Thursday, September 12, 2013

Yom Kippur Trivia

When do you have, someone is Mechuyav (to refrain) with the 5 Inuyim only on Yom Kippur, but not on Tosfos Yom Kippur?

a) A Bachur who turns 13 on Yom Kippur is not Mechuyav in Tosfos Y.K. (Erev Y.K.)

b) A Bachur who turns 13 on Motzei Yom Kippur is not Mechuyav in Tosfos Y.K. (Motzei Y.K.)
Teshuvas Chasam Sofer (O. Ch. 172 )

a) is the answer to question - b) is for additional yediyah (He is not Mechuyav on Tosfos and kol sh'kein

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