Now You Know The Rest Of The Story.......... The Torah Matzav
Parshas משפטים has 60 פסוקים not 180 פסוקים. The ספר החינוך & ר'בחיי were amongst those ראשונים who held that פ' משפטים is split into two. The first 60 Pesukim is פ' משפטים. The following week a new Parsha starts with אם כסף תלוה . Now we can understand the אברבנאל's הקדמה on חומש שמות where he writes that,שמות has 12 סדרים (Parshios) - (our count has only 11 סדרים)
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The seventh & the eighth of אדר The גמרא ב " ב ט " ו ע " א asks who wrote the last eight פסוקים...
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