Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Which Yam did the Bnei Yisroel cross on Shevi’ie Shel Pesach?

Which Yam did the Bnei Yisroel cross on Shevi’ie Shel Pesach?
Crossing the Red Sea, a wall painting from the 1640s in Yaroslavl, Russia

1.      Yam Hatichon- Mediterranean Sea
2.       Yam Suf- Red Sea
3.       Yam Ukyanus –Atlantic Ocean
4.       Yam Hamelech – Dead Sea
5.       None of the above
6.       All of the above

According to Tosfos, The correct answer is # 5 "none of the above
 Tosfos Meseches Eirchin 15a (D"H Kesheim)
The Bnei Yisroel did not cross the Yam Suf and emerge on the other side .
Rather, when they arrived at the Sea they were surrounded on all sides by the
Mitzrim. Hashem opened up a path for them in the Yam to bypass them and

emerge on the same bank of the Yam Suf,.(further south).

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