Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Two Questions-Inyona Deyoima

1)How is it possible that  a person who made Eiruv Tavshilin, today may not cook on the second day Yom Tov.
His family that is relying on the same Eiruv may cook????

2) What day in Tishrei was Gedalyah Ben Achikom killed ? (Nafka Mina Lehalacha)

לע"נ ר' יצחק עמרם אליהו בן ר' אברהם אשי זצ"ל                      

יום השנה, יום ב' דראש השנה                                                        

1) A person who made Eiruv Tavshilin, today, come the second day Yom Tov he may not cook for Shabbos and

his family relying on the same Eiruv may cook ?????

A person who fasts on Rosh Hashanah, according to most Poskim may not cook for Shabbos even though he made an Eiruv.
(Mateh Efraim 597 : 7)

2) What day in Tishrei was Gedalyah Ben Achikom killed ? (Nafka Mina Lehalacha)

Some say that he was killed on Rosh Hashanah*, not on the 3d of Tishrei. Accordingly we may be more lenient with the fast. 
(Mateh Efraim 602 : 3)

*The fast was pushed off to Gimmel Tishrei (Nidche)

May Hashem answer all our Tefillos & Bakoshos Letovah.
We should all be inscribed in the Shanah Tova Book.
A Gut Gebentched Yohr, Kesiva Vachasima Tovah.

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