Monday, October 26, 2015

7 Reasons For Bahab

1)      Chillul Hashem & for the Heichal that was burnt .  ( Ms. Sofrim 21)
2)      Men & women mingle during the Drasha on Yom Tov  (Tosfos Kidushin 81a)
3)      Men & women overeat  & mingle during the meals (Eshkol)
4)      Rain for winter and no harsh  spring weather so the crops won’t get damaged. (Elya Raba)
5)      Change of seasons(winter& summer) shouldn’t be harmful for the people. (Levush)
6)      Hashem should ease  the Galus . (Machzor Vitri)
7)      Zilzul Chol Hamoed (Maharam  miRotenberg)

The Elya Raba (O.Ch. 492) quotes the Haghaos Oshri, “ Those who do not fastTa’anis Bahab, must at least refrain from eating delicacies on the Ta’anis."

why they hate us

Mori V’rabi Harav Hagaon R.Shlomo Miller Shlita said:
Chazal tell us Avraham & Sarah couldn’t have any children על פי דרך הטבע
The birth of Klall Yisrael could not have  happened  Al Pi Derech Hateva.  

The existence & survival of Klall Yisrael throughout the past 2,000 years in Galus  is also Chutz Lederech Hateva.

All other nations, on the other hand  are Al Pi Derech Hateva .
Nature rejects foreign bodies. Teva doesn’t tolerate foreign bodies.
Hence “הלכה” the   מהלךin this world isעשיו שונא ליעקב .

והיה ביום ההוא – בקרוב ממש  when the Hanhaga of this world will
be  למעלה מן דרך הטבע and we will have שלום על ישראל  .

Friday, October 23, 2015

Exclusive Photo Of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach

Buy Reprints Of this picture Of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach

This picture is from the first Carlebach Kumzitz in Toronto.


Thursday, October 22, 2015


The Darkei Moishe (O.Ch.125) writes that the Maharil
didn’t talk from the beginning of Kedusha till after
the Amein of Hokeil Hakodosh.

It seems that during Chazaras Hashatz he would
talk,  as long as it was past Hokeil Hakodosh.

The Kaf Hachayim explains that this would have  
been only when he wasn’t Davening with that
Minyan*, otherwise you may not talk during the
entire Chazaras Hashatz.

* דבר פשוט  only where he is not disturbing other Mispalleim. אמבצי

Did You Know (95)

According to the Aruch Hashulchan (O.Ch. 124:8)
If the Rav comes late for Davening we should not

wait for him to start  the Davening .

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Did You (94)

The only * Mokor (source) we have,
to strike to  the chest  when saying  
 (חטאנו פשענו ) in the Shemonei Esrai
 (Slach Lonu)
is in the Sefer Mekor Chaim (Bachrach).
In the Kitzur Halachos he writes that
"It is not done on days Tachanun is not said".

*no mention in Shulchan Aruch or the Nosei Keilim

Monday, October 19, 2015

Chasam Sofer On Wearing Wool

Shu”t  Chasam Sofer  (O.Ch. 15b-16 ) The Shoel
asks the Chasam Sofer , "Are people who wear
woolen clothing,  allowed to serve as a Shliach
We should not  allow them  to be a Shliach Tzibur
because Nusach Sefard doesn’t tolerate people
who wear woolen clothing. People who do so
are not worthy to daven Nusach Sefard".

In Teshuvah # 15  the Ch. S. seems to ridicule
this statement. He says, even if the
chumra comes from not wanting to be
nichshal in Shatnez, it doesn’t make sense to
differentiate between Nusach Ashkenaz and
Nusach Sefard.
In Teshuva 16 , after being informed that it
was the Yismach Moshe who  holds to be
Machmir ( to disallow a Shlaich Tzibbur to
wear wool) he treats  the Shaila , more
seriously, but still strongly opposes this
 His main argument is, there shouldn’t make
a difference between Nusach Sfard or
Nusach Askenaz.

Most Chasidic Rebbes and many
Chasidim wear silk/polyester   Bekeshes for
this reason .

*Perhaps the origin of this statement was
started when some Gadol remarked
re our Sephardic brethren who reside
in warm climate countries. “Since they
generally don’t wear woolen clothing
they have an advantage of not being
nichshal in Shatnez and therefore their
Tefilos are always accepted."

They can’t tolerate woolen clothes not
because they Daven Nusach Sefard
but because they are Sephardim living in
warm climate countries.

Chasidim realized the advantage  our
Sephardic brothers have, of not being
Nichshal in Shatnez so they too stopped
wearing woolen clothing.
Hence the statement ,"Nusach Sfard doesn't
tolerate woolen clothing."


Did You Know (92)

The Chasam Sofer (Hagohos O.Ch. 102) writes that it is a סגולה נפלאה to Daven within 4 אמות of a צדיק .

חנה stood & Davened within 4 אמות of עלי

Friday, October 16, 2015

PARSHAS NOACH Candle Lighting Times: 10/16/2015


Candle Lighting Times:

Baltimore - 6:08 PM

Boston - 5:43 PM

Chicago - 5:47 PM

Cleveland - 6:26 PM

Detroit - 6:30 PM

L.A. - 5:59 PM

Lakewood - 5:58 PM

Miami - 6:34 PM

New York - 5:56 PM

Toronto - 6:14 PM

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Did You Know (91)

According to the Likutei Amoriem (Mezridtcher Magid):

 Nusach Ari  (known as Nusach Sefard) doesn’t tolerate those who wear woolen

The Yismach Moshe* writes , It’s unheard of, having a Shliach Tzibbur who wears woolen clothing in a Nusach Sefard (Nusach Ari) Shul.

*Shu”t Heishiv Moshe #7
See Shu”t Chasam Sofer O.Ch. 15

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Happy Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan

The Rema (Hl. Gittin 126 :6) writes to spell the month
"מרחשוון "  (not חשוון ) in a Get.
The Poskim (Pischei Teshuva- Get Poshut)  rule if it was
written  חשוון “      it is Kosher B’dieved.

Harav Hagaon R. Y.S. Elashuv zt"l ruled , If a Rosh Yeshiva,
Rov etc. was Mesader with a Kesubah spelled “ חשוון “ ,    
since B’dieved it is Kosher, you should not embarrass him
to correct his mistake.

Chodesh Cheshvan in Nach (Melochim 1:6:38 is referred

to  as ירח בול  month of Bul     

How Old

According to the Sefer Hayoshor ,( assuming
Na'amoh was the daughter of Chanoch), she was
580 years old, when she married Noach.
(born year 974 married year1554)

There are  Midrashim who say Na’amoh
was the daughter of Lemech*1st. According to
these Midrashim she was approximately  1,150
years when she got married (born approx year
400 married year1554)

Noach was 500 years old when his wife gave birth
to his children therefore Na’amoh must have been
at least 650 or 80 years older than her husband.
And you thought we have a Shidduch crisis !

*The fathers of Noach and of Na’amoh were

both named “Lemech “(Pre R.Yehuda Hachasid)

The two original sources for the Red String (רויטע בענדל )

 Click here  for a discussion on the Kitzur Smag

One of the "holiest" Jewish practices, is to place a red string on the wrist. By doing so, you will be protected from all evil that exists in the world, Ayin Hora, bad dreams,all sicknesses, etc.
 According to some Kabbalists you will even be blessed with good health, children and lots of wealth. This red string works best if it has surrounded the Matzeivah of Kever Rochel.
The practice of red string goes back to the times of the Tannaim.  The Tosefta (Shabbos 7: 1)  enumerates all the practices that are forbidden because of Darkei Emori. One of them is placing a red string on a finger.

The Kitzur Smag writes if there will be a time, ch”v where putting on Tefillin will be outlawed, then one shall tie a red string on his hand to remember the Tefillin.
This suggestion sounds strange and ridiculous.
One shouldn’t be surprised finding crazy statements In the Kitzur Smag.  The real Mechaber of this Sefer was a Goyishe priest, named Sebastian Munster  Yemach Shemo

Monday, October 12, 2015

What Does Reb Nissim Karelitz think About The Kitzur Smag -READ HERE

Kitzur Smag 
We Wrote about Sebastian Munster here 

Reb Yisroel Elya Weintraub -On The Kitzur Smag

More On Rabeinum Tam Tefilin

The Sefer Keser Rosh (Talmid of R. Chaim Volozhiner) writes: 
Reb  Chaim Volozhiner asked the Gaon 
"He understands him for not wearing Rabeinu  Tam’s Tefillin being he wears Tefillin all day long and if Rabeinu  Tam’s Tefillin are Halachchcally not considered Tefillin he doesn’t want to miss a minute without Tefillin. His question was for himself being he doesn’t wear them all day long shouldn’t he be wearing also R. Tam’s Tefillin. (in case R.Tam’s Shita is the correct one)”
The Gaon answered him if his concern is to be Yotzei Shitas Rabeinu Tam then he should also be concerned for 24/64* different Shitos.
R. Chaim V. stopped wearing  from then on R.Tam’s  Tefillin.

*2 versions  24 or 64

Friday, October 9, 2015

Did You Know (80)

The Chasam Sofer was Makpid not to lein Krias Shema while wearing Rabeinu Tam's Tefillin.

 In case it is Halachically not considered Tefillin and saying Krias Shema without Tefillin is כמעיד עדות שקר

Thursday, October 8, 2015

שהכל נהיה בדברו-Vort On Parshas Bereishis

Parshas Hashavua:

לכבוד יום השנה של החתם סופר זצוק"ל כ"ה תשרי
 Rashi explains the first Pasuk , בראשית [הכל] ברא  
We translate the Pasuk  as if the word Hakol was placed between Breishis and Boroh.
The Chasam Sofer  asks : if the word Hakol needs to be there so then why is it missing.?
The Chasam Sofer answers it is to honor the Bnei Yisroel. The Gemoro* says that Bnei Yisroel are greater than the Malochim.
The Malochim may not verbalize Hashems name until they say three words קדוש קדוש קדוש ה'
Whereas the Bnei Yisroel may say Hashems name after two words שמע ישראל ה'     .

The Chasam Sofer connects the last Pasuk in Devarim
לעיני כל  ישראל  “ to Breishis Boroh Elokim In honor of  the Bnei Yisroel.

The Hakol is missing and  have only   two words before the word Elokim
On the other hand. In heaven for the Malochim there it says Breishis Hakol Boro. They need three words before the word Elokim.
My father ע"ה  added to the Chasam Sofer connecting the Last Pasuk in Kesuvim we read.  We end  the Koheles  with the Pasuk
סוף דבר הכל נשמע את האלהים ירא- כי זה כל האדם    
The Hakol is only heard (understood) and not seen
Because the Torah was given to G-d fearing humans
(Bnei Yisroel)
 הכל בידי שמים חוץ מיראת שמים
The word Hakol is in heaven (Malochim)
Chutz , it’s outside of our Torah
Miyras Shomayim because of the G-d fearing
(Bnei Yisroel) for their honor .
*Chulin 91b



 The Chasam Sofer writes (Parshas Emor –Hesped) about an argument he had with Reb  Efraim Zalmen Margulios:

“We don’t find anywhere (in Chazal) to make a Yom Tov on the Yahrzeit of a Tzaddik. On the contrary, we find in Chazal, to fast on the day a parent* or a Rebbe dies.” 

The Chasam Sofer explains when the Zohar calls it Yoma d’Hilulla, it is referring to Shomayim. 

Only in heaven are they happy when a Tzadik arrives there. 

In this world it is a sad day and fasting is in order.

The Sdei Chemed writes: he heard the Toras Chesed (R. Shnier Zalmen Lublin- Liadi) said  the Chasam Sofer  missed a Befeirishe Rashi ( Yevamos 122a D.H. Teloso Rigla)

Rashi explains “Rigla Deamorei” in Teshuvas Hageonim, he found, that on the day an Odom Gadol dies, they institute that day for Talmidei Chachamim to gather and establish a Yeshiva at his grave.

We see from here that it is called a Regel (Yom Tov)

The Sdei Chemed writes, “he can’t believe the Peh Kadosh (Toras Chesed) would have made such a statement (missed a Rashi) on the Chasam Sofer.

Where do we find Rashi, disagreeing with the Chasam Sofers argument, against partying and turning the day of Misas Tzadikim into a Simcha & Yom Tov.”

*It is interesting, the Chasam Sofers Rebetzin wrote in her Tzavo’oh, not to fast on her Yahrzeit. (Bitul Torah)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Nigunim for Hakafos- What Did Reb Issur Zalman Meltzer Use To Sing

In many older Yeshivos some of the Nigunim during
Hakafos are  Yiddish Nigunim (Gits Arein, Olam Habo etc.)

R .I.Z  Meltzer Ztl.used to sing during the Hakafos
the song “Kometz Alef Oh Kometz Bais Bo- and  the song
“Omar Abaya”  . R.Isser Zalmen claimed these were the Nigunim
they sang in Volozhin Yeshiva during the Hakafos.

In some Ashkenaz Shuls they are Makpid not to sing any songs
from Pesukim . They sing only the Piyutim printed
in the Machzor and Nigunim without words.

It is very likely , that in the olden days they would not sing
Pesukim and therefore sang only Yiddish Nigunim etc.

Many are not aware there is an Issur to sing Pesukim.
They are not aware that the Poskim  tried desperately
to justify why almost everybody sings Pesukim and are not
concerned with the Gemoro – התורה חוגרת שק- עשאוני
בניך כמין זמר .

R. Moishe Feinstein writes (Igros Moshe Y.D.2: 142) He doesn’t know of a
good reason to justify it.
R. Chaim Kanyevsky Shlita holds one may only sing Pesukim
If the intention is to praise Hashem. Singing for Simcha is
forbidden even for  Choson/Kallah.

R.Y.S. Elyashuv zt”l is Matir if ones intention is to pronounce with
the Nigun the meaning of the words ,for instance מה אהבתי תורתך
then one is allowed to sing.(The music should match the words and

help in the Kavana).

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