Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Embarrassing Another Yid.

Daf Hashavua
Sotah 40 a

 דאין הכהנים רשאין לעלות בסנדליהן לדוכן
The reason Kohanim must remove their shoes for 
Duchening is:
  1)there might be a Kohen with torn shoe strap 
  2) who will be embarrassed  (to Duchen with torn shoes)  
  3) he will fix the strap  
  4)he will miss  the Duchening (busy fixing)
  5) and people will talk and say he  is a Ben Gerusha. (Pasula Kohen)

To prevent this unlikely sequent  of events ( all 5 things has to happen) Kohanim must go through the Tircha (bother)  of removing their shoes every time they Duchen. 

We see  from here, how  severe Chazal considered 
embarrassing  another Yid.

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