Thursday, December 31, 2015

צאינה וראינה

The Sefer צאינה וראינה authored by R. Yakov b Yitzchok Ashkenazi  - (1550-1624was geared specifically for women who didn't understand Loshon Hakodesh.

It is a collection of beautiful Midrashim in Yiddish.

Until about 80 years ago it was the most popular Sefer (after Siddur & Tehillim)  Yiddish speaking women possessed.

Illiterate women. which was very common, had a "Zogerrin". One who would read the צאינה וראינה   for their group.

There is a well known Midrash quoted by many but is not found in any Midrash we have today. The first and only Mokor (source) for it is the צאינה וראינה

"Originally Bris Milah was performed with a sharpened stone as mentioned in the Parsha how Tziporah performed the Bris with a stone.
Because the metal helmet on Golias's head allowed the rock Dovid Hamelech threw to penetrate and hit Golias's forehead, metal was rewarded and all Brisos from then on 
are performed  with metal knives."

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

over %90

Harav S.Wosner Zt"l writes (Shu"t Shevet Halevi  #10:13) that Reb Isser Zalmen Meltzer Zt"l was in awe of the Chazon Ish " How he  Paskened Dinei Nefashos
(gave medical advice on life & death issues) in split seconds and his success rate was over 90%"  

Monday, December 28, 2015

don't forget your name

לז"נ הקדוש ר' אברהם אשי בן הרב שמואל הי"ד
נעקד"ה ע"י הנאצים ימ"ש  ט"ו טבת

ואלה שמות בני ישראל
In many Siddurim, at the end or Shemone Esrai, it says
"The Shlah Hakadosh writes So as not to forget your name after 120, to say a Pasuk that starts and ends with the same letters as your own name starts and end”. "

As far as we know, this Shlah does not exist.

It is in the Kitzur Shlah (R.Y.M.Epstien) who says it.

The Maharsham (Da’as Torah O.Ch. 156) says that the source is a Rashi (Micha 6:9) “whoever says this Pasuk will be saved from Gehinom.”

This Shtikel is not really from Rashi but is in brackets and was added on to Rashi.

The actual Mokor for this Minhag is, the Eliya Rabba (O.Ch.122)
He quotes in the name of the Bais Yosef, “Tov Lomar” It’s a
good thing to say etc. The B.Y. doesn’t mention any reward
for saying it. ( no mention of remembering your name after 120)

*The  original Artscroll Siddurim had the
Kitzur  Shlah as the source. They changed
it to the Eliya Rabba.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Did You Know (110) -Nital Nacht

          What to do on Nital night?

The Hagohos on the Sefer Haminhagim (R. Izack Tirna) writes, to say עלינו לשבח on Nital Nacht in a loud voice.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Levaya

My father a”h told me, "In Pressburg, when they had a Levaya l”a
The frum people used a horse and buggy to transport the Niftar. The
more modern ones, used a car".

R. Shlomo Kluger asked from the Maharatz Chiyos* to send him a copy
of a Teshuva he wrote to R.Bezalel Ginzburg ( Dayan in Tarnipol), who
asked if one may use a horse and buggy to transport a Niftar.

R.B.G. held that it was wrong to use a horse to transport a Niftar.
He claimed we find in Midrash, Yaakov commanded his children that
after his death no Mitzri or Kenani shall touch his body. If he objected
for a Mitzri or Kenani , for sure he would object a horse carrying his Aron.

R.B.G. also claimed the Bnei Yisroel carried Yackov Avinus body all the
way to Chevron on their shoulders.

The M.Ch. argues on both points. "You can’t compare touching the
body to transporting without touching. We don’t find anywhere
that Yackov was carried on the shoulders of Bnei Yisroel.

He continues on with his Teshuva and concludes," there is no Issur to
transport a Niftar on a horse and buggy. However, the Minhag (in his region) 
is to carry the Niftar on the shoulder and no one uses horse & buggy. 
You should not change a Minhag that goes back to the times of
the Avos,Neviiem,Tanaim and Amoraim.

Shlomo Hamelech warned us Al Titosh Toras Imecha.
ועושה חדשות בעל מלחמות** "

250 years ago the discussion was if horse & buggy was OK.
80 years ago  the discussion was if an automobile was OK.
Today few know, there ever were any such a discussions.

*Shu”t Maharatz Chiyos 6
** Those who introduce new Minhagim is a בעל מלחמות (pun)

The Chasam Sofer (Parshas Vayechi P 245)
quotes the Kuzari who says that Leosid Lavo
(in the future after Moshiach Comes ) Mitzrayim will be part  of Eretz Yisroel

Monday, December 21, 2015

9th of Teves

ט' טבת יום מיתת אסתר המלכה*
The Hagahos Baruch Ta’am (Frankel) (O.Ch.580) writes, he saw a Ksav Yad
that "on the 9th of Teves, Shimon Hakalfus died. He helped the
Yidden when they had big Tzaros, therefore Chazal established the
day he died as a fast day".
Shimon Hakalfusi also known as Shimon Kaifa and better known
as Peter the Apostale.  (first pope)
There is a Machlokes going back to the Rishonim, If Peter was
one of ours, planted in Rome as a secret agent,
to save the Yidden. Some even claim he authored “Nishmas”
נשמת- ואילו פינו – עד הנה- מי ידמה – שוכן עד
and also the Seder of Avoda said on Yom Kippur. 
The Dikdukei Sofrim quotes a Girsa in Rashi,
that both Paul & Peter led the Christians, only to save
the Yidden from  persecution. They for themselves were
faithful Yidden. 
In the first print of the Sefer Chasidim #191, he calls
Shimon Kaifa a Tzadik.  This Siman was removed hence in many
prints   Siman #191 is missing. After #190 comes #192.
There are newer editions where it was reinstated.
The Machzor Vitri (Talmid of Rashi) strongly opposes
this opinion He calls him אותו נבל שמעון פטר חמור.
He also writes “whoever claims that Nishmas was
authored by Peter will need to bring a  חטאת שמינה (fat Chatos)
when the Bais Hamikdosh will be rebuilt”.

מקור חיים (בכרך) בשם ספר מחיר יין*

The great wonder

The Mechaber in Shulchan Aruch (O. Ch. 580) lists additional fast days.

One of the fast days is on the 9th day in Teves. “It is unknown what
Tzoroh happened on that day”.

The Taz  writes" תימה גדולה  (It's a great wonder) that the Bais Yosef
doesn't know what happened that day,In our Selichos (Ezkero Motzok)
it is written that Ezra Hasofer died on the 9th of the month".

It is interesting, this Piyut is said, only by Ashkenazim. The Sefardim
say instead the Piyut “Sha’a Elyon” and the Piyut “Yoshev Bashomayim”.
In both of these Piyutim, it is mentioned that Ezra Hasofer died on the
10th of Teves.

The Mechaber, being a Sefardi, must have held that Ezra died
on the 10th and therefore didn’t know what happened on the
9th of Teves.

בני ישראל

The תשבץ writes, "The ראשי תיבות of  ישראל, are


Friday, December 18, 2015

No Sheva Brachos In Frankfurt

The Judengasse Synagogue in Frankfurt’s Jewish ghetto, around 1880

The Chasam Sofer writes (Shu”t E.H. 1: 122) that he never heard or saw in Frankfurt Sheva Brachos from the second day on. (day after Chasuna)
Only once did they have a Sheva Brachos on Shabbos

It was so unheard of, the whole city  talked about it.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Whats the heter

Daf Hashavua
Gittin 6b

וא"ר יצחק שתים כותבין שלש אין כותבין במתניתא תנא שלש כותבין—
R. Yitzchok said two words may be written withoutשרטוט   (engraved lines).
three words may not be written without שרטוט .

A line that isn’t straight and is curvy going up and down would
probably  be considered a non kosher שרטוט. It probably needs to
be a straight line.
Many Ketores written on a Klaf have   added to them Tehillim Kapital 67
למנצח בנגינת in the shape of a Menorah*. The lines are a semi circle shape.

Just wondering what’s the Heter.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Truth Overrides Humility-Sotah49b

Reb Chatzkel Abramsky

משמת רבי בטלה ענוה ויראת חטא- אמר ליה ר' יוסף לתנא לא תיתנא ענוה דאיכא אנא
Since Rebbie died ,humility disappeared from the world.”
R. Yosef  said to  the Tana to remove this statement from the Breisa (Mishna*)
because "I am still here." (and I am an Onov)
The obvious question is how can an Onov say  on himself that he is an Onov ?
The מהרש"א answers, Reb Yosef held the statement (there is no more Anivus in the world) to be incorrect. It was very important to have the Breisa corrected and  remove this statement. He held that truth overrides humility. For the sake of truth he sacrificed his own humility and announced the statement is wrong because "I am still here" therefore Anivus is still here.

There is a famous story with Harav Yachezkal Abramsky zt"l while testifying  in court said on himself to be the  greatest Halachic expert in the British Commonwealth. The judge said to him  " You don't seem to be the most humble Rabbi in the Commonwealth".
Rav Abramsky responded, "Your honor what should I have said, I am under oath."

הדרן עלך מסכת סוטה והדרך עלן
*Somehow it got into our Mishna
Rebbie wrote the Mishna and wouldn't
have written " Mishemes Rebbie".

Monday, December 14, 2015

Stop The Music

Daf Hashavua
Sotah 48a

משבטלה סנהדרין בטל השיר

Why don't we have music by weddings in Yerushalayim ?

In Yerushalayim the Minhag by Ashkenazim is not to have musical instruments play at weddings.The reason for it is not so clear.

Some say it started when in 1865 there was a plague in Yerushalayim. Rav Meir Auerbach zt”l made  a sheilas Chalom by writing on a parchment  the question of why the plague came..It was then placed on his forehead. He dreamt the Pasuk in
in Shir Hashirim “     --הנה זה עומד אחר כתלנו

He realized the reason must be because the Shchina behind the Kosel is mourning the Churban They then made  the Takanah  Zecher L’Churban not to have music in Yerushalayim even at weddings.

Some (Rav S.Y Elyashuv zt”l amongst them) question the validity of this story. Newspapers, journals and Seforim of the time, don't mention  this story. The
story only started to appear over 100 years later.

Friday, December 11, 2015

How many words in the Parsha?

לז"נ אבי מורי ר' צבי יהודה בן ר' משה זללה"ה
יום השנה א' דר"ח טבת            

How many words in the Parsha?

The Mesora counts the amount of Pesukim in each Parsha.
In  Parshas  מקץ the Mesora  counts also the  amount
of (2025) words in the Parsha.
The Bnei Yisasschar quotes  R.Z.H. Ziditchoiver zt”l  who says
"It is for a Remez for Chanukah.
2025       + 25 כה (כסליו) x8= 2000 נר

The actual exact count is only 2022

ומצוה לישב 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Did you know? (108)

לז"נ אבי מורי ר' צבי יהודה בן ר' משה זללה"ה

יום השנה א' דר"ח טבת       
The מהרש"א (Kidushin 31b) writes:

The word ז"ל - זכרונו לברכה can be used even for people who are alive.

For people who died the proper term to use is, זכרונו לברכה לחיי העולם הבאה 

יגעתי ולא מצאתי-

Another Purim Torah for Chanukah
רב בניו וקניניו על העץ תלית
We know Haman’s sons were hung on the tree.

Where do we find his possessions were hung ?
יגעתי ולא מצאתי I searched for  an answer
but couldn’t find one.
If you have a Teretz please comment or e-mail 

Monday, December 7, 2015

A Good Vort For Chanuka

הדלקה עושה מצוה

The Rambam, Paskens  a   זר may light the Menorah in the
Bais Hamikdash .  The way it has to be done is by taking
the Menorah out and have the זר light and then return
it back to its place.
We see from here that at the Bais Hamikdash we
Pasken הנחה עושה מצוה  . (The lighting was done in
the wrong place, but still O.K. as long as it placed in
in the right place.
Why for Chanukah do we pasken      הדלקה עושה מצוה  
if in the Bais Hamikdosh we Paskened הנחה עושה מצוה ?
The Rogatchover Gaon zt”l says “in the times 
Of Bayis Sheini (no Shemen Hmishcha ) the way to be
mekadesh a new Kli Shoreis, was having a Kohen  use it
for the first time, during the Avodah.

During the Nes Chanukah  they lit with a new Menorah
for the first time. To be Mekadesh  the new Menorah,
required Kohanim to light the Menorah. “

Mori V’rabi Hagaon R. Shlomo Miller shlita said with this
Rogatchover we can understand why we pasken הדלקה עושה מצוה .
Chazal wanted to commemorate the Chinuch of the new Menorah ,
which required a Kohen to do the first Hadlakah, to be Mekadesh
the new Menorah.

אחת ושבע                   
ואני הקטן הוספתי ,ובזה מיושב קושיית הב"י –
ביום א' התקינו לזכר חנוכת המנורה          
ועוד ז' זכר נס פך שמן                 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Meir Who?

 אלהא דמאיר ענני*

Which Meir ?

a) Tanna Reb Meir
b) Reb Meir Ba'al Haness
c) Reb Meir Premishlan
d) Reb Meir Kahane
e) None of the above                     

*ע"ז י"ח.


Embarrassing Another Yid.

Daf Hashavua
Sotah 40 a

 דאין הכהנים רשאין לעלות בסנדליהן לדוכן
The reason Kohanim must remove their shoes for 
Duchening is:
  1)there might be a Kohen with torn shoe strap 
  2) who will be embarrassed  (to Duchen with torn shoes)  
  3) he will fix the strap  
  4)he will miss  the Duchening (busy fixing)
  5) and people will talk and say he  is a Ben Gerusha. (Pasula Kohen)

To prevent this unlikely sequent  of events ( all 5 things has to happen) Kohanim must go through the Tircha (bother)  of removing their shoes every time they Duchen. 

We see  from here, how  severe Chazal considered 
embarrassing  another Yid.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Homeless Person

Did You know ? (1)
 (repeat from last year.."Did you know #1")

According to some Poskim, A homeless person does not have to light Chanukah candles*
*Harav Hagaon R.   S.Y. Bixenspanner's שליט"א  Kunteres  "ליקוטי ימי אורה
Mori V’Rabi Harav Hagaon Reb Shlomo Miller Shlita added
“It could be* that a homeless person is obligated to spend all his money
(unlike other Mitzvos where the maximum one needs to spend is 20% of his assets)
to acquire a home for Chanukah, to enable  the Kiyum of  Mitzvahs Ner Chanukah.

If this being true, then a person spending the night at the airport (and no one is at his home) might be obligated to check in to a hotel even if the costs are way above his means.”

*wasn't said as Halacha L'Ma'aseh

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