Friday, December 11, 2015

How many words in the Parsha?

לז"נ אבי מורי ר' צבי יהודה בן ר' משה זללה"ה
יום השנה א' דר"ח טבת            

How many words in the Parsha?

The Mesora counts the amount of Pesukim in each Parsha.
In  Parshas  מקץ the Mesora  counts also the  amount
of (2025) words in the Parsha.
The Bnei Yisasschar quotes  R.Z.H. Ziditchoiver zt”l  who says
"It is for a Remez for Chanukah.
2025       + 25 כה (כסליו) x8= 2000 נר

The actual exact count is only 2022

ומצוה לישב 

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