Friday, November 28, 2014

People Of Ashkenaz Vs. Sfard

                                                                                                                                                     לז"נ האשה רות בת ר' צבי יהודה ע"ה  ז' כסלו
                                                                                                                                                     ולז"נ האשה פעסיל בת ר' בונם ע"ה ז' כסלו *

In Siddur Rashi(13) it says: “All Kehilos in Ashkenaz are known for their thousand Tovos & Brachos. All of them are filled with Torah & Mitzvohs like a Rimon. Their Ma’asim are beautiful. They are Machmir in checking Treifos,Tevilas Nidah & wherever it is appropriate to be Machmir.

The Ramban in his Hakdamah to Kunteres Dinei Garmi writes :The Chachmei Hatzarfasim (French Ba’alei Tosfos) are our teachers and they uncover for us all the hidden  things
in the Torah.

The Maharshal (Hakdamah Chulin Y.S.S.) writes:
"Even though he ( Ramban) was a Sefardi, he recognized the truth and praised the ones who are praiseworthy."  

The Rosh (Teshuvh 20:20) writes: He only eats what has a Mesorah from Chachmei Ashkenaz. The Torah
 has been their Yerushe  since the Churban Habayis.

The Leket Yosher( p118) quotes the Maharash miNeustadt: "The reason Torah has held on in Ashkenaz more than in the other countries, because the Yidden lend their money to the Nochri  and charge them interest. They don’t need to work and have time to learn. Those who don’t learn support the Lomdei Torah, with their profits.

Reb Yakov Emdin (Mor Uketzia 53) writes : “My heart is happy and I thank Hashem with all my heart that he made me an Ashkenazi.

*She & her family were involved in saving from the Nazis ym"s
hundreds of families . Amongst them my Mother's hk"m entire
family.Yehi Zichrom Baruch

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Where Does It Say

Daf Hashavua (last week) Where in the Torah, does it say, a Nidah needs to go to the Mikveh, to become Tahor ?

For answer see Tosfos Yevamos 47b D”H Bemakom

To see Tosfos click HERE

Friday, November 21, 2014

A  father asked his daughter not to get married. She wants  to get married, have children and raise a family.
Does she have to listen to him ?

 Leave your answer in the comments section below 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Chalitza Ceremony Part II

A cousin of mine- Dr. Rosenbaum shlita from Riverdale, told me that his great great grandfather,  was appointed as a Dayan  at the age of 5 yrs by the Chasam Sofer zt”l.

There was a Chalitza ceremony in the Shulhauf of Pressburg. The Shamash noticed two 5 year old children playing. He chased them away.
The Chasam Sofer who was  there, asked the Shamash to allow the two children to remain there and observe the Chalitza procedure. The Chasam Sofer. explained, “one day these two children will grow up and become Dayanim. They might need to perform a Chalitza. By allowing them to observe, they will be familiar with it".  Both children became Dayanim. His great great grandfather was Dayan in Pressburg as predicted by the Chasam Sofer., when he was only a 5 year old child..  

continuation of excerpts Teshuvas Maharshal #90

After the foot is washed then it is dried with a towel
They  check the shoe to make sure there is no mud or
foreign matter inside the shoe (Chatziza)
He puts on the shoe and ties the straps on his foot (knot & bow)
He walks a few steps , Dayanim observe, that the shoe fits.
He goes to the wall to lean on it lightly so he can forcefully
push down his foot on the ground.
They teach her to say by heart, these two words  לא אבה (he doesn’t want)
They teach him theses two words   לא חפצתי (I don’t want)
Dayan reads and she repeats word for word  the Pasuk of  מאן יבמי להקים
When she reaches to the two words לא אבה she says them in single breadth..
The Yavam answers in single breadth  לא חפצתי
The Yavam pushes his heel to the ground

She bends down (must remain standing)
and undoes the bow knots etc. with her right hand.
(stronger arm,lefty uses left hand)
She holds his foot with her left hand  (so he wouldn’t move it)
She raises his foot with her right hand
she removes the shoe starting from the heel.
The left hand may not assist the right hand.
She stands up with the shoe and throws it
forcefully in front the Yavam.
The Rosh asks her to gather saliva in her mouth.
She spits in front of the Yavam.
All five Dayanim must see the complete removal
of the shoe and the saliva  leaving her mouth till
It hits the ground.
The Rosh reads and she repeats the Pasuk of
ככה יעשה לאיש
All 5 Dayanim callout  three times in loud voices,"חלוץ הנעל   "
They tell her she may now marry whoever she desires.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chalitza ceremony part 1

It has been 44 days since,Daf Yomi started Meseches Yevamos .
Some of us, have very little knowledge of how the
Chalitza ceremony is actually performed

Excerpts of Teshuvas Maharshal #90

It is proper to perform the Chalitza in a public place (shul etc.) The 5 Dayanim (3+2) establish the place the day before and say ,”Tomorrow we will sit here to perform a Chalitza.”

The following day the three Dayanim sit down. The Rosh Dayan sits in the middle.

The two additional Dayanim sit on a separate bench at the side.

No observers may sit down unless they distance themselves from the Dayanim.

The Minhag is to cover the mouth of the Yevamah, so that she doesn't spit accidentally before being told to do so..

The Rosh asks them What they want”

They both answer “We came to do Chalitza”
The Rosh interrogates them to establish that
 it has been three months Since her husband died
she is the wife of the deceased
he is the brother of the deceased
He is older than13 Yrs. She is older than 12 yrs..
He doesn’t want to be Meyavem (marry) her.
Nobody forced him to do the Chalitza.
She hasn’t eaten anything that day.
The Rosh is Makneh the shoe to the Yavam,and asks him again
If he still  wants to do the Chalitza. He must answer yes ,the only thing
he wants, is to do the Chalitza.
The Yavam is asked to walk a few steps,he is being observed if
he is right footed, so the shoe will be worn on the right foot.
If he is left footed then two shoes are worn (left&right)
Chalitza done right foot first.
The Shliach Bais Din removes his shoe & sock and
washes the foot in warm water.

(Mori V’rabi R.S.Miller shlita said he was at a Chalitza where he
saw R.Moishe Feinstein zt”l, the Poisek Hador personally wash
the foot of the Yavam)

to be continued

הלכה ולא למעשה

R Dovid Soloveitchik Shlita said in the name of the Brisker
Dayan, R. Simcha Zelig Riger zt”l, “ Chazal said Choson Beyom
Chuposo Mochlin Lo Avonosov.,this is only on the same day of the Chupah.
If the Chupah is in the evening, then Yom Chuposo is not  on the day

before the Chupah, and there is no need  to fast.

Monday, November 17, 2014

מחלת בת ישמעאל

Seven reasons,Choson& Kallah fast on day of  Chupa
1.      Their sins are forgiven (Yerushalmi Bikurim 3:3)
2.       They shouldn’t be drunk during Kidushin (Mahram Mintz)
3.       Chasidim Rishonim fast before doing Mitzvohs (Rokeach 353)
4.       To be Mevatel the Gezeirah of Tigra (strife) B’Kesubah ( Mahari Broineh93)
5.       Choson (Domeh Lemelech) is judged on day of Chupa (Mahari Broineh)
6.       It is like Matan Torah, Yidden fasted then (Tashbatz Katan 465)

7.       Not to have a Simcha Shleima (Rabeinu Efraim mi Bonn)

Friday, November 14, 2014

Are Jews Permitted On The Temple Mount (Har Habayis )

לז"נ ר' משה יוסף בן ר' שמעיהו זצ"ל  כ"א חשון
                                                                                                                                                                                                        גאון במדות טובות *

Shu”t Yabia Omer (5 Y.D. :26)  R. Ovadyah Yosef zt”l. writes:

“When R. Moshe Montifoire Z”l  visited Yerushalayim, he paid a large sum of money to obtain a permit to enter the Har Habayis. He and his Rabbi, entered in a box which was carried by 4 Goyim..
When the Kanaie (zealot) R. Yosef Moshe from Lisa zt”l (son of the Chavas Da’as)
heard what happened he blew with his Shofar and put R. Moshe Montifoire  in Cherem.
R.M.M. was very upset and claimed he was innocent. He was told that with a box, one may enter the Har Habayis.

The Rabonei Yerushalyim told him to ignore the Cherem for two reasons.
a.  You don’t put in Cherem for being Oiver an Issur Beshogeg.

b. The Chok Yakov (476) writes, "A person who deserves to be put in Cherem.but he supports Torah, we may forgo putting him in Cherem."

* Mori V'rabi R. Y.M. Hirshman shlita said, today
" The Gadlus of R.M.R. was his Middos Tovos. Because of
his Midos he was the greatest Ba'al Tzedakah etc.

in the world.

How Much Did The Meoras Hamachpeila (Cave of the Patriarchs) Cost

Grand Rabbi Isaac Rosetnbaum, Clevelander Rebbe of Ra'anana, Shlita with Jewish Scholar and Ger Tzedek Yosef Yehudah Joseph J Sherman at Cave of Machpelah in Hebron

Based on silver @$17.00 per oz.
Avraham Avinu paid for the Mearas Hamachpeila
$263,842.00  or  $10,193,897.00

The Gemoro in Bechoros 50a says that the Shekelim Avraham gave to Efron were Kantarin.(400 Kantarin)
The Sefer Midos Veshiurei Torah claims,
1 Kantor = 42.5 Kg.
1 Kantor = 42,5 kg. =. X 400 = 17,000 kg.
1kg. = 35.273 oz.
17,000 x 35.273 oz. = 599,641 oz.
599,641 x $17.00* =  $ 10,193,897.00

According to the Torah Temima a Kantor (Cent)
is   (multiply by a 100) x100
assuming a Shekel = 11grm. X100 = 1100 grm (1.1 kg.)
1.1 x400 = 440

440x 35.273 = 15,520.12 x  $17.00*
=$263,842 .00

*1oz. silver = $17.00

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Travel Diary Of Reb Binyamin from Toledo,

R. Binyamin from Toledo* travelled to Eretz Yisroel in the year 1170.

In his travel diary on Meoras Hamachpeilah, he writes, “The Goyim built six tombs and claim each one is for one of the Avos & Imahos.
They fool the ignorant Goyim** and charge them money, to approach the tombs.
When Yidden come there, and pay them money, then they open a metal gate and allow them to go down a staircase which leads to another staircase and then to a third staircase. In there is the cave where the Avos are actually buried. There are six stone Matzeivos engraved with the names of Avraham, Sarah, Yitzchok, Rivka, Yakov, Leah. (no Matzeivah for Adam& Chava) There arealso many barrels filled with bones. These bones are from Yidden who bring their dead, there so they can be buried next to the Avos.

*מסעות ר' בנימין

**Today,also ignorant Yidden believe  so.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Can you rely on Agada ???

The Chasam Sofer (Shu”t Y.D. 2 :155) writes in the name of
The Achronim “You can’t rely on the Agadah of בת כ' לא חטאה
שהרי אינה בת עונשין .
According to Halacha, once you become a Gadol with years
(13 -12) and Simanim, you are Chayav all the Chiyuvei Torah
of Bais Din Shel Ma’aloh and Matoh".
The Chasam Sofer says the Shiur of 20 years
Is applicable only to Aveiros of the Dor Hamidbor
or  Aveiros of Kodem Matan Torah. On the Taryag Mitzvohs

this does not apply.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Addendum re Loeg Lerosh

The Gesher Hachayim (29: sk11) writes,"R. Shmuel Salant was Makpid 
to Daven only in the outrer room and not in the inner room of

Kever Rochel, so as not be oiver the issur of Loeg Lerosh".

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Yevamos Trivia

Is Reuvain allowed to marry Lavans wife?

Reuvain is the son of Yakov the son of Rivka the sister of Lavan

Reuvain is not the son of Leah

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Halacha & Kabalah don't mix

The Chasam Sofer (Shu”t O.Ch.51) writes “ Whoever mixes Divrei
Kabalah with Halacha Hapesukah is Chayav for planting כלאים  .”
Halacha and Kabalah don’t mix.

The Minchas Elozor (2:78)  criticized the Chasam Sofer for making
such a statement. He claims the Ch.S. could not have meant what
he said. We find in the Mogen Avraham quoting and Paskening
from Kisvei Ari Zal. Also the Bais Yosef  and other Poskim quote
from the Zohar and Kisvei Ari Zal. Are we going say on them they
planted Kelaim?

Hagaon Harav Shmuel Wosner Shlita defends the Chasam Sofer.
He claims that that the Rema MiFano writes that even Chochmas
Hanistar itself, you may not mix. You may not mix the Kimchi with the
Pardes or Kisvei Ari Zal with the Remak, the same way as you
may not mix Sod with Peshat.

Rav Wosner claims the Bais Yosef , Mogen Avraham etc, quote
Kabalah only when it was brought from the  Kadmonim who
understood  the Kabalah complementing  this  Halacha.
But if someone will come today and quote from a Hakdama  Al
Kisvei Ari Za,l which he probably barely understands and will explain
 a Halacha with it, In this case, we have the Rema MiFano and Chasam

Sofer who said “It is like planting Kelaim”

Monday, November 3, 2014

Loeg Lerosh

י' חשון  

לז"נ הקדושים הרב הגאון והצדיק ר' מרדכי יהודה בן הר' שמואל וכל משפחתו הי"ד
Yahrzeit of Hagaon Hachasid  R. Yidel Donath.  His wife and all eight children H.Y.D.., murdered by the Nazis Yimach Shemom .

Reb Yidel Donath  was the last Rosh Yeshiva of The Yeshiva Haramah (Pressburg) 
founded by the Chasam Sofer zt"l  (Took over from the Cheshev Sofer zt"l)

In Shulchan Aruch (O.Ch. 23) " If a person enters a Bais Hakevores or within 4 Amos of a Meis,he must hide his Tzitis" (Loeg Lerosh).

The Tzlach (Brachos 3a) writes "Loeg Lerosh is applicable even at a woman or childs Kever (didn't wear Tzitis while  alive)

 How do people Daven (Schachris) at Kever Rochel wearing Tallis & Teffillin?

One Teretz:
By  Ah Mamme iz nisht doh Loeg Lerosh. The Mamme is not jealous of her children. 

The Minchas Elozors Teretz:
The Shu”t Minchas Elozor (3-53) was asked, re Kever Rochel,

“They Daven there every Erev Rosh Chodesh and also at other times. There is even, an Aron Hakodesh and Sefer Torah.
For sure this Minhag must have been established by Gedolei Ukedoshei Yerushalayim. How can they do so, when it says in Shulchan Aruch (Y.D. 367)
 “You may not Daven within 4 Amos of the Kever”.
The Minchas Elozor zt"l has a lengthy Teshuva. Here are some of the
points he discusses.
1)Loeg Lerosh is not applicable on women.
2)Loeg Lerosh is not applicable for the Avos kodem Matan Torah.
3)In Y.D. 344,  You are allowed to say Divrei Torah in front of the Meis
If it is done for his honour.
Kever Rochel  is a special place where Yakov Avinu buried her, so she
will plead  Rachamim for the Bnei Yisroel when they will go to Galus.
This same spot is Mesugal for Tefilos Yisroel to be accepted. Therefore
It is considered in her honour and Loeg Lerosh is not applicable

Click here to see a fascinating  post about the Ramban on Kever Rachel

Seven reasons for fasting Ta’anis Bahab.

Seven reasons for fasting Ta’anis Bahab.

1)      Chillul Hashem& for the Heichal that was burnt .  ( Ms. Sofrim 21)

2)      Men & women mingle during the Drasha on Yom Tov  (Tosfos Kidushin 81a)

3)      Men & women overeat  & mingle during the meals (Eshkol)

4)      Rain for winter and no harsh  spring weather so the crops won’t get damaged. (Elya Raba)

5)      Change of seasons(winter & summer) shouldn’t be harmful for the people. (Levush)

6)      Hashem should ease  the Galus . (Machzor Vitri)

7)      Zilzul Chol Hamoed (Maharam  miRotenberg)

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