Monday, June 29, 2015

Dikduk Lesson Of The Day Bli Ayin Ra'ah (not Hora)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   עין הרע
is not an evil eye.
It is an eye from an evil person
עין רעה

is an evil  eye

Friday, June 26, 2015

Candle Lighting Times: Shabbos Parshas Chukas 6/26/2015

Candle Lighting Times:

Baltimore - 8:19 PM

Boston - 8:07 PM

Chicago - 8:09 PM

Cleveland - 8:46 PM

Detroit - 8:54 PM

L.A. - 7:50 PM

Lakewood - 8:12 PM

Miami - 7:57 PM

New York - 8:13 PM

Toronto - 8:45 PM

An Aufruf According To Minhag Ashkenaz

Had we kept to our original Minhagim going back to the times of the Maharil, (father of Minhagei Ashkenaz.)  the Aufruf would have looked different than the way it’s done today.

 For starters, Aufruf and Bavarfen were two separate and different ceremonies. The Aufruf was called Shpinholtz .

The Shabbos before the wedding:  On Friday night they celebrated with the Chosson similar to a Sholom Zochor. In the morning a special Piyut was said in Shul. There was a special Nusach of Reshus  to call  up the Chosson to the Torah (like we do on Simchas Torah).

 After his Aliyah they sang the Piyut Echod Yochid from R. Avigdor Kara.

 The Shabbos Haftorah (Rema O.Ch. 428:8) was replaced with a special one for the occasion (Sos Osis – Yeshayahu 61) 

No candies etc. were thrown at the Choson.

The Bavarfen took place on the day of the wedding. Early morning when it was still dark, the Chosson and Kallah were brought to the Shul Hof (Shul court yard) accompanied with torches. The Chosson was brought to the Kallah by the Rov. Chosson & Kallah held hands and wheat kernels were thrown at them. The words Pru Urvu was said three times. The Kallah was taken back home and the Chosson went inside the Shul to Daven Shacharis.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Hafrashas Chala

Did You know... (55)

According to Harav Y.S. Elyashuv zt"l, (Ashrei Haish Y.D.)

The proper way to do Hafroshas Challah is to have in mind,
when removing the Challa from the dough  not to be yotzie the

After making the Bracha with the Challah in the hand, you
raise the Challah and have in mind with this to do the Mitzvah

of Hafrosha..

Monday, June 22, 2015

Aifer From The Parah Aduma-How Long Did It Last ?

The Rash* (R.Shamshon -Shanz) writes that in the times of the Amoraim they still had Aifer Parah Adumah.

The Midrash Lekach Tov** " Reb Yochanan said from the day of the Churban Bais Hamikdash there was no more Aifer Parah Adumah"

The Chida*** writes, "The Amoraim had Aifer Parah Aduma and I am sure the Arizal had Taharas Aifer Parah Aduma done to him by Eliyahu Hanavi. From then on he had Ruach Hakodesh"

* Challah 4:8.
** Beginning P.Tazria

*** Midbar Kadeimos 1:26

Friday, June 19, 2015

Candlelighting Times Today -Parshas Korach 6/19/2015

Shabbos Parshas Korach

Candle Lighting Times:

Baltimore - 8:17 PM

Boston - 8:06 PM

Chicago - 8:08 PM

Cleveland - 8:45 PM

Detroit - 8:53 PM

L.A. - 7:49 PM

Lakewood - 8:10 PM

Miami - 7:56 PM

New York - 8:12 PM

Toronto - 8:44 PM

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Gematria of גמטריות

The Gematria of גמטריות is 668 

What else is gematria 668 ?


Highest Gematria In Tanach

רְחוּם בְּעֵל-טְעֵם, וְשִׁמְשַׁי סָפְרָא, כְּתַבוּ אִגְּרָה חֲדָה, עַל-יְרוּשְׁלֶם--לְאַרְתַּחְשַׁשְׂתְּא מַלְכָּא, כְּנֵמָא

4:8 עֶזְרָא

Gematria = 1640 probably highest Gematria in Tanach

Parshas Korach-Highest Gematriya In The Torah

תשתרר is the highest Gematria in the Torah

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Easy Mitzva

Please help support Yeshivas Ner Dovid in Monsey.

 When shopping at amazon ,please use this link 

a) clink on the link above 
b) Shop for anything you would be shopping for on amazon. EVERYTHING STAYS THE SAME . SAME ITEMS SAME PRICES 
c) The Yeshiva gets a credit for your shopping 

EASY MITZVA . Dont wait!!!!


Monday, June 15, 2015

The Kuzari On Why We Shokel

The Kuzari* writes:

The reason we shake during learning is because Loshon Hakodesh allows for about ten people or more to gather around one Sefer which rests on the ground and read from it.

Each of the ten would have to regularly bend over and read a word and then stand erect to allow another to bend over and read.

This is how moving back and forth originated.

From then on it became an accepted Minhag because people looked at the movements of others and wanted to emulate them. This is human nature” (to imitate)

*2: 80

The Egg With The Bloodspot Shailo

Rochel borrowed an egg from her neighbor . When she cracked it and opened it, she found a blood spot  and  threw it out.

Does Rochel have to pay  back an egg to her neighbor?


Friday, June 12, 2015

Candlelighting times SHABBOS PARSHAS SHLACH 6/12/2015

Shabbos Parshas Shlach

Candle Lighting Times:

Baltimore - 8:15 PM

Boston - 8:03 PM

Chicago - 8:05 PM

Cleveland - 8:42 PM

Detroit - 8:51 PM

L.A. - 7:46 PM

Lakewood - 8:08 PM

Miami - 7:54 PM

New York - 8:09 PM

Toronto - 8:41 PM 

Can you answer the Terumas Hadeshens Riddle?

A chicken jumped on the apple tree and apples fell off the tree.

You may not eat the apples.

A few minutes later the chicken laid an egg.

Now you may eat the apples.

What Happened ?


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Toilet Covers On Shabbos - Reb Shlomo MIller's Psak

Some Poskim forbid removing the toilet tank cover on Shabbos, being the tank is Mechuber (attached) to the ground.*  

Mori V'rabi Hagaon Harav Shlomo Miller Shlita argues.

He holds that since the cover is designed to be removed easily,it is considered as if it has a handle. A cover with a handle may be removed from a Bor  (pit) that is Mechuber L'karka.** (ground)

The tank cover is considered a Keli (vessel) and not  בטל to the
Mechuber tank .

Therefore there is no סותר or מוקצה.

             *סותר ומוקצה
** או"ח ש"ח י' 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Mitzvah Gedolah Liyhos B’simcha Tomid

R.Noson Sternhartz zt"l  writes, that R. Nachman Breslover said ,

          "Mitzvah Gedolah Liyhos B’simcha Tomid."
don't understand,
1)Where do we find this Mitzvah in the Torah or Chazal?
None of the Monei Hamitzvohs count Simcha as a Mitzvah.

Mitzvohs are to be done B’simcha,
but it's not a Mitzvah in itself.

2)  How can you say “Tomid” if there are times when not only
is it not a Mitzvah but an Aveirah ?
In Hl Aveilos # 391 – 1  “Aveil  Assur Liyhos B’simcha “.

3)  Why is Simcha, more of a Mitzvah Gedola than other Mitzvohs
which are not Gedola?

I found only one Mitzvah Gedola in the entire Shulchan Aruch  
“Mitzvah Gedola L’haspid Hameis  Koroui” ( It is a great Mitzvah to eulogize
a Niftar properly).

The Tur (E.H.65) has one more, “Mitzvah Gedola L'sameach Choson v'Kallah”--.
It's interesting The Mechaber in Shulchan Aruch skips the word Gedola
(Mitzva L'sameach---.)

There is another Mitzvah where Gedola is mentioned in Shulchan Aruch,

Hl. Pidyon Sh’vuyim “Ein Lecho Mitzvah Gedola K’pidyon Sh’vuyim.
(There is no greater Mitzvah than Pidyon Shevuyim)

Monday, June 8, 2015

Did You Know (53)

The Bais Yosef (Y.D. 244) quotes the Shibulei Leket:

"Even for a child who is not yet Mechuyav in Mitzvohs
but is a Chacham, there is a Chiyuv to stand up for him."

The Megaleh Amukos on Parshas Bo printed a long Drasha in Kabbalah from his seven year old son- Shlomo.

Parshas Shelach -How Many Meraglim

How many Meraglim did Moishe send to Eretz Yisroel?

a) 10
b) 12
c) 18

d) 24


Friday, June 5, 2015

Did you know? (52)

The Chazon Ish said that there is no need to stand up for a Sofek Talmid Chacham.
2 reasons 
1) Chazaka
2) Rov
Both say that he is not a talmid chochom 

SHABBOS PARSHAS B'HALOSICHA Candle Lighting Times: 6/5/2015

Shabbos Parshas B'halosicha

Candle Lighting Times:

Baltimore - 8:11 PM

Boston - 7:59 PM

Chicago - 8:01 PM

Cleveland - 8:38 PM

Detroit - 8:47 PM

L.A. - 7:43 PM

Lakewood - 8:04 PM

Miami - 7:51 PM

New York - 8:05 PM

Toronto - 8:37 PM 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Malbim,at the end of the Hakdamah to his Sefer "Artzos Hachayim* "

The Malbim,at the end of the Hakdamah to his Sefer "Artzos Hachayim*    writes  a Tefilla that he should find a wife.who is a Yoraas Shomayim, so he will able to continue in his learning.

* First edition only, in the second edition.line was removed.

He probably found a wife, since then.

Sefer Artzos haChayim (Hebrew Edition)

Monday, June 1, 2015

Psak From Reb Shlomo Miller -Trying On Shatnez

According to Mori V'Rabi Hagaon R. Shlomo Miller Shlita,
when trying on Shatnez garments  , you may do so
only if you don't have Hana'as Levisha (benefit  in wearing)
You may try it on, for size or looks.

When trying on, pants skirts etc. being it's embarrassing
to walk around in public without them .It is considered Hana'as 
Levisha.if you leave the dressing room.(public area)

Therefore you may not leave the dressing room while wearing

these types of Shatnez garments..

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