Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Toilet Covers On Shabbos - Reb Shlomo MIller's Psak

Some Poskim forbid removing the toilet tank cover on Shabbos, being the tank is Mechuber (attached) to the ground.*  

Mori V'rabi Hagaon Harav Shlomo Miller Shlita argues.

He holds that since the cover is designed to be removed easily,it is considered as if it has a handle. A cover with a handle may be removed from a Bor  (pit) that is Mechuber L'karka.** (ground)

The tank cover is considered a Keli (vessel) and not  בטל to the
Mechuber tank .

Therefore there is no סותר or מוקצה.

             *סותר ומוקצה
** או"ח ש"ח י' 

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