Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Holy Woman

The reason a mother who gives birth is called a חיה
is because it was very common for women to die
during childbirth. She, having survived is called the
live one.חיה

Women, who died during childbirth, were buried
in a separate area of the Bais Hachayim.

The Shu”t Divrei Malkiel (2:94) writes, the reason for it
was because we find in the Gemoro (Shabbos 118b)
R.Yosi said on himself, he wishes to die on the way
to do a Mitzvah.
Women while giving birth is like on the way
to a Mitzvah. Dying during childbirth is like dying
על קידוש השם. They are on a higher level than
the rest and need to be buried separately."

*Perhaps, this might be an additional reason,
for Rochel to be buried separately and not with
the אמהות  because she died during childbirth, she
was at a different & higher level than the  אמהות

This might also be the reason קבר רחל is so special.
Chazal say those who die
על קידוש השם אין אחרות נכנסות במחיצתן
therefore we try to get physically as close as possible
while we still can.

R. Chaim Shmulevits zt"l encouraged Talmidim, instead
of traveling to קברי צדיקים to go locally to  קברים of holy
soldiers who died על קידוש השם.


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