Monday, December 28, 2015

don't forget your name

לז"נ הקדוש ר' אברהם אשי בן הרב שמואל הי"ד
נעקד"ה ע"י הנאצים ימ"ש  ט"ו טבת

ואלה שמות בני ישראל
In many Siddurim, at the end or Shemone Esrai, it says
"The Shlah Hakadosh writes So as not to forget your name after 120, to say a Pasuk that starts and ends with the same letters as your own name starts and end”. "

As far as we know, this Shlah does not exist.

It is in the Kitzur Shlah (R.Y.M.Epstien) who says it.

The Maharsham (Da’as Torah O.Ch. 156) says that the source is a Rashi (Micha 6:9) “whoever says this Pasuk will be saved from Gehinom.”

This Shtikel is not really from Rashi but is in brackets and was added on to Rashi.

The actual Mokor for this Minhag is, the Eliya Rabba (O.Ch.122)
He quotes in the name of the Bais Yosef, “Tov Lomar” It’s a
good thing to say etc. The B.Y. doesn’t mention any reward
for saying it. ( no mention of remembering your name after 120)

*The  original Artscroll Siddurim had the
Kitzur  Shlah as the source. They changed
it to the Eliya Rabba.

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