Monday, September 16, 2013

Sukkos Trivia -Esrogim Murkavim

How is it possible to have the same branch of a tree to have produced last year Esrogim Murkavim , and the following year it produces non Murkovim Kosher Esrogim ?

If you transplant from a kosher Esrog tree to a lemon tree, the Esrogim are Murkav (Pasul) (yr. 1)

If you remove same branch from the lemon tree and transplant it back to the Kosher Esrog Tree
the Esrogim are Kosher. (yr. 2)*

(*heard from R. Shlomo Miller shlita)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

More Yom Kippur Trivia

It is forbidden to do this all year round (353 days in the year) .

The aveirah is so great that in some cases you put the person in Cherem.

According to some poskim he is chayav misa (bidei shomayim) There is one day in the year, Yom Kippur, where not only is it permitted to do, but some poskim consider it commendable.

This is the only thing that is allowed  on Yom Kippur and assur all year*. 

*(Saying boruch sheim k’vod malchuso , aloud  is also done on

 every erev rosh chodesh. Yom Kippur  Katan)

Shulchan Aruch (O. Ch. 63 : 2 )   Someone who is sitting and wants to be machmir to stand up for krias s’hma, he  is called an “avaryan” (sinner)

Mishno V’ruro s.k. 8   writes "The Elyah Rabah in the name of the Maharshal , On Yom Kippur everyone* agrees that you are allowed to stand up . (to imitate the Malochim) (*The Pri Megodim disagrees)

The Chasam Sofer even during the year stood up for Krias Shema.

He stood up at Ahavah Rabba when  you are allowed to remain standing.

According to kabbala, you should be sitting the entire krias shema.

For some reason the Chasam Sofer. didn't follow
 kabbala in this instance.

Yom Kippur Trivia

When do you have, someone is Mechuyav (to refrain) with the 5 Inuyim only on Yom Kippur, but not on Tosfos Yom Kippur?

a) A Bachur who turns 13 on Yom Kippur is not Mechuyav in Tosfos Y.K. (Erev Y.K.)

b) A Bachur who turns 13 on Motzei Yom Kippur is not Mechuyav in Tosfos Y.K. (Motzei Y.K.)
Teshuvas Chasam Sofer (O. Ch. 172 )

a) is the answer to question - b) is for additional yediyah (He is not Mechuyav on Tosfos and kol sh'kein

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Kesiva Vachasima Tova

B’rosh Hashana  Yikoseivun  Uvyom Tzom  Kippur  Yeichoseimun

On R.H. will be inscribed and on Yom Kippur will be sealed.

To  whom  is the  payton referring to ?

Chazal tell us that both,  Tzadikim and Reshoim  have the Kesiva and Chasima on R.H. 

The Beinonim have the Kesiva and Chasima on Yom Kippur.


a)  The Paytan disagrees with R. Kruspadoai and holds that all have the Kesiva on Rosh Hashanah
and the Chasima on Yom Kippur.

b)  The Beinonim can have their Kesiva on day 1 or day 2 -3 -4 etc. until Yom Kippur (depending when
he did Teshuva) Some Beinonim have the Kesiva on R.H. and others have it on Y.K. but all Beinonim
have the Chasima on Y.K.  (Maharsha R.H.)

c)  For Yechidim (individuals ) The Kesiva & Chasima happens the same day (Tzadikim & Reshoim on R.H.
and Beinonim on Y.K.)
For the Tzibbur (Kehilla, City, Country etc.) If the Tzibbur is Beinoni, The Kesiva is on R.H. and the
Chasima on Y.K. ( Shu"t Mahram Shik O.Ch. 300)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Two Questions-Inyona Deyoima

1)How is it possible that  a person who made Eiruv Tavshilin, today may not cook on the second day Yom Tov.
His family that is relying on the same Eiruv may cook????

2) What day in Tishrei was Gedalyah Ben Achikom killed ? (Nafka Mina Lehalacha)

לע"נ ר' יצחק עמרם אליהו בן ר' אברהם אשי זצ"ל                      

יום השנה, יום ב' דראש השנה                                                        

1) A person who made Eiruv Tavshilin, today, come the second day Yom Tov he may not cook for Shabbos and

his family relying on the same Eiruv may cook ?????

A person who fasts on Rosh Hashanah, according to most Poskim may not cook for Shabbos even though he made an Eiruv.
(Mateh Efraim 597 : 7)

2) What day in Tishrei was Gedalyah Ben Achikom killed ? (Nafka Mina Lehalacha)

Some say that he was killed on Rosh Hashanah*, not on the 3d of Tishrei. Accordingly we may be more lenient with the fast. 
(Mateh Efraim 602 : 3)

*The fast was pushed off to Gimmel Tishrei (Nidche)

May Hashem answer all our Tefillos & Bakoshos Letovah.
We should all be inscribed in the Shanah Tova Book.
A Gut Gebentched Yohr, Kesiva Vachasima Tovah.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Standing During Pesicha

לזכר נשמת ר' יצחק עמרם אליהו בן ר'אברהם אשי זצ"ל                    
יום השנה, יום ב' דראש השנה                                                                

The Taz (Y.D. 242 : 13) writes “ it is not necessary to stand up when the Aron Hakodesh
Is opened.  People who do so, do it  for the Kavod of the Sifrei Torah.
The Chasam Sofer (C.M. 73) writes , someone who is suspect to swear a false oath, in order
to scare him you may not force him to lay down in a casket and make the Shevua (oath).
One of  the reasons is because you need to stand when the* the Aron Hakodesh is open.

*They used to open the Aron Hakodesh and light black candles, so to scare them not

to make a false oath.

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