Friday, July 5, 2024

THIS SHABBOS ROSH CHODESH TAMUZ Don't Daaven ח"ו for the destruction of ירושלים

 Don't Daaven ח"ו for the destruction of ירושלים

According to the  (מנחת שי (תהלים פו:ב, (and others)

In the Tefillah of אתה יצרת*  at  " ולפי שחטאנו -- חרבה עירנו "

You should make sure to pronounce the Reish of

חרבה with a שוא נע (Chorehvo). 


Pronouncing the Reish with a  שוא נח (silent)

Chorvo the translation changes to "Because we sinned --

you should (ח"ו ) destroy our city". (imperative)


The actual translation is, "Because we sinned our city was

destroyed (past tense).

ובנה ירושלים עיר הקדש במהרה בימינו



* Musaf Shabbos Rosh Chodesh 

1 comment:

  1. How about ושמם מקדשינו can’t that be read as an imperative as well?


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