Wednesday, January 27, 2016

seven branch candelabra

Parshas Hashavua
part 1

לא תעשון אתי אלוהי כסף

The Gemoro (Avoda Zarah 53a) and Shulchan Aruch (Y.D. 141-8)  say that one is not allowed to replicate the shulchan and  menorah  etc. of the Bais Hamikdash. The type of metal or size doesn't matter.  You may not make a seven branch Menorah.

R.Akiva Eiger's son in law (R. Shmuel Birnbaum zt"l) writes that his  Shver had a silver Shiviti candelabra with seven spouts and  took it to a silver smith who with great difficulty managed to add  on an additional spout.

Reb Akiva Eiger seems to hold like the Poskim* that being we  are dealing with an Issur De'orysa  (לא תעשון אתי) therefore  all seven branch  Menoras are forbidden, regardless of the  shape (cups are in a straight  line or in a circle etc.)
*Bchor Shor- Pischei teshuva                    

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Kabbalist or a Rosh Yeshiva

Bracha from a Kabbalist or a Rosh Yeshiva ?

The Bais Hillel* (Y,D.335) quotes the Ran,(ר"ן)
"The minhag in Tzarfas (France) if someone
(cha"v) has a sick person in the house, he goes to 
the Rav who is a Rosh Yeshiva for a Bracha".

*printed on the margin of the Shulchan Aruch

Monday, January 25, 2016

Tachrichin (burial shrouds) for sale

Most hospitals, today have gift shops and food courts which brings in an extra income for the hospital.

Probably the first such shop in a hospital was the Bikur Cholim Hospital in Yerushalayim, established almost 200  years ago.

The shop didn't sell flowers or chocolates. 

When “The Ashkenazi Perushim Hospital”
(original name before it changed to Bikur Cholim Hospital)
opened up, the Rabonim made a Takana
that  the only place one may purchase Tachrichin 
from, was  from the hospital shop.

Even people who had their own Tachrichin  had to pay the
equivalent to the hospital. 

This Takana somehow wasn't enforceable. It didn't last long
and ended up becoming  a forgotten piece of history.

Did You Know (118)

According to Rav Y.S. Elyashiv zt"l, the אמן 
after ויצמח פורקנה may not be answered
during Pesukei D'zimra etc.
(same as ברוך הוא וברוך שמו may not be answered)

In the Rambam's Nusach Hakadish there 

is no אמן after ויצמח פורקנה 

הכל בסדר

הכל בסדר                                     

                 MINHAG OF TU B'SHVAT SEDER
Some claim, The Tu Bishvat Seder originates from the Ari Zal. In his

Kesovim  (כתבי האר"י ז"ל)  there is no mention of a Seder on Tu Bishvat.

The first one to mention this Seder is the Sefer Chemdas HaYomim. 

There is a whole Perek describing how to perform the Seder.

"Various Perakim from Tanach and Zohar are to be said. Four

cups of different wines are drunk. Mezonos and fruits are eaten. Before

each fruit you have Kavanah of a different Tziruf of the Shem Havyah."

Thirty different fruits are to be eaten. Ten types of fruit that the outer 

is eaten and not the inner (fruits w. seeds) Ten that the inner is eaten 

and not outer (nuts/oranges) Ten that both inner and outer are 

eaten (seedless fruits)

The 30 fruits represents the 10 Sefiros x3 for 
 עולם הבריאה, עולם היצירה ,עולם העשייה*

In 1753, this chapter from the Chemdas Hayomim was reprinted 

as a separate Kunteres called "Kunteres Pri Eitz Hadar"  

They have since then, reprinted this Kunteres many times

and the Seder became very popular amongst the Mekubalim

and some Chasidim.

The Sefer Chemdas Hayomim was printed without a Sha'ar Blatt.

The Ya'avetz said that the Mechaber was the Navi Sheker

Noson Hoazosi, the right hand man of Shabtai Zvi  Ym"s.

There were Gedolim who disputed the Ya'avetz and claimed

the Sefer was written by an unknown holy man.

The Chemdas Hayomim writes to have Kavanah at the Seder ,
                                                                                                                      " העץ הנחמד בן ישי חי על האדמה

Someone revealed, this to be the same Gematria as Shabtai Zvi.

(317=315+2) . Also    העץ הנחמד = 390 the same as שצ 

These Gematrios enforced the side who claim the Sefer is from

Noson Hoazosi.

The publisher of the Amsterdam edition  who was aware

of this controversy, wrote in the Hakdama

                                                                                                               "ואם תמצא בו פרי שאינו נחמד למראה,
                                                                                                                השלך הקליפה ואכול תוכו"

*For some reason the first of the 4 עולמות  
  (is left out (I don't know why  , עולם האצילות

Did You Know (117)

The three Tree Rosh Hashanas

1) א' תשרי   
2) ט"ו בשבט 
3) ו' סיון       

1 )The 1st day in Tishre -  נטע רבעי + שמיטה
2 )Tu B'svat  -  מעשרות

3 )Shavuos - fruits of the tree are judged בעצרת על פירות האילן

Friday, January 22, 2016

Before You Eat Cholent This Friday Night Read This

Daf  Hashavua
Gittin 38b
ואחת קבעה סעודתא בערב שבת ושתיהן נעקרו

Rashi explains, They ate the main meal on Friday night. They were punished because we Pasken
כבוד יום קודם לכבוד לילה They should have waited for the daytime with the main Seudah

Mori V’rabi Harav Hagaon R. Shlomo Miller Shlita said, for same reason it is not proper to serve Cholent Friday night. Cholent is designated for the סעודת היום
Eating it at night , violates כבוד יום קודם לכבוד לילה.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

ששינו שמם

ר"ה ט"ז ע"ב
וא"ר  יצחק ד' דברים מקרעין גזר דינו של אדם - *שינוי השם דכתיב- לא תקרא את שמה שרי כי שרה שמה. 

All the names in this story, except for the Godol Hador, which played out in the last couple of month, have been omitted to preserve privacy.

The story starts with a lovely, frum, single girl from the tri-state area who was 34 years old. She dated a fine young man but it didn’t work out. So she shadchened this young man to a European friend of hers from seminary, also not married. The girl came to the US, stayed at her friend’s and got engaged to this young man. The Chasuna was set for Eretz Yisroel and as the Shadchen the local girl decided to go to the wedding. Her mother also had a wedding in Eretz Yisroel at the same time so they travelled together.

As Shidduchim were not clicking, her mother and her decided to visit the Raved, Hagaon Harav Moshe Sternbuch, with whom they had a relationship. The father had previously mentioned to the Raved the difficulty of this girl getting engaged and had received Brochus. This time, however, the Raved asked the girl what her name was and she informed him. After pondering for a few seconds, he pronounced that this was the wrong name for her. As one of her names was a Yiddish name and one of biblical origins, she assumed the Raved was referring to the Yiddish name. So she told him that she a biblical name as well. The Raved replied that both names were not appropriate and gave her three choices for a new name. She thought about it for a moment and chose one which she felt had a connection with her current name.

This was Friday morning in Israel, and as soon as they left the Raved, the girl phoned her father (in the middle of the night in North America) to inform him of this extraordinary turn of events asking him to change the name immediately on Shabbos. As the Emunas Chachomim in this family is very strong, he instantly agreed but first called the Raved for confirmation, which was given. He set about finding out how to implement this change. They also checked with an elderly relative, who still knew the ancestor after whom the girl was named, whether she felt the deceased forbearer would have a Hakpodo. The relative replied in the negative.
He phoned a local Rov, who did the requisite Halachic investigation and the following Monday, at Kriyas Hatorah, the name change was formalized with the Rov in attendance.
An hour after the father came home from Shul the phone rang with a Shidduch. About 6 weeks later, the happy young couple celebrated their engagement.

After the engagement, they also visited the grave of the ancestor after whom the young lady was initially named to ask for Mechila.

*עיין בריטב"א -פ' שינוי השם שמשנה שמו שאינו האיש בעל העבירות, כדי שלא יזכירוהו לרעה

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Which One ?

Which Yam(sea) did the Bnei Yisroel cross on Shevi’ie Shel Pesach?
1.       Yam Hatichon- Mediterranean

2.       Yam Suf- Red Sea

3.       Yam Ukyanus –Atlantic Ocean

4.       Yam Hamelech – Dead Sea

5.       Yam Kineret

6.       None of the above
7.       All of the above

for answer click here

Monday, January 18, 2016

True Segula -Leave Your Answer In The Comments Section

According to Chazal,  pregnant women  eating Esrog is a Segulah for what ?

Click here for answer 

Did you know ? (115)

The באר היטב  (O.Ch. 602:4) writes Whoever says
Kiddush Levana needs not to worry about dying 
in that month.

The Sefer Habris says that  this Segulah is only for

not getting killed and not for death by natural causes.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Winning The Lotto

R.E.Y.Hertzman zt"l said,*

Every person born will die  but nobody 
thinks it will ever happen to him.

Only one** person  wins the lottery 
and everybody thinks it will happen to him.

*שמעתי מר' ישראל מאיר מאיראוויטץ שליט"א בשם בנו  

** In his days there were no computerized tickets yet.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Reb Baruch Epstein Vort On The Parsha

Reb Baruch Epstein z”l (Torah Temima) writes that when he came to America, he was invited to a party. They 
asked him , “why do Chareidim  (men and women) wear long clothes”. 
Rabbi Boruch Epstein 

He answered them:
In  Parshas Shmos, it says -ושאלה אשה משכנתה 
Women should borrow clothes, from their neighbors.
 ושמתם על בניכם ועל בנתיכם .
And you shall dress the children with the borrowed clothes.

Why only for the children and not for the adults?

The answer must be that The Mitzrim wore short clothes and the Yidden wouldn’t wear it, themselves being it was too short. Therefore the Torah says to dress the children with it.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Did You Know (114)

לזכות  אסתר הינדל בת געלא לרפואה שלמה      
שמסרה נפשה לקיים נפש אחת מישראל          
 וע"ז אמרו *חז"ל מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילו קיימה עולם מלא 

According to Rav S.Y. Elyashiv zt"l:

When saying Kiddush Levana, one may say Sholem Aleichem to someone who is in middle of the Bracha and will not answer back Aleichem Sholom.

The Nusach of Kiddush Levana only  calls for to say Sholom Aleichem.

The answer back of Aleichem Sholom is not part of Kiddush Levana.

It's done as Derech Eretz to answer back when someone wishes you Sholom Aleichem.

Monday, January 11, 2016

The rumor of his death was greatly exaggerated. Got away with murder.

The Torah journal " Hadvir" in the year 1919, 
reported that R Meir Simcha Hakohen  zt"l (Ohr Sameach)
was murdered  while he was walking on the street.
( pogrom)
He actually was niftar  in year 1926. (five years later - age, 82yrs.)

BBQ.with mustard?

In this weeks Parsha,(Bo) there are two foods 
that should be eaten roasted.
1.       Korban Pesach

2.       ????  (with mustard)        הלכה מפורשת בשו"ע


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Recipe for Knaidlach

Recipe for Knaidlach calls for four eggs

The maid came to the Bais Halevi on Yom Tov and said 
 "My Bal Habusta sent me to the Rov with this Shaila.
She told me to make Knaidlach using three eggs and I 
made it with four eggs. May we eat the Knaidlach?"

The Bais Halevi answered not to eat it in the mean time, 
but to come back again the following day with the same Shaila.

The onlookers were puzzled with both the question and the

The Bais Halevi explained, This maid must have been
nervous when asking the Shaila and left out part of the story.

She was probably told to use three eggs because that's all
the eggs they had in the house.The maid knowing the 
recipe calls for four eggs picked up another egg from the 
chicken coop.
.which was laid on Yom Tov (ביצה שנולדה ביו"ט)

He told her to come back the following day because
the fourth egg is not בטל being it is a דבר שיש לו מתירין
after Yom Tov it's not Muktza any more therefore
Bitul doesn't apply and one must wait to eat the knaidlach
till after Yom Tov.

A Rav  not only needs to know the answer but also needs

to know and understand the question (Shaila),

Hamadfis Printing

The Frankfurt Oder* Shas has on the last pageof Meseches Nidah printed the following:

נעשה סדור אותיות ע”י המסדר ישראל
 וע”י  אחותו הבתולה  געלא בת כהר”ר משה שליט”א
 בשנת נקבה סובב זכר לפ”ק תנ”ד **

In one of the early printed Seforim  the following declaration is printed "I, Estellina, the wife of my worthy  husband Abraham Conat wrote this Sefer בחינת עולם”

This Sefer was actually written by  ידעיה הבדרשי not by Estellina. What she actually meant was she printed it.

When printing was still in its infancy there was no uniform word in Loshon Hakodesh for the words “print, printed, printer etc.” 

Many used the term Kesiva (writing)***. Others   termed it Mechokek (engraving). Some termed it Ha’atek (copy). Some used the word Siddur Osios (organizing
the letters.

Eventually the word D’fus (form ) became the standard translation for print.

*There are 2 Frankfurts in Germany 1)D’Mein (city) 2) D’Oder (town)

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Man On The Moon

                         Kiddush Levanah

       ברוך יוצרך ברוך עשך ברוך קונך ברוך בוראך

The Tashbatz Katan writes it is said in this order because " The form of Yakov's
face is on the moon."

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Daf Hashavua Gittin 23a

האיך בני אדם מותרים בנשותיהם בלילה

אלא בטביעות עינא דקלא

The Gemoro assumes, spouses may live  together 
at night without being able to see each other (to be sure 
it is not a stranger) because of טביעות עינא דקלא (voice recognition).

The Ramban (Breishis 27:12) asks “Why wasn’t Yakov
afraid of Yitzchok recognizing his voice not being same
as Eisav’s ?. If simple people can recognize טביעות עינא דקלא 
then for sure Yitzchok the Chacham would.

The Ramban answers two Tirutzim. a) The two brothers
had similar voices (twins)  b) Yakov was able to imitate
Eisav’s voice.

According to the Ramban's answers, how do we understand
our Gemoro that allows living together at night
because of טביעות עינא דקלא  How does it help, if you can have
two people with same voice or one imitating someone else’s  voice.


Monday, January 4, 2016


What is Muktza throughout the entire year on  Shabbos & Yom Tov, except for  8 or 9 days of the  year when it is not Muktza?(on Shabbos or YomTov) ?



The Gaon writes (Yeshayahu 6:9) "It is the Yetzer Hara
who prevents people from learning Kabalah. He knows
that by learning Kabalah a person will do Teshuva Shleimah.

The ספר אבן שלמה  quotes the Gaon "Whoever was capable 
to understand Kabbalah but didn't attempt to understand it will 
be punished for it Leasid Lavo."(8:24)

He also quotes the Gaon " As long as you don't understand 
Sod (Kabalah), you won't have clarity in Pshat."(8:21)

The Satmar Rebbe

  Parshas Hashavua אחרי  The Satmar Rebbe, R Yoilish Teitelbaum Zt"l was asked why he was so harsh and critical of כלל ישראל . Why co...