Monday, June 22, 2015

Aifer From The Parah Aduma-How Long Did It Last ?

The Rash* (R.Shamshon -Shanz) writes that in the times of the Amoraim they still had Aifer Parah Adumah.

The Midrash Lekach Tov** " Reb Yochanan said from the day of the Churban Bais Hamikdash there was no more Aifer Parah Adumah"

The Chida*** writes, "The Amoraim had Aifer Parah Aduma and I am sure the Arizal had Taharas Aifer Parah Aduma done to him by Eliyahu Hanavi. From then on he had Ruach Hakodesh"

* Challah 4:8.
** Beginning P.Tazria

*** Midbar Kadeimos 1:26

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