Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Hilchos Babysitter

From Mori V'rabi Harav Hagaon Reb Shlomo Miller Shlita:

1) A babysitter who worked on Shabbos and it is not possible
for her to also work in the weekday.In order to be paid בהבלעה

One may put down the money in front of the babysitter and
be מפקיר it. She can then be קונה the money from הפקר

2)  A babysitter should be paid within the first day or night. Even if the babysitter says it's OK to wait with payment. It might not be בלב שלום and you might be Oiver (transgress) 5 Lavin & 1 Aseih*.

* מאירות עינים  חו"מ של"ט ס"ק ד'

לא תגזול
לא תעשוק שכר
ולא תעשוק את רעיך
לא תלין 
לא תבא עליו

ביומו תתן

Monday, November 28, 2016

When Was It Fulfilled ?

 Birchas Yitzchok

ויתן לך- יעבדוך עמים וישתחוו לך לאמים
הוה גביר לאחיך וישתחוו לך בני אמך-

When in the history of Klal Yisroel were
the Brachos of Yitzchok (to Yakov) fulfilled 
and for how long did it last?

I don't have the answer. (looking for one)

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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

ברוך דיין האמת

"On bad news you make the Brachaברוך – דיין האמת  ."

(Shulchan Aruch O.Ch. 222:2)

"If someone sees the wife of Lot (Pillar of salt) should make two Brachos,
1) ברוך – דיין האמת   "(O. Ch. 218:8)

 Bad news???

Why should you make this Bracha on a woman who was no Tzadekes and died thousands of years ago? 

ממשה עד משה לא קם עוד כמשה

Since Moshe Rabeinu brought down the Torah,never in history  has there been an individual who  together with his Mishpocha supported and benefited so many Lomdei Torah and funded so many Mosdos Hatorah, as
Reb Moshe Yosef Reichmann zt”l . יהי זכרו ברוך

יום השנה כ"א מרחשון (אתמול) 
 The Chasam Sofer (Shu”t Y.D. 2 :155) writes:
 The Agadah of בת כ' לא חטאה
שהרי אינה בת עונשין  is not mentioned in Shas* but in Drushei Agadah. Therefore 
the Achronim said “You can’t rely on it". 

According to Halacha, once you become a Gadol with years (13 -12) and Simanim, you are Chayav all the Chiyuvei Torah of Bais Din Shel Ma’aloh and Matoh".

The Chasam Sofer says the Shiur of 20 years is applicable only on Aveiros of the Dor Hamidbor or  Aveiros of Kodem Matan Torah. This does not apply
today on any of the Taryag Mitzvohs.

*It actually is mentioned in Meseches Shabbos 89b 

Monday, November 21, 2016

Loeg Lerosh At Meoras Hamachpeila ??

Reb Binyamin (from) Todelo traveled to Eretz Yisroel in the year 1170.
In his travel diary on Meoras Hamachpeilah, he writes:
 “The Goyim built six tombs and claim each one is for one of the Avos & Imahos.
They fool the ignorant Goyim (tourist) who pay them money, to 
approach the tombs.

For Yidden who come there and pay them money, they open
a metal gate and allow them to go down a staircase which leads
to another staircase and then to a third staircase. In there is
the cave where the Avos are actually buried. There are six stone
Matzeivos engraved with the names of Avraham, Sarah, Yitzchok,
Rivka, Yakov, Leah. (no Matzeivah for Adam& Chava) There are
also many barrels filled with bones. These bones are from Yidden
who bring their dead, there so they will rest next to the Avos" 

I am just wondering, if today where we Daven which is upstairs.
is the  place that was built by the Goyim for the ignorant
Goyim (tourist)?

It is possible this spot was intentionally chosen to Daven so 
there wouldn't be  a problem with Lo'eg Lerosh (Tallis& Tefilin etc.)

Click here to see a discussion on Loeg Lerosh by Kever Rachel

Did You Know (160)

In Shulchan Aruch (Rema/Mahril) there is no
mention for a woman to place her hands on 
her face to cover her eyes.

It says to place  the hands in front the candles
to block the light from the candles*.

*Perhaps this is how Minhag of waving hands over candles started.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Story Of Reb Moshe Feinstein

Daf Hashavua
Bava Kama 38b
 א"ר חייא בר אבא א"ר יוחנן

 אין הקב"ה מקפח שכר כל בריה

Lot's first born daughter named her child מואב  thus recalling 
she bore him from her father.

Lot's second daughter named her child בן עמי which does not explicitly recall the child was from her father. 

For being more discreet  than her  older sister, she was rewarded.

In the Hakdama to the Igros Moshe (O.Ch.5) there is a very interesting story told by Reb Moshe zt"l.

Reb Moshe went to be Mevaker Choleh in Luban a sick person whose tongue had swelled up.

He told Reb Moshe the reason why he contacted this disease.

He said he had a Kushya.

"How is it, that the Mashiach will be  an offspring of these two women who weren't even ashamed to name their children and publicize having  relations with their own father ?"

One day he had a dream, two elderly women came to him and claimed to be the daughters of Lot. They told him they heard his complaint and want to respond.

They said they could have easily claimed that the children were born by an immaculate conception.

They intentionally named them עמון ומואב (embarrassing themselves)  to publicize there is no such thing as an
immaculate conception.

They were therefore rewarded that the True Mashiach will come from them.

They also told him that he was being punished for speaking badly  about them.

After he finished telling the story to Reb Moshe he turned to the other side and died.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Dikduk Lesson

According to Harav Hagaon R.Chaim Kanyevsky Shlita:

Females should say Moidoh Ani Lefonecha . 
(Kometz under Dalet) and not Modeh Ani

Many others agree

Artscroll Siddur for women (Ohel Sarah) it says Modeh

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Vort For Parshas Vayeiro

                                     "*למועד אשר דבר אתו אלוהים" 

Rashi says:
The  Malach  made a scratch on the wall and said that he will return   
the following year, when  the sun will be at the exact same spot,   
and Sarah  will have a child.

 The Malochim visited Avrohom  the first day of Pesach.
 Yitzchok was born the following year on the first day of Pesach.


The timing is off  by 11 days!

It takes 365 days for the sun to return to the same  spot.
From Pesach to Pesach the following year is only 354 days. 

When the sun returned to the same spot it was 11 days after Yitzchok’s  birth.

See an amazing answer by clicking here

Monday, November 14, 2016

Prediction From Rabenu Bechaya

ויקח לחם וחמת מים ויתן אל הגר

The R. Bachaya writes, (Breishis 21:14) 
"Avraham Avinu saw with his Nevuah
that his children the Bnei Yisrael will 
suffer in the future  from Yishmael.

No other nation will hate the Bnei Yisrael 
as much as the Yishmaelim, therefore he
treated his son as an enemy and supplied 
him with bread & water, the way it says
in Mishlei (25) אם רעב שונאך האכילהו לחם
ואם צמא השקהו מים"

Even though the Nazis killed six million
Yidden, however as much as they hated
Yidden the Yishmaeilim hate us even more.
The Nazis weren't Moser Nefesh to kill
Yidden whereas the Yishmaeilim 

commit suicide to Ch"v  kill Yidden אמבצי

Did You Know (45)

Did You Know (45)

According to the Shulchan Aruch (E.H. 64:3) , Weddings 
should not be performed on Sundays.

 "Some say not to marry women on Fridays and Sundays-
Others say it is allowed and the Minhag is to marry on Fridays."
The Pischei Teshuva writes " On Sundays the Minhag remains not to marry because the Goyim get married on Sundays.

The Teshuvas Ha' Rema 125 ,agrees and writes" We don't marry on
Sundays כחוקת הכותים." 

It is unknown when & how this Halacha in Shulchan Aruch faded 

away and the Minhag changed to get married on Sundays.

Friday, November 11, 2016


הרב הגאון החסיד ר' מרדכי יהודה בן הרב שמואל דונאט ומשפחתו הי"ד
              י' חשון                  
                Yahrzeit of Hagaon Hachasid  R. Yidel Donath, his wife and all
his eight children H.Y.D.., murdered by the Nazis ימ"ש

              Reb Yeedle Donath was the last Rosh Yeshiva of The Yeshiva Haramah (Pressburg) 

             founded by the Chasam Sofer zt"l  (Took over from the Cheshev Sofer zt"l)

The Ramban in Parshas Vaychi  (48-7)  writes that Rochel died and was buried  in Romoh which is in the chelek of Binyomin.

The Ramban  in Parshas Vayishlach (35:16) writes that after he arrived in Eretz Yisrael and saw with his own eyes K. Rochel, he changed his mind and held that K. Rochel is less than a mil away from Bais Lechem  (chelek Yehudah & not in Romoh). 

It would be interesting to know what exactly the Ramban saw that made him  change his mind. What convinced him to realize this to be the true location  of Kever Rochel?

R. Binyamin (from) Todelo traveled to  Yerushalayim in the year 1170  one  hundred years before the Ramban's arrival to E.Y. 

He wrote in his travel diary a short description of K. Rochel. "The matzeiva  has 11 stones . Over the matzeivah there is a dome built on four posts. 

Yidden who come there write their names on the stones of the  matzeiva."
(grafitti) They used to do this also on the Kosel.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Maran Rav Elozor Menachem Man Schach zt”l told this story.

Maran Rav Elozor Menachem Man Schach zt”l  told this story.

The Nesivos who was in a bad marriage and suffered
a lot from his  wife, tried to divorce her. She
refused to accept a Get. R. Akiva Eiger zt”l tried
to  convince her to accept a Get. She answered him
 “ From such a holy man I do not want to get divorced”

Rav Shach commented ” Even though she recognized
his greatness and holiness she still made him
צרות גדולות עד לשמים .”

Similarly, said Rav Shach “We find in Pasuk
ונברכו בך כל משפחות  ALL will recognize the
greatness of Avraham Avinu (Klall Yisroel) and
yet there will be ומקללך אאור  ,  haters of

Avraham Avinu who would still hate & curse him.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


ואברכה מברכיך ומקללך אאר 

When Balak asked Bilam to curse the Bnei Yisrael,
he said ארה *לי , "curse me*".

Mori V'Rabi Harav Hagaon R.Shlomo.Miller shlita said,
In Parshas Lech Lecha, Hashem said," ואברכה מברכיך
ומקללך אאר I will bless those who bless you  and 
those who curse you I will curse".

Balak knew of this yet he insisted on having the 
Bnei Yisrael cursed. even though as a result of this 
Balak himself will be cursed. 

The שונאי ישראל attempt to harm the Yidden even when 
they themselves know they will lose out by doing so.

The Nazis ym"s at the end of the war, instead of using
their  trains for the war effort and save their own military,
used the trains to transport the Hungarian 
Jews to Auschwitz.

Bilam even though he blessed the Bnei Yisroel wasn't 
entitled to be blessed because it wasn't him who blessed

the Bnei Yisroel
It was Hashems Brocho coming out from Bilam's

*see Orach Chaim

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Why ?

The Maharil writes that you start saying ותן טל ומטר
on the 22nd day in November and the siman is
 יברך ישראלבך  

Why not on Dec.4?

For answer click here

Monday, November 7, 2016

Did you know (164)

Bringing it onto yourself  ח"ו

According to תוס' הרי"ד, (Bava Kama 83a)
a person can bring an עין רע on himself.

He explains the Pasuk in  'איכה ג   
"עיני עוללה לנפשי מכל בנות עירי"
" My own (bad) eye did harm on myself,
more than all daughters of my city" 

Some learn Pshat in the Gemoro (Brachos 55b)
        עין רע    refers to the   ואי דחיל מעינא בישא דיליה

one places on himself.

Why Davening for a זכר a תפילת שוא since it is סמוי מן העין ?

Why Davening for a זכר a תפילת שוא since it is סמוי מן העין ?

Most of the Oilam answered that there is a difference between
adding (to the grain) and changing (the gender of the baby). 

If it is known (אינו סמוי מן העין ) I can hear this to make a difference.
Hashem refrains from being משנה הטבע when it is out in the open. 
Increasing the amount might be considered less of a שינוי טבע than
a change in gender.

But by changing something that is unknown (סמוי מן העין) 
there it would not make a difference between changing
the gender or increasing the amount. For the Ribono Sh.Olam.
one is not more difficult than the other.

My nephew  answered (Gevaldike Chap)
A baby in the mother's womb is not a  סמוי מן העין
If he can learn the whole Torah while in the womb he
also knows his own gender. 
One person knowing, granted it's only a fetus in the womb, 

is  considered אינו סמוי מן העין and therefore a תפילת שוא

Friday, November 4, 2016

Please Help Daf Yomi Bava Metzia 42a

DAF HASHAVUA (next week)
Bava Metzia 42a

ואר"י אין הברכה מצויה אלא בדבר הסמוי מן העין-
ת"ר ההולך למוד את גורנו אומר יר"מ ה' אלוקינו שתשלח ברכה-

One who hasn't measured his grain may Daven for 
a Bracha that his grain should increase. The reason
for it is because something that is hidden from the
eye (unknown) the power of Tefillah can bring a
Bracha and change (increase) the original amount 
of grain.

The Mishna (Brachos 44a)
"If a man whose wife is pregnant (after 40 days) and
Davens that she should give birth to a זכר it is considered
a תפילת שוא"  (in vain) 


Why if one harvested 1,000 lbs. of wheat and he is
unaware of the amount his Tefillah can change it
to 1.200 lbs. but his Tefillah cannot change the gender
of the child even though it is hidden from his eyes 

I need help from the oilam for a good Chiluk (difference)


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Why Cheshvan And Kisleiv?

                                  Why Cheshvan & Kislev?

The Tur (O.Ch. 428) writes ,”Tishrei is always a full month(30days)
and Teves is always a missing (short) month (29days)

The months alternate one month is full and the following is short.
The months of Cheshvan & Kislev are exceptions. Some years both 
months are full.(שנה שלמה ). Some years both months are short
( חסרה ) and some years one is full and the other is short (כסדרה)“

The reason for this is to equalize the months. A lunar cycle is
29 days+12hours+ 793 Chalokim (Aprox. ¾ hr.)

The Levush explains why did Chazal pick Cheshvan & Kislev
and not any other month when we do not always alternate full 
and short months .
He explains, 
“The first opportunity we have to add or subtract from the month
is on the month of Cheshvan.
We can’t do it on Nissan & Iyar  because the 50th day of Sefirah
has to be on the 6th of Sivan.
(by adding or subtracting a day  we will have it on the 5th or the 7th )

From Shavuos till Yom Kippur we need to have 3x 40 days.
to commemorate the 3x 40 days from Moshe Rabeinu standing
on the mountain (Shavuos) and bringing down the Luchos on
Yom Kippur.

Chodesh Tishrei is the king of the Chodoshim and the Month
with Yomim Tovim (ירח האתנים )  we can’t make it a חסר .

Therefore the first opportune time is in the month of Cheshvan.

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