Thursday, December 12, 2019

Where is Kever Rochel?

Kever Rachel 
לז"נ הקדושים הרב הגאון הצדיק ר' מרדכי יהודה בן הר' שמואל וכל משפחתו הי"ד

י' חשון                    
                Yahrzeit of Hagaon Hachasid  R. Yidel Donath, his wife and all
his eight children H.Y.D.., murdered by the Nazis ימ"ש

Reb Yeedle Donath was the last Rosh Yeshiva of The Yeshiva Haramah (Pressburg) 
founded by the Chasam Sofer zt"l  (Took over from the Cheshev Sofer zt"l)

                                AVU LIGT DEH MAMME ROCHEL?

The Ramban in Parshas Vaychi  (48-7)  writes that Rochel died and was buried  in Romoh which is in the chelek of Binyomin.

The Ramban  in Parshas Vayishlach (35:16) writes that after he arrived in Eretz Yisrael and saw with his own eyes K. Rochel, he changed his mind and held that K. Rochel
is less than a mil away from Bais Lechem  (chelek Yehudah & not in Romoh). 

It would be interesting to know what exactly the Ramban saw that made him  change his mind. What convinced him to realize this to be the true location  of Kever Rochel?

R. Binyamin (from) Todelo travelled to  Yerushalayim in the year 1170  One  hundred years before the Ramban's arrival to E.Y

He wrote in his travel diary a short description of K. Rochel. "The matzeiva  has 11 stones . Over the matzeivah there is a dome built on four posts. 

Yidden who come there write their names on the stones of the  matzeiva."

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