Friday, January 31, 2014

Daf Hashavua Yoma 82b

Reb Chaim Soloveitchik Zt"L

מאי חזית דדמא דידך סומק טפי         
R. Chaim Brisker* says It is a Gezeiras Hakasuv to kill a Rodef, in order to save the life of the Nirdaf. If not for the Gezeiras Hakasuv, we would not have been allowed to kill the Rodef. We may not kill one person to save another persons life.

חידושי ר' חיים הלוי הל' רוצח) *)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

no red ( herring) worm

The R. Bachya, ( Parshas Terumah) writes, We don’t find in the
Nidvas (Donations) Hamishkan any silk. The reason for it is, for
building of the Mishkan we may not use materials that come
from  unkosher animals. (silkworms are non kosher)

תולעת שני (red wool) The dye does not come from a worm.
It comes from a red seed that has a worm in it.
(Rambam Parah Adumah 3:2 – Rashi  Yeshayahu1:18)

Friday, January 24, 2014

ורפא ירפא

The Mahril said ,  all   the  Refuos and Lachashim  mentioned in Shas, are forbidden to be practiced.
It only works in certain conditions. If someone will try it and it won’t work he might ridicule the Chachamim.

There is one exception, and that is, if someone has a bone stuck in his throat.
The Gemoro ( Shabbos 67a) says that he should bring another bone and place it on the back of his head
and say "  Chad Chad Nochis Bola Bola Nochis Chad Chad".

This Lachash is allowed because it is Boduk Umenuso (guaranteed) to work in all conditions.

I once heard that this Lachash only works if you use the Sefardic Havarah (accent).
The Ches and the Ayin (from Chad, Nochis and Bola) are pronounced from deep inside the throat.
Pronouncing these two letters (sefardi) manipulates the throat, so that the bone will dislodge

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

ואלה המשפטים

Gezel Shainah (robbing sleep) is not mentioned
in Shas Bavli, Yerushalmi or any of the Poskim.(pre Ch. Ch.)

The first Mekor (source) is in the Sefer Chofetz Chaim.

R. Chaim Kaniyevski shlita said it has no connection to

Hilchos Gezeila but a Musar concept of Veohavto Lereiacho.                                      

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

ואלה המשפטים

While Yankel was driving his car, he was talking on his cell phone.
The phone  distracted him. He side swiped Berls car and damaged it.
Reb Yosef Shalom  Elyashuv zt”l said, being Yankel was so distracted that he damaged  the car, he might not have to pay for the damages.  (Halachicly)

Monday, January 20, 2014

R. Elyashuvs Psak

ואלה המשפטים                       
Rochel borrowed an egg from her neighbor. She cracked it,opened it  and found a blood spot, so she threw it out.
Does Rochel have to repay an egg to her neighbor?

Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat  232:19
“If someone sells eggs to his friend and it was found to be
spoiled and inedible, It is considered a Mekach Taous,(mistaken sale)
and the money must be returned. Today we don’t rule
like this. And a Minhag is Mevatel (nullifies) a Halacha”
(The buyer is stuck with the spoiled eggs)

Accordingly we would think, same applies to Rochel.
She is stuck with this egg and has to repay an egg to her
R.Y.S. Elyashuv zt”l ruled, Rochel doesn’t have to pay back
the egg.

R.Y.S.E. said , the Halacha/Minhag in Shulchan Aruch (232:19)
is applicable only where the eggs were sold for profit (business).
In  business the Minhag, is once sold, the buyer is stuck with it.
(buyer beware) The reason is because the seller can always claim
he would have found another buyer who would have accepted it, as is.

In the case of Rochels neighbor, where there no profit
was involved, there we have no such Minhag.

Therefore we go back to the original Halacha of Mekach Ta’ous.
The neighbor had no monetary loss. Had the egg remained with
her, she too would have thrown it away.  Rochel doesn’t have to pay.

[The two reasons to pay, are not applicable.
1.      Rochel needs to pay for the egg that belongs to her.(bought from neighbor)
It doesn’t belong to her It was a Mekach Ta’ous

2.       Rochel disposed her neighbors egg.(damaged neighbors egg)

No loss to neighbor]

Lesson From The Chazon Ish

The Missing Siman 
In the Sefer Chazon Ish (Taharos) Meseches Keilim,  Siman 13 comes after
Siman 11, Siman 12 is missing .
Before the heading of Siman 13, it says "Siman 12 was erased and is missing".( נמחק וחסר )

The Chazon Ish changed his mind on what he wrote and held it was wrong.(in Siman12)
He removed the whole shtikel before it was printed.

The printers wanted to adjust the Simanim .
The Chazon Ish insisted not to do so, but to skip Siman 12.

He said,his reasoning was ,so that people will realize, a) that one may

change ones mind and  b) not to print Toires that are not Emes.   

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Two Dinim In Shlichus

Daf Hashavua
Yoma 68b

In Vayikra 16 : 21 the Pasuk says , וסמך אהרן--- ושלח ביד איש עתי המדברה .
The next Pasuk (22) it says again ושלח את השעיר במדבר  .
Reb Yoshe Ber Soloveitchik ZT"L
R. Y.B. Soloveitchik zt”l (Boston)* explains, there were two Shlichos done.

In Pasuk 21,The Meshaleiach (sender) was the Kohen Gadol. The Ish Iti was the Shliach of the Kohen Gadol (Ahron) . 

His mission was to bring the שעיר   into the Midbar. As soon as it arrived in the Midbar, The Kohen Gadols responsibility was done with.

 At this point the Kohen Godel may do the Krieah of the Parsha.
This is what the Mishna is telling us, אמרו לו לכ"ג הגיע שעיר למדבר

In Pasuk 22 the sender is not the Kohen Gadol but the Ish Iti. (for Klall Yisroel)

The Ish Iti sends (delivers) the שעיר  to the   צוק
  ובזה מיושב כמה וכמה דיוקים

 *Shiurei Hagrid

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tu Bishvat Trivia

1) When is Rosh Hashana for the trees?

a) 1st   Tishrei-Shemitta & Neta Revai

b) 10th Tishrei-x

c) 1st   Shvat-Bais Shamai b'mokom Bais Hillel eino Mishna

d) 15th Shvat- Ma'asros & Orlah (Bais Hillel)

e) 16th Shvat-x

2) Which Minhag did the Sefardim take from the Ashkenazim?

Eating more fruits on Tu B'shvat is a Minhag Ashkenazim (Mogen Avraham  131 sk 16)

3) How many times is Rosh Hashana mentioned in Tanach ?

Rosh Hashana is mentioned only once in Tanach. (Yechezkal 40: 1)

and there it says on the 10th of the month (Tishrei)

4) When do we have Rosh Hashana on the 10th of Tishrei ?

On Yoval. Rosh Hashana is on the 10th of Tishrei ( Eirchin 12a, Rashi Yechezkal 40: 1)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Those Who Understand Will Understand

בתפים ובמחולות- "ענין תף ומחול הוא ההיפך מאקחה פת לחם    

והמבין יבין                                        (דרשות חת"ס ח"ב דף רסז ע"א)

Sof Umochol is the opposite of Pas Lechem.  Whoever understands
will understand. (Chasam Sofer)

Pshat In Chasam Sofer- Maybe?

It’s  possible, this to be the simple Pshat.
Pas Lechem (bread) is Gashmi
Sof Mochol (music) is Ruchni
Avrohom Avinu a zochor (male) took care of Gashmiyos.
Miriam Haneviah a nekeivah (female) took care of Ruchniyos.

(עולם הפוך אני רואה .)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Parshas Beshalach Cholent Recipe

בשלח ר"ת - לאכול חיטה  בשבת שירה
ספר עוללות אפרים

The Sefer Nachal Kedumim* writes the Manna was similar to wheat.

*end P.Pikudei

Monday, January 6, 2014

*חלבי ודמי הנמעט בצומי

For Ta’anis Bechorim ,a father or mother is required to fast for their child who is under Bar Mitzvah even if the child hasn’t reached the age of Chinuch. 
 No other Ta’aneisim is the parent required to fast for their child. Ta’anis Bechorim is different than the other Fast days. Fasting on the other days is a Mitzvah. 

Only Gedolim are Mechuyav to perform Mitzvohs. 

 Fasting Ta’anis Bechorim is for protection of the Bechor. All Bechorim regardless of age, need the protection. The first nine Makos didn’t need a special protection for the Bnei Yisroel. It was sent specifically,to the Mitzrim. 

Makas Bechoros was different. It was sent down to all inhabitants of Mitzrayim,Yidden & Mitzrim. For the Yidden not to die, they required Dam Pesach & Dam Milah. They also, weren’t allowed to leave the house. The Bechorim needed this special protection from the Makah. Chazal instituted Ta’anis Bechorim to commemorate the special protection that was needed, to save the Bechorim in Mitzrayim with the Dam Hanimat B'tzom *Selicha Yom Kippur Koton 

(Masas Chapai-R. Mordechai b. Shabsi Aruch)

Parshas Hashovua

Who was    בן יקא?

The Zohar* Parshas Bo says , Shlomo Hamelech had seven names
שלמה  ידידיה  אגור  בן יקא   איתיאל  למואל  קהלת

The Mishnas Chachamim* 332-334 writes,
“When the Zohar was originally discovered, it wasn’t  set up
on Parshas Hashavua. At a later date it was set it up on Parshas
Hashavua. It is unknown who did it  and why he put in certain
Ma’amorim in a particular Parsha. He must have had a reason
Al Pi Sod.”

According to the Midrash only 3 names  שלמה  ידידיה קהלת   

*Maharam Chagiz

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Gadol Hador Needs A Raincoat

                                                     Daf Hashavua
Yoma  53b
                   The Gadol Hador Davened  for a raincoat

The Gemoro tells the story of R. Chanina Ben Dosa, who was walking
on the street and the  rain came down on him. He Davened to Hashem
and said,” the whole world has comfort and Chanina is in pain.”

The Maharsha asks how could it be, The Chosid R. Chanina B.D. would
ask  Hashem to stop the rain for the whole world , for his personal
comfort, even at the expense of the rest of the world.

The Ben Yehodo  (Ben Ish Chai) answers ," all he asked from
 Hashem  was, he should manage to  find a coat to protect him from the rain.

However, Hashem stopped the rain instead, Lekovod R.Ch.B.D."

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Pidyon Haben

Pidyon Haben Everybody knows, eating at a Pidyon Haben is like fasting 84 Taniyos. 
 The Sdei Chemed writes, there is no such Mekor anywhere. Most Poskim don’t consider a Seudas Pidyon Haben as a Seudas Mitzvah. 
 The Ostrovtzer Rebbe ztl said that it is “ Keilu “as if, he fasted. A “Keilu fast only works on “Keilu Aveiros” and not for the real Aveirah. (Kol Hador Bechul Keilu Oved Avoda Zarah etc.) 

 The Rebbe said, we find in Shas, 84 such Keilu Aveiros. 

 R. Yosef Chaim Zonenfeld ztl . said learning a blatt Gemoro works just as well as eating food from a Pidyon Haben. Daf has the osiyos Pei Daled = 84.

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