Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Did you know (1)

 The Gesher Hachaim says:

An Avel should not say Sholom Aleichem during Kidush Levana . One should also not say Sholom Aleichem to the Avel during Kidush Levana 

*R.S.Z. Auerbach zt”l wasn’t convinced
this to be considered She’ilas Sholom

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Peter the Apostate-Who Was He-Part II

What was the Chasam Sofers opinion on Peter the Apostate

The Sefer Takanos Utefilos (R.Shlomo Shick, nephew of the Maharam Shick) writes  That the Beregsas Rov (R. Shlomo Sofer zt”l son of the Ksav Sofer) wrote to him as follows: 

“ The Kunteres that my holy Zeideh Chasam Sofer  copied the story of the Notzri*.

“On the 9th day in Teves, R. Shimon Hakalfus died.

He was the uncle of the Notzri. His mother Miriam was a sister to R.Shimon. Because R. Shimon went in the Shlichos of the Chachamim ----- Chazal established  a day of fast for  generations on the 9th day of Teves”.
This Kunteres, my Zeideh(Ch. Sofer) copied from a Christian book, written by Jahn Jakob Haltrika.--- 

לבי אומר לי  (my heart tells me**) This story doesn’t sound like a Chasam Sofer story. Although theCh. Sofer was very familiar and had a vast knowledge  in secular subjects, It probably wasn’t his style to copy stories from a Goy who wrote a book on Christianity.

R.Shlomo Shick must have been an interesting character. The Levushei Mordechai
(Mad) Y.D. 88 writes on him “all his Sefarim need Geniza.
Therefore , we shouldn't jump to conclusions, what the Ch. Sofer held of Peter the apostle.  

*Oso Ha’ish

** I have no proof

Monday, December 29, 2014

Peter the Apostate-Who Was He /

The Hagahos Baruch Ta’am (Frankel) (O.Ch.580) writes that he saw a Ksav Yad that on the 9th of Teves, Shimon Hakalfus died. He helped the Yidden when they had big Tzaros, therefore Chazal established the day he died as a fast day.
Shimon Hakalfusi also known as Shimon Kipa and better known as Peter the Apostate.  (first pope)
There is a Machlokes going back to the Rishonim, If Peter was one of ours, planted in Rome as a secret agent, to save the Yidden. Some even claim he authored “Nishmas”
נשמת- ואילו פינו – עד הנה- מי ידמה – שוכן עד
 The Dikdukei Sofrim quotes a Girsa in Rashi, that both Paul & Peter led the Christians, only to save the Yidden from  persecution. They for themselves were faithful Yidden. 
The Machzor Vitri (Talmid of Rashi) strongly opposes this opinion He calls him אותו נבל שמעון פטר חמור.
He also writes “whoever claims that Nishmas was authored by Peter will need to bring a fat Chatos when the Bais Hamikdosh will be rebuilt”.

3 days fast this week

What Are The 3 Fasts Min Hatorah This Week ?

For answer click here

Friday, December 26, 2014

The Gemoro (Bava Basra 91a) says that the name of Avraham Avinu's mother was Amaslai bas Karnevu.*

Rashi explains the reason the Gemoro is telling you this information, is because we all know the names of
the mothers of Yitzchok and Yakov, so we might as well know the name of Avraham's mother.

Most of us know the  names of Yehuda's(2nd) & Yosef's wives ,so we might as well know names of the other
Shivtei Koh's wives..

The Hadar Zekeinim in Parshas Pinchas  quotes the names of the wives from the Midrash   (exception
Yehudahs 1st wife is from the Sefer Hayoshor)


ראובן--- אליורם
שמעון--- דינה- בונה
לוי--- עדינה י"א  אותה
יהודה--- עלית- תמר
יששכר--- ארידה
זבולון--- מרושה
דן--- אפללת
נפתלי--- מרימת
גד--- עוצית
אשר--- הדורה
יוסף--- אסנת
בנימין--- מחליאמחליא 

The most popular Jewish name was חצרן . The 70 Yordei Mitzrayim
all had different names except for the two Chetzrons  1) son of Ruvain
2) son of Peretz.

* R. M.B. Weissmandel zt"l, writes he found in a sefer that if someone is ch"v in a danger, he should
say the name.(Amaslai bas Karnevu) -Btw.Haman's mother's name was also Amaslai.
לז"נ אמי מורתי געלא בת ר' אברהם אשי הכ"מ

                                                                                                                       היום יום הפסקת אמירת קדיש

What is commonly known as חצי קדיש (half Kaddish)
is actually the complete Kaddish.

The Tefillah of Kaddish is to be Mekadesh Sheim
Shomyim.which ends at Da'amiron Beolmo.

Tiskabal,Yehai Shlomo & Oseh Sholom were added
on to the Kaddish, when ending, the Tefillah it should
be accepted, we should have peace with each
other, and if  there is Ch"v Machlokes, Hashem should
help us make peace*

*Aruch Hashulchan O.Ch. 56:8.(I am not sure, why it is important to know)


The first time they burned the Talmud,was
on the main square of Paris, in the year 1244.
R. Yechiel of Paris had a talmid (student) Nicholas Dunin,
who became a Meshumad , he accused the Talmud of being
against the Notzrim (Christians)and Oso Haish.

R. Yechiel of Paris and R. Moshe miKutzi (Smag) tried to defend the
Talmud but to no success.
One of their  defences was that when the Gemoro discusses the Oso
Ha'ish it is not necessarily the Christian one. There were at least two
different Meshichei Sheker in the Gemoro.

After the burning of the Talmud, R. Yechiel of Paris moved to Akko .
Hence the first of the Ba’alei Tosfos in Eretz Yisroel.

 R.Hillel Virona* writes the Talmud was burnt on the exact same square they
burned the Moreh Nevuchim. The Rambam,s opponents finally realized
they  wronged  the Rambam.

*Talmid of R. Yonah who was originally opponent of the Rambam.

Who was this Yoshke ?

Who was this Yoshke, the Christian believe in ?

The Ravad ( 1st) in his Sefer Hakabala  writes the Christians
mistakenly claim that the Oso Ha’ish lived in the times of
Hordos and his son Arkiles. Our Mesorah (Sotah 47a) tells
us , he was a Talmid of R, Yehoshua ben Prachya,who lived
in the times of Yanai Hamelech. This would be 110 years
before their claim.

The Tosfos Harosh* (Sotah 47a) writes there are two
different Mashichei Sheker mentioned in the Gomoro.
The one in Meseches Sotah is not the Yeisho Hanotzri,
mentioned in M. Sanhedrin77a. The Christians believe
in the Yeisho in M.  Sanhedrin . He lived 70 years before
the Churban. He was hung on Erev Pesach, but he was
not a Talmid of R.Y.b Prachya,who lived 180 years before
the Churban.

The Me’iri  ( Sotah 47 & Pesicha to Ms Avos) claims the
one that the Christians believe in is not mentioned at all
in the Gemoro. Yeisho and Ben Stadah are not the
Yoshke the Christian believe in.

There are numerous intellectuals (lehavdil) who claim,
the Christian Yoshke is a myth and complete fabrication.
There never existed .such a person at all.
(never mind the so called miracles)

 *It's only in the new print (no censors ksav yad)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Did You Know ?

There is no Chiyuv to sit with the lit Menorah for the first 1/2 hour.

(psak from R.Y.S. Elyashuv zt"l Ashrei Ho'ish)

What Are You Supposed To Do On Nital Nacht ?

What are you supposed to do during Davening on Nital night?

Monday, December 22, 2014

Mother Goose Shailo

לז"נ אבי מורי ר' צבי יהודה* בן ר' משה ע"ה

                                                                                           א' דר"ח טבת

Mother Goose said to the Shochet, " Eat your heart out, you can't touch me for the next two months, unless you, eat my heart."

For Answer Click Here 

*Click here for article about Reb Hashi on Matzav

Did You Know ?

Someone who has Yahrzeit or lives out of town and happens to be in town for Chanukah, may go to the Bais Hakevoros (on Chanukah)

(psak from R.Y.S. Elyashuv zt"l Ashrei Ho'ish)

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Answer to Chanuka Riddle

If the first day of Chanukah falls on Motzei Shabbos, someone who eats Shlosh Seudah and lights Chanukah candles before Bentching Birkas Hamazon, should not say Retzeih or Al Hanisim in Bentching.*

Did You Know ?

A boy who reached the age of Chinuch should not light his own Chanukah candles.He should be Yotzei Chanukah Licht with his fathers lighting.*

*R. Y.S. Elyashuv zt"l (Ashrei Hoiesh#39)

Friday, December 19, 2014

You are Bentching Birchas Hamazon
on Motzei  Shabbos Chanukah.
You don't say, Retzeih and not Al Hanisim.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Only a spouse (wife or a husband)
doesn’t have to be present during
candle lighting. The rest
of the family must be present.*

*Harav Hagaon  S.Y. Bixenspanner's שליט"א  Kunteres  "ליקוטי ימי אורה

Correction: re 12 times of lighting candles :

Thanks to Rabbi E. Reingold Shlita who wrote
that #7 was wrong and the correct time should
be 73.125 minutes after Shekia.

If a Mil is 22.5 minutes then Tzeis would be
4x 22.5 = 90 minutes after Shekia
90 -22.5 x.75   = 2nd Shekia
90 - 16.875 = 73.125 = 2nd Shekia

R. E. Reingold suggested an additional zman
of Chatzos (Midnight)
(see Magen Avraham #672 who quotes a
Maharshal  עד חצות

Did you know ?

If someone plans to light after Plag,
he may still eat within half an hour
before Plag.*(regular lighting time
you may not eat 1/2 hour before)

 *Harav Hagaon Mordechai Kanner Shlita   קונטרס שושנת ישראל

Psak from M.V. Harav Hagaon R. Shlomo Miller Shlita

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Chanuka Question

The Gemoro (Megillah 15b) says Haman had 30 sons. Some opinions  say at least 70 sons and others say 208 sons.

How do we sing/say in the Maoz Tzur  רוב בניו -על העץ תלית (the majority of his sons were hung) when only 10 were hung?

Click HERE for answer

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Did you know ?

The Shamash from the Shul Menorah, is considered a Ner Mitzvah and may not be used for personal benefit.

Mishna Veruro 674 sk 7 in the name of Maharshal

The 12 times of lighting Chanukah candles.

What time do you light chanuka candles ?

1.      If you will be unavailable to light in the evening,
You may light after  Plag Hamincha = 1.1/4* hour before
Tzeis Hakochavim (Shulchan Aruch)

2.       Plag = 1. 1/4* hour before Shekia**.(Levush-Gra)
3.       Shekia (Gra)***
4.        10 minutes after Shkia (Igros Moshe)
5.        20 minutes after Shekia (Chazon Ish)
6.        25 minutes after Shekia (R.A. Kotler)
7.        55.5 minutes after Shekia =2nd Shekia (Mishna Verurah)Mil =22Min. x.75-72
8.        58.5 minutes after Shekia =   2nd Shekia (M.V.)Mil. =18Min. x.75 -72          
9.        72 minutes after Shekia, Tzeis Hakochavim –
           or whenever it is****- (Shulchan Aruch)
   10)  All night as long the rest of the family is up (Rema)
   11) All night if didn’t manage to light on time
            until Alos Hashachar (Shevet Halevi)
  12)   even after Alos Hashachar (Shu”t Hisorros Teshuva)
            Now we  know , exactly when to light !

*שעות זמניות
**Shekia  is referred to first Shekia unless specified 2nd Shekia
which starts 3/4 of a Mil before Tzeis. (13.5 or 16.5 min.)
*** In Hilchos Milah the Gra seems to hold Chanuka candles are lit at Tzeis
****Mori V’rabi Hagaon Harav S.Miller shlita said,
“In the olden days nobody knew of Shekia, but they
all knew when Tzeis Hakochavim was. Today everybody knows
when Shekia is, but nobody knows when Tzeis Hakochavim is.”
Most of the information was taken from Hagaon Harav S.Y.Bixenspanner's Shlita

Kunteres , "ליקוטי ימי אורה "

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Matzav on Matzeivos

                                                                                                                                    *לז"נ ר' יהושע חזקיהו בן החבר אברהם ע"ה

The Sefer Moshav Zekeinim (Ba'alei Tosfos) writes," The last Pasuk
in Breishis ends with ויישם בארון the next Pasuk  it says ואלה שמות
from here we have a Remez to put the name on the מצבה . "

The daughter in law of R. Yonasan Eibshitz remarried to
a second husband. On her מצבה it was inscribed both names of
her husbands. ( - אשת כ"ה שמעון , ומלפנים היתה אשת הנגיד  )

Shu"t Chasam Sofer (#6:4) is against engraving  human faces
on the מצבה . He quotes from the Radvaz who was against
pictures, even of lions on the Aron Hakodesh.

The מצבה of the Maharal & the Elya Raba have lions on them.
The מצבה of the Nachlas Binyomin has a wolf on it.

According to the Chasam Sofer it is Assur to
Daven in front of the  מצבה if the form is protruding**

* A true Yrei Shomayim
**like the lion on the Maharal's מצבה 

Chanuka Trivia

When do you light twice on the same day

(not night) of Chanukah?
The second time, you add one more candle.

a)If someone didn’t manage to light all night long, he may still light even after *Alos Hashachar.
b)If for the following night he knows he will not be able to light , he may light during the daytime, after Plag.

Example: The seventh night he didn’t light.
He lights seven candles after Alos (Halachically
cmoonsidered day) In the afternoon after Plag
he lights eight candles. Same day he lights
7&8 candles

*Shu”t Hisorros Teshuvah O.Ch 3: 463

Friday, December 12, 2014

Why were Chazal Mesaken the Tefillah on Chalomos, to be said during Birkas Kohanim?

The Toras Chaim (Bava Kama 55a) writes, “Birkas Kohanim
is a form of Nevuah (prophecy).
The Kohanim are repeating the words, Hashem tells them
to say, while the Shechina is hovering over them.
The Birkas Kohanim has 60 Osios.(Alphabets)
The Gemoro says that a dream is 1/60th of Nevuah.
When someone has a bad dream (Nevuah) he can nullify it
during the Nevuah of Birkas Kohanim

Monday, December 8, 2014

Din Kadima For Aveilim

In Halacha, we have, Din Kadima on different levels of Aveilim.

An Aveil within the Shiva comes before a Ben Shloshim who is before one who is in the year.
The reason for it is, The Neshama of a Niftar within the first seven days requires more Zechusim than a Neshama of a Niftar within 30 days etc. The more the need for the Neshama for Zechusim, the more priority the Aveil has.

If two people go into an equal business partnership, one partner has 12 children and the other has only one child . Would it be right for one partner to take a larger share in the income because he needs it more?

Why if two people both paying the same Shul membership fee, should one get the Amud , Kadish etc. because his relative needs it more?

See two beautiful answers from the Chasam Sofer by clicking here

Friday, December 5, 2014

When Do You Start Saying ותן טל ומטר ?

The Maharil writes that you start saying ותן טל ומטר On the 22nd day in November and the siman is

בך יברך ישראל  

But that is not Halacha???

Click here for answer

Thursday, December 4, 2014

In the past they used to bury women, who died during
childbirth, in a separate area in the Bais Hachayim.

The Shu”t Malkieil (2:132) writes the reason for it
is , "we find in the Gemoro (Shabbos 118b) R.Yosi said
on himself ,he wishes to die on the way to do a
Mitzvah. Women while giving birth is like on the way
to a Mitzvah. They are on a higher Madreiga than
the rest and need to be buried separately."

Could be, this to be an additional reason, Rochel was
buried separately, because she was at a different
Madreiga than the other Imahos    אמבצי) )

The reason a mother who gave birth is called a   חיה
Because it was very common to die during childbirth
and she survived ,she is called the live one.

In Loshon Chazal , a midwife is called a  חכמה  
The reason for it *
איזהו חכם הרואה את הנולד


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Real Mekor

In many Siddurim,at the end or Shemone Esrai, it says
"The Shlah Hakadosh writes, So as not to forget
your name after 120, to say a Pasuk that starts and ends
with the same letters as your own name starts
and end”.

As far as we know, this Shlah does not exist.

It is in the Kitzur Shlah (R.Y.M.Epstien) who says it, but this
is not considered a Mekor* (source).

The Maharsham (Da’as Torah O.Ch. 156) says it is a Rashi
(Micha 6:9) “whoever says this Pasuk will be saved from
The truth is that this Shtikel is not from Rashi but is in brackets
and added on to Rashi.

The actual Mekor for this Minhag is, the Eliya Rabba (O.Ch.122)
He quotes in the name of the Bais Yosef, “Tov Lomar” It’s
good thing to say etc. The B.Y. doesn’t mention any reward
for saying it. ( If he says it’s good, you can trust him)

*It is interesting, the original Artscroll Siddurim has the

Kitzur Shlah as the source. They changed it to the Eliya Rabba

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Shvere Sheileh

When your Shver or father come to your house, for a meal,
are you supposed to seat him on your seat (head of table) 

or can you place him at side of table like any other guest?

Monday, December 1, 2014

Zohar Parshas Vayishlach

There is a Machlokes Tanaim if  גיד הנשה is Muter or Asur  בהנאה (benefit)
 Reb Yehuda holds that it is Muter and Reb Shimon* holds it is Asur.

The Bais Yosef (Y.D. 65) holds that is best to refrain from having Hanaha from the Gid Hanasha because The Zohar (Parshas Vayishlach) writes that it is Asur Behanaha.

The Rema in Darkei Moshe writes, he heard that the author of the Zohar was R. Shimon (Bar Yochai) who is mentioned in the Talmud.

If that is the case, why care that the Zohar holds that it is Asur.
The Poskim rule, where there is a Machlokes between R. Shimon and
R. Yehuda the Halacha is like R. Yehuda.

It seems from the Bais Yosef that the Zohar was not written by
R. Shimon, otherwise How can you bring a proof that R.Shimon
in the Mishna Is right from the same R.Shimon (Zohar)

It is possible but unlikely**, to explain, the Bais Yosef means to say, to be
Machmir because Al Pi Kabballah (Zohar) it is Assur not only according
m*סתם ר' שמעון הוא רשב"י

**לא משמע כן בדרכי משה 

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