Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Chavas Yair On Dikduk

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    לז"נ הבחור הקדוש

                                                                                                                                                                    מנחם שלמה בן ר' אברהם אשי הי"ד
                                                                                                                                                                          יום השנה - ב' דר"ח (א') אייר

The Chavas Yair #124 writes :

 “Learning is important and necessary only for the basics. (Zochor/Nekeivah,
Ovar /Osid, Yochid/ Rabim, Nochach /Nistar,etc.)

Wasting days learning various different Binyonim is not important”.

The Tashbatz 1:33 writes :
” Not knowing Dikduk doesn’t reduce
the Ma’alos of a Talmid Chacham”.

In Shu”t Ha’Rema (5-6-7) there are exchanges of letters from  the Maharshal who criticizes the Rema for writing Teshuvos with Dikduk  mistakes.

The Rema admits to him that his writing is not fluent. He says that
he is careful to make his point clear and understood, and that is more important than proper grammer.

 Only a Sefer Torah, needs to be exact with the wording. The Rema continues , he is not trying to brag about it but he never learned Dikduk in his life.

It seems, the lack of Dikduk study goes back, way before the Maskilim reintroduced it.

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