birchas Hamitzvah)
Bracha for Marror may be done sitting (similar to a Birchas Hanehenin)

1.      Birchas Hamitzva requires standing*
2.      Birchas Hanehenin may(should) be done sitting
3.      A Birchas Hmitzvah, for a Mitzvah which
ends up having a Hanahas Haguf (Shechita
Challa, etc. may be done sitting.**
4.      Marror , (even raw chrain) since we dip it
in Charoses it is not Mazik we can make
a Bracha Al Achilas Marror. Therefore
there is Hanahas Haguf.(may be done sitting)

       * Mishna Verurah 8 sk 2

       ** Pri Megodim A.A. 690, Abudraham

Comment and Haaros are always welcome .

Our e-mail address is torasaba2000@gmail.com

Monday, March 2, 2015

Ticket to heaven (guaranteed)


The Chasam Sofer writes*:

He has a Kabbala from his Rebbe, R. Mendele Lilig Zt"l who had a Kabala from the Shev Yakov,

"Anybody who learns between the readings of the night time Megillah and the daytime Megillah, is guaranteed to be a Ben Olam Habo".

*Drushim Vagados P.245

Please Help With An Answer

Shulchan Aruch (O.Ch 690:1)

 "You may read the Megillah standing or sitting".

The Mishna Verurah writes

"The Bracha should be done standing."

Why when making the Bracha on Matzah or Marror do we make it, sitting and the Bracha
for Megillah needs to be done standing?

If you have an answer please e-mail to torasaba2000@gmail.com or leave a comment below

Did you know (32) (33)

According to R. Chaim Kanyevski Shlita, The Rema's
suggestion to be Mekayam the Ad D,Lo Yoda by
drinking and going to sleep, is only if you drink an
amount that tires you to the point of having to go
to sleep. If you drink less than that and went
to sleep, you are not Yotzei.

According to the Ben Ish Chai, if you placed your
whole Misloach Manos in one basket, container etc.
you are not Yotzei  2 Manos. (Eged Keli- container

combines all as one)  

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