Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Which Yam did the Bnei Yisroel cross on Shevi’ie Shel Pesach?

Which Yam did the Bnei Yisroel cross on Shevi’ie Shel Pesach?
Crossing the Red Sea, a wall painting from the 1640s in Yaroslavl, Russia

1.      Yam Hatichon- Mediterranean Sea
2.       Yam Suf- Red Sea
3.       Yam Ukyanus –Atlantic Ocean
4.       Yam Hamelech – Dead Sea
5.       None of the above
6.       All of the above

According to Tosfos, The correct answer is # 5 "none of the above
 Tosfos Meseches Eirchin 15a (D"H Kesheim)
The Bnei Yisroel did not cross the Yam Suf and emerge on the other side .
Rather, when they arrived at the Sea they were surrounded on all sides by the
Mitzrim. Hashem opened up a path for them in the Yam to bypass them and

emerge on the same bank of the Yam Suf,.(further south).

Monday, January 26, 2015

Birkas Hamazon after drinking a glass of water

Birkas Hamazon after drinking a glass of water
According to R.Ch. Kaniyevsky Shlita, If someone was
thirsty at the end of his meal, and waited to drink
water after Birkas Hamazon , he must Bentch again
Birkas Hamazon * (D’oryasa)

*see Rema O.Ch. 197:4

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Don't Daven Such Long Shemonei Esreis

According to the Biur Halacha* , You should rush your Shmonei Esrei on Friday night so that you will be able to say V'yechulu together with the Tzibbur.(Minyan)

You are not required  to rush your Shmonei Esrei
for Kedusha or other Tefilos.(אמבצי )

*The Chazon Ish wasn't sure ,if,this Halacha is correct

Did You Know

At the Bracha, "Uvnei Yerushalyim" you should pause* between Bonei Yerushalayim and Omein. (otherwise it sounds like the Omein is part of the Bracha)

*short pause (toch kedei dibur) otherwise Omein Yesomoh

M.B. 188 sk2.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Do you need to stand up?

The Taz (Y.D. 242 : 13) writes “ it is not necessary to stand up when the Aron Hakodesh is opened.  People who do so, do it  for the Kavod of the Sifrei Torah."

The Chasam Sofer (Ch.M. 73) writes , "Someone who is suspect  of swearing   false oaths, in order to scare him, we may not force him to lay down in a casket and make the Shevua (oath).

One of  the reasons is because, he needs to stand while the Aron Hakodesh is open*.

*They used to open the Aron Hakodesh and light black candles, 

to scare them, as not to make a false oath.

Parshas Bo

In this weeks Parsha,(Bo) there are two food items that should be eaten roasted.
1.      Korban Pesach

What is the 2nd ??

For Answer click here

Chalitza Ceremony

Part 1 can be found here 

Part 2 can be found here 

Did You Know

Mitzvas Challah on Lokshin Kugel

If you make a large size Lokshin Kugel that has a Shiur Challah, then you should take Challah from the Kugel after it is baked. 

Ashrei Ha'ish
(R. Y. S. Elyashuv zt"l)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Shtreimel is not a Chasidishe Levush

                                                                                                                                                                                   לז"נ ר' יהושע חזקיהו (גמ' חכם,בעל שם טוב)
                                                                                                                                                                                                  בן ר' אברהם זצ"ל
                                                                                                                                                                                                  כ"ב טבת תשע"ד

In Yerushalayim there are Yidden
called Perushim. They are descendants
of the Talmidei Hagra and Misnagdim. They
Daven Nusach Ashkenaz and follow most
Minhogie Ashkenaz.
Some of them wear on Shabbos, Shtreimel
and Kaftan (no Gartel).

When asked, why Misnagdim wear Shtreimels,
most will answer wearing a Shtreimel is a Minhag
Minhag Yerushalayim,  not only the Chasidim
who wear Shtreimels and Kaftans.

Going back in history,up to the end of the 18th  century
there were practically no Ashkenazi Yidden
living in Yerushalayim. The first Ashkenazi
Yidden in Yerushalayim were the Talmidei Ba’al
Shem (1780) and  Talmidei Gra  (1808). Until then, the only
Yidden in Yerushalyim were Acheinu Bnei Sforad.
The Sefardim in those days never saw even
a picture of a Shtreimel. So when and how
did the Shtreimel become a Yerushalmi Levush?

The Aruch Hashulchan* (O.Ch. 551:11) writes
“ In the previous generations (In Lita/Russia)
on Shabbos they wore Shtreimels and silk
Kaftans. Later on the government forced them to
change their way of dress to hats and short
R.Yakov Lipschutz zt”l (Zichron Yakov) in his
description  how Brisim were performed in the
early days in the Lita, writes “They placed the
father’s Shtreimel on the head of the little boy who
brought in the baby.

Here again, we see that even in the Lita,
the Misnagdim wore Shtreimels.
It was only after the government 
made them change to regular clothing, did they 
stop wearing the Shtreimel & Kaftan.

For some reason the Chasidim managed
to hold on to their original Levush.

The Talmidei Hagra arrived in Yerushalayim
before the decree in Russia ( to change their
style of clothing). They all wore Shtreimels
and their descendants continued on with
the same Levush.
Hence the Shtreimel is not an exclusive
Chasidishe Levush but a European
Jewish Levush, which was brought over from Europe to
Yerushalayim by both the Chasidim and Misnagdim.

*This piece of history is Nogeah L'Halacha

re wearing Bigdei Shabbos on Shabbos Chazon

Monday, January 12, 2015

Did You Know

טוב שם משמן טוב לז"נ ר' יהושע חזקיהו בן ר' אברהם זצ"ל כ"ב טבת תש"עד
According to the Zohar,* you may cook only food that will be eaten on that same day. *Parshas Beshalach

Did You Know ?

According to the Shulchan Aruch,* Sustenance Food may not be exported from Eretz Yisroel to Chutz La'aretz. Ch. Mishpat 231:26

Did You Know

ספרים שזכת בהן א"י , אין מוציאין אותם לחוץ לארץ י ירושלמי פ"ג ה"ט

Friday, January 9, 2015

Made To Measure-Parshas Shmos

R.Baruch Epstein z”l (Torah Temima) writes that when he came to America, he was invited to a party. They asked him there:

“why do Chareidim , (both men and women) wear long clothes”. 

He answered them:
In this week’s Parsha it says -ושאלה אשה משכנתה
Women should borrow clothes  from their neighbors.
 ושמתם על בניכם ועל בנתיכם .
And you shall dress them on the children..
Why ,only dress  the children and not the adults?
The answer must be, The Mitzrim wore short clothes and  Yidden wouldn’t wear short clothes.
Therefore the Torah tells them to use it to dress the children.

For them, the length would be a perfect fit .

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Shovevim -TAT

לז"נ. האשה החשובה מרת חנה יטל בת

ר' אברהם אשי ע"ה.    ט"ז טבת 

The original Tekana of Shovevim Tat was only for
leap years. Later on it was introduced to fast Shovevim
on a regular year and Shovevim Tat on a leap year.

The Levush O. Ch. 685 writes, one of the reasons we fast  on
Shovevim Tat , so that  pregnant women shouldn’t miscarry.
During a leap year, it is more common for women to have miscarriages.
We fast 8 times for the last 8 months of pregnancy. (first month [40 days]
is not a miscarriage) . It is very appropriate to start on Parshas Shmos,
where it says   ובני ישראל פרו וישרצו

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Did You Know

When doing נפילת אפים, you should skip**the Pasuk ויאמר דוד אל גד which is פורעניות  
and start with רחום וחנון 
Unless your Minhag is to say it*
*קיצור של"ה
 **Minhag Frankfurt, Gra,  Kaf Hachayim(al pi Kabblah)

& Mashma in Mishna Verrurah.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Did you know ?

                                                                                                                                                                                                      לז"נ הקדוש ר' אברהם אשי בן הרב שמואל דונט הי"ד

 If the Mohel takes money for the Bris , Tachnun should be said,.
if he Davens at a Minyan not connected with the Bris.

R.M. Sternbuch

R.Yeshaya Pik's (Berlin) bomb* Kushya-Parshas Shmos

                                                                                                                                                               לז"נ הקדוש ר' אברהם אשי בן הרב שמואל הי"ד
                                                                                                                                                    ט"ו טבת

Monday, January 5, 2015

Did You Know

When doing Shnyim Mikra, The last Pasuk in the Parsha you should repeat Mikra again after the Targum,so to end the Parsha with Torah.*

*Shulchan Aruch Harav # O.Ch 285

Friday, January 2, 2015

Did you know (15)

Someone who is not sure if he made Kiddush Levanah, should say it (again). The rule of " Safek Brachos Lehakel" is not applicable when the Bracha itself is the Mitzvah.

 *Sdei Chemed


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