Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Two Dinim In Shlichus

Daf Hashavua
Yoma 68b

In Vayikra 16 : 21 the Pasuk says , וסמך אהרן--- ושלח ביד איש עתי המדברה .
The next Pasuk (22) it says again ושלח את השעיר במדבר  .
Reb Yoshe Ber Soloveitchik ZT"L
R. Y.B. Soloveitchik zt”l (Boston)* explains, there were two Shlichos done.

In Pasuk 21,The Meshaleiach (sender) was the Kohen Gadol. The Ish Iti was the Shliach of the Kohen Gadol (Ahron) . 

His mission was to bring the שעיר   into the Midbar. As soon as it arrived in the Midbar, The Kohen Gadols responsibility was done with.

 At this point the Kohen Godel may do the Krieah of the Parsha.
This is what the Mishna is telling us, אמרו לו לכ"ג הגיע שעיר למדבר

In Pasuk 22 the sender is not the Kohen Gadol but the Ish Iti. (for Klall Yisroel)

The Ish Iti sends (delivers) the שעיר  to the   צוק
  ובזה מיושב כמה וכמה דיוקים

 *Shiurei Hagrid

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