A Vav at the beginning of a word can serve as three functions
1) Vav Hachibur ,connecting to the previous word or sentence (and)
2 ) Vav Hamehapech , reverse future to past or past to future.
3) Vav Hachibur + Hamehapech , both functions.( 1+2)
1) Moshe V’aharon _ Moshe and Aharon [Chibur]
2) Yikrah = he will call (future) – Vayikrah = he called (past) [Mehapech]
2) Osoh = he made (past) _ Veosoh = he shall make (future) [Mehapech]
3) Yomar = he will say (future) -- Vayomar = a) he said (past) – b) and he said (past+ and) [Mehapech +Chibur ]
Vayikrah is a new Parsha and Chumash. The Vav can’t be a Chibur it has no connection to the previous Parsha. The Vav can act only as a Mehapech.
Therefore the correct translation is He called , not And he called.
Do you have a mekor for this? How would you translate V'eileh at the beginning of Sefer Shemos?
ReplyDeleteAnd actually the Rashbam, Ibn Ezra, Daas Z'keinim, Rosh, Chizkuni & Rabbeinu Bachye all connect the first posuk of Vayikra to the end of P'kudei posuk 35.
See also Medrash Tanchuma & Targum Yonasan; however the Malbim says that the Sifra would argue.
1) Sevara Bealma (Art Scroll agrees)
ReplyDelete2) V. Shemos has to be Chibur See Ibn Ezra , Ramban Or Hachaim & Sechel Tov.
3) All Meforshim you mention are according to Drush. According to Pshat (Teitch)
Vav is only Hipuch and not Chibur.אמבצי