Friday, August 29, 2014

2 Parsha Riddles -Parshas Shoftim

שני שכנים ביחד חונים
ובהם כולם נדונים
ואם תקח פר אחד מהם
ישארו שוטים כל ימיהם
(unknown)  שופטים ושוטרים
Riddle #2                                                                                                                                  

אם בעצם ידוע, עצם ידוע, אז גם ידוע, חיה ששמה 
ידוע  (*אמבצי)


Yadua is incorrectly translated" known", whereas the true translation

is a name of an animal called " Yadua"  

A Shvere Rambam

לז"נ מלכה בת ר' עמרם ע"ה (יום השנה ג' אלול)   

Parshas Hashavua
  לא ימצא בך מעביר בנו --- ומנחש ומכשף(דברים יח:י )
   The Rambam (Hl. Avodah Zarah 11:12) writes:
  הלוחש על המכה וקורא פסוק מן התורה ---                      
לא די שהם בכלל מנחשים ---- שהן עושין             
   דברי תורה רפואת גוף ואינן אלא רפואת נפשות---
אבל הבריא שקרא פסוקין ומזמורי מתהילים כדי   
שתגן עליו זכות קריאתן – הרי זה מותר               

According to the Rambam you may not say Tehillim for a sick person. The Torah may not be used to heal sick bodies. The Torah is only for spiritual healing. Tehillim may be said only for healthy people, as a protection not to become sick.
The B’eiros Hamayim (Friedberg Rambam) writes, The Heter of saying Tehillim for healthy people is only B’dieved.  שקרא פסוקין))
As far as I know, no one argues on this Rambam and yet, it accepted in whole of Klall Yisroel when there is R”L a Choleh L”A to say Tehillim.

What’s Pshat ? A Shvere Rambam

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Why Do We Say Ledovid In Elul


Starting from Rosh Chodesh Ellul till Shmini Atzeres there is a Minhag to say twice a day 

”Ledovid Hashem Ori”.

This Minhag is not mentioned in Shas, Shulchan Aruch, Kisvi Ha’ari Zal  or in the original Machzorim.

One of the first Poskim who brings this Minhag is the Mateh Efrayim. (R. Efrayim Zalmen Margulios).

There were Chasidic dynasties who didn’t follow this Minhag. (Choze Milublin , Zidichoiv, Apte, Sanz & Ropshitz.

The Ma’ase Rav writes that the Vilna Gaon didn’t say it. Today almost all Yeshivishe and
Chasidishe Minyonim, do say it. The one exception is, Chasidim from the Sanzer dynasty. (Bobov, Klausebburg etc.)

There are different reasons given for not saying it.

The true  reason  is because the first mention of this Minhag, is brought down in a Sefer called “ Chemdas Yomim”.

The Chemdas Yomim  was probably the one who started this Minhag.

The Sefer Chemdas Yomim  has no name of the Mechaber (Author) on the Shar Blatt.
The Yavetz and many Chassidic Rebbes, claimed  that the Mechaber was Nosson Hoazosi

(Nathan from Gaza). Nosson Hoazosi was  Shabsai Zvi’s  Novi Sheker and right hand man.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

בת קול יוצאת ואומרת בת פלוני לפלוני

Daf Hashavua
Moed Katan 18b
The Gemoro (Sotah 2a) says “40 days before the creation of a child, a Bas Kol announces Bas Ploni is designated to marry Ploni”

When would you have this designation happening 30  days before creation of the child?

Tosfos (Sotah 2a) says, Kodem Yetziras Havolod is referring to the zochor (male) and not Nekeivah (female).
According to Tosfos , if the girl is older than the boy by 10 days, then her Basherte is announced 30 days before her creation.
If she is older than her husband by 10 years, then her Basherte is announced at her age of 10 etc.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Ellul Trivia

What is forbidden only in the month of Elul?

The Aruch Hashulchan (O.Ch.581:12) writes, “It is forbidden to blow Shofar in the month of Elull in the night time, even if it’s done just for practice. (not to awaken the negative forces of the night.)” 
The Tur (O.Ch. 581) writes that in Ashkenaz the Minhag was, to blow Shofar every morning and evening  (בכל בקר וערב )

Reb Moishe Feinstein zt”l (Igros Moishe O.Ch. 4, 21,) writes:
“It is Mistaver (makes sense) Erev is not in the nighttime, but  during the daytime,
either after Mincha* or after early Ma’ariv. They used to Daven Ma’ariv in the daytime.”

*The Chaya Adam, brings the Minhag

of blowing after Mincha..

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Shtinkus Marinus-Reposted From Last Year

The Madanei Yom Tov*1  (Chulin 66b Rosh # 

67 sk 5 ) writes, when he was Rov in 

Vienna, R.Ahron Rofeh (Doctor) showed him

 a poisonous fish, caught off the Spanish Sea, 
“ Shtinkus Marinus”*2. 

 The fish has scales but no fins, instead of fins it has legs.

Chazal say (Mishna Niddah 51b) all fish with scales have fins.  R. Ahron Rofeh.. Asked “ Do we consider the legs as fins and therefore it is Kosher? If it is kosher, then the question is why would Hashem create  a Kosher poisonous fish?  If on the other hand the legs are not considered fins, then how do you reconcile  Chazal that all fish with scales must have fins.

*1 Also known as the Tosfos Yom Tov (R. Yom Tov Lipman Heller Wallerstein)

*2 In the Torah it says כל  אשר במים seems to indicate all sea animals with fins & scales are kosher.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Parshas Hashovua-Parshas Eikev

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       לז"נ צארטל בת ר' אליעזר הלוי הי"ד ח"י מנחם

Vort On Parshas Hashavua
                                                                                                                                                             ואכלת ושבעת וברכת

The Yerushalmi in Meseches Challah (Perek 1 Hl.6) says, a person is Mekayam 10 Mitzvohs before he can eat bread. The Yerushalmi enumerates them as follows:
לא תחרוש שור וחמור (1
בל תזרע (כלאים) (2
בל תחסום (שור בדישו) (3
לקט (4
שכחה (5
פיאה (6
תרומה (7
מעשר ראשון (8
מעשר שני (9
חלה (10
The Tur (O.Ch. 167) writes, a person when making Hamotzie
should place his two hands,10 fingers on the bread , for
the 10 Mitzvohs that is done with the bread.
The Tur* enumerates the 10 Mitzvohs of the Yerushalmi
with one exception. Instead of בל תחסום he replaces
it with   ביכורים

There actually is one** more Mitzvah,  תרומת מעשר.
If we add , תרומת מעשרand    ביכוריםwe end up with
12 Mitzvos.
It is possible, this to be the reason why, the Yerushalmi
and the Tur, both, mention placing the two hands and the ten
fingers. (adds up to 12).

We still need to understand why they only count 10
Mitzvos when there are 12 Mitzvos. (I have no answer)

*The Pirush HaTur Al HaTorah enumerates like the
Yerushalmi (בל תחסום and not ביכורים)
**  we don’t count מעשר עני,  because it is either a year
of  מעשר שני or a year of מעשר עני and not both 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Another Riddle From The Terumas Hadeshen

Which Melocho?

How would it be possible, someone does this Melocho on Yom Tov he is Chayav Malkos. If he does the exact same Melocho on Shabbos , not only is he not Chayav, he may go ahead and do it Lekatechila?

לז"נ האשה צארטל בת ר' אליעזר הלוי הי"ד

                                                             יום השנה ח"י מנחם                                                                    

1)There are two fruits, one is attached to a tree in a Reshus Hayachid the other one is not attached to a tree but is in a Reshus Harabim

2)There is a Choleh  (in the Reshus Hayachid) who needs to eat the fruit.

3)On Shabbos there is no difference which fruit the Choleh is given and one is allowed to be Mechallel Shabbos Lekatechila

4)On Yom Tov one must take from the unattached fruit in Reshus Harabim (no Chilul Y.T.) and may not take from the attached fruit in the Reshus Hayachid. On Shabbos you may remove the fruit from the tree Lekatechila

On Yom Tov you may not  remove the fruit from the tree, because you can bring the cut fruit from the Reshus Harabim (no Chilul Yom Tov) If he removed the fruit from the tree, he is Chayav Malkos.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

What Is Hachnasas Kallah ? -Daf Yomi-Megila 29A

הכנסת כלה
Daf Hashavua                                
Megillah 29a 

The term  “Mitzvas Hachnasas Kallah” is used today, as raising funds to marry off a Kallah.
In Shas the words הכנסת כלה has a different meaning.

Rashi explains L’hachnasas Kallah “ללותה מבית אביה לבית חופתה
(to accompany her from her fathers home to the house of the Chupa)

The actual Mitzva of Hachnasas Kallah is to  come and celebrate at the Chupa.

The Yosef Ometz writes:
"Mitzvah Gedolah of Hachnasas Kallah is one of the Mitzvos that have no shiur
(monetary donations do have a shiur) (Mishna Peiah 1:1 )
Most people are not makpid at all to be mekayam this Mitzvah. Even when they hear the announcement to come to the Chupa or they see the walking of the Kallah to the Chupa, They refrain to go even though they have no loss in money etc.—
Therefore it is very important to be diligent in this Mitzva Kalla (easy Mitzva) which has great rewards."

Monday, August 11, 2014

חמשה עשר באב

Tu baav :

The Gemoro (Sotah 44a):
  ת"ר אשר בנה אשר נטע אשר ארש לימדה
תורה ד"א שיבנה אדם בית ויטע כרם ואח"כ ישא אשה                            

When going to fight in a war, the questions were asked in this order.The reason was  to teach us ones priority in life:

 A)is to build a house 
 B)plant a vineyard and then 
 C)to get married.

The Satmar Rebbe zt”l (Vayoel Moshe, Lashon Hakodesh 2) says that  this Chazal refers to a second marriage. For the first marriage  Marriage comes first, even before Parnasah and housing.

His proof is, The minimum age to serve in the army was 20 years. A person who at age 20, isn't married is a Choteh (sinner) and wasn't eligible to go to war.

For a 20 year old, who never got married, these questions would not be applicable, .
The Pasuk must be referring to someone who was once married already at age 18 and is up to his second marriage.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

DAF HASHAVUA MEGILLAH 23b-Standing When Saying Elokeinu By Benching

ואין מזמנין (על המזון) בשם, פחות מעשרה 

There is Minhag , when Birchas Haziman is done with a Minyan, to stand up when saying “Elokeinu”.

Some are Machmir even when Elokeinu is not said to stand up at “Nevoreich Sheochalnu”.
 There is no Mokor (source) for this Minhag. We don’t find anywhere, someone who makes any Bracha,  is required to stand up when saying  the word “Elokeinu”.

The Aishel Avraham (Butshash)  writes that his Rebbe, R. Moishe Leib Sassover zt “l  stood up  during Birchas Hazimun.

He stood from beginning to end and not, just for the word ELOKEINU.

The reason for doing so, is, a Dovor Shebikdusha where 10 are required you are obligated to stand.*

The Chasam Sofer writes (Shu”t O.Ch. 50) When Chazal were Mesaken Birchas Hazimun, they specifically were Mesaken it, not to do so while standing. (argues on Reb Moishe Leib Sasover)

*(This is the reason why some stand during a Chupa)

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Chavas Yair


The Chavas Yair (R. Yair Chaim Bachrach) writes in his Hakdama, one of the reasons he named the Sefer” Chavas Yair”, was in memory of his grandmother Chava zt”l (interesting he uses zt”l for a woman)
She was exceptional in her learning. She learned from a Midrash with no Meforshim . She was Mechadesh her own Peirushim.

Many times her Pshotim were different than the Matnos Kehuna. When her Pshotim were compared, by Talmidei Chachamim they all agreed that her Pshat was better.
She also did so on  Machzor, Selichos Chumash & Nach. 

There were times where Gedolei Hador  had problems in Pshat, and she had the right Pshat.

Her Tzidkos and Chesed were so outstanding that it can’t be described on paper.

She became an Almana at age 30 and wouldn’t remarry Lekovod her husband.

The Shlah Hakadosh wanted to marry her, but she refused him. The Shlah Hakadosh said on himself, “ my sins were the cause, I wasn’t Zoche to be paired (married) to
such a holy body. ( עוונתי גרמו שלא זכיתי להזדווג לגוף קדוש כזה )”


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