Friday, March 29, 2013

Urchatz Rochtzo ---?-Pesach Trivia


The Gemoro says “ Mayim Acharonim Chovah “(mandatory ). Tosfos says
today we are not noheg  with Mayim Acharonim  because we do not use
Melach Sodomis (Sodom Salt)—

In Shulchan Aruch (O Ch. 181) the Mechaber paskens  Mayim Acharonim Chovah.
There are many Kehilos  who, today have the minhag of not washing Mayim Acharonim.
The Leket Yosher* writes , even though we don’t wash Mayim Acharonim during
the year, but on Seder night we should wash M.A. because of the love of the Kosos.
(Chibas Hakosos)  -  (We follow more chumros at the Seder).

In the simanim at the seder we have twice for washing (Urchatz & Rochtzo)
Why don't we have a third siman for washing Mayim Acharonim?

*R. Yosef ben Moshe, compiled all the Halachos and Minhagim
  he heard from his rebbi the Trumas Hadeshen.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

What Was A Rabbit Hunter Doing In The Hagada

There are some old illustrated Hagados where at Kiddush  there is  a picture of a
hunter, hunting rabbits.

Yaknahaz-Hunting Rabbit Picture 

In German/ Yiddish Yagen Haz translates to hunting rabbits. A play on words, YAKNEHAZ,
the order of Kiddush/Havdala , _ Yayin – Kiddush –Ner –Havdalah –Zeman.
There are Hagados where the artist shows the husband pointing at his wife when
saying Marror Zeh. (artist’s sense of humour)
The Arthur Szyk Hagada illustrates the Rosho as a Nazi  ym”s. (Hitler’s mustache and
the leder hosen etc.)

Some Other Interesting Hagada Pictures:

Monday, March 25, 2013

How many Shabbosos Hagadol do we have in a year ?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 52

e) 56

a) 1 - Shabbos before Pesach

b) 2  - In the Machzor Roma (Rome) there are
special Yotzros printed for the Shabbos Hagadol
before Shavuos.

c) 3  - The Tanya Rabsi and the Shibolei Haleket
both write that the Shabbos before all  3 Sholosh
Regolim are called Shabbos Hagadol

d) 52 - In bentching we say every Shabbos “Retzei -
- Hashabbos Hagadol V’hakadosh Hazeh”.

e) 56 - In a leap year.

Friday, March 22, 2013

DAF HASHAVUA-Who is Reb Meir

The Gemoro (according to our girsa) says that R. Meir’s original name

was not R. Meir but R. Nechemya . Others say his name was R. Elazar

ben Aroch. He was also called R. Nehorai.


R. Chananel has a different girsa in the Gemoro.

R. Meir’s original name was R. Meyosha.*  They called him R.Meir

because he lit up the eyes of the Chachamim in Halacha.


There was  another Tana who was called R. Nehorai , his original

name was R. Nechemya or R. Elazar ben Aroch. They called him

R. Nehorai , also for the same reason that he lit up the eyes etc.


The Seder Hadoros writes that R.Chananel ‘s girsa is the correct one

There were two different Tanaim , one R.Meir and the other R. Nehorai.

* The Rambam in Hakdama to his Pirush Hamishnayos enumerates

37 Tanaim who are mentioned in Mishna only once. One of them

is R.Meyosha. (seems to argue with R. Chananel who claims it is R. Meir)


PS.  1) Eloko dMeir Aneini  does not refer to the Tana R. Meir.

       2) R. Meir Ba’al Haness does not refer to the Tana R. Meir.


Monday, March 18, 2013

Why Is It Called Shabbos Hagodol

The Tur & Shulchan Aruch siman 430 says that the Shabbos before
Pesach is called Shabbos Hagadol. The reason is ----.
1) It is very strange that the Tur & S. A. designated a complete siman
informing us why people call this Shabbos ,"Shabbos
Hagadol" . There is not a single Halacha in the whole Siman.
2) Why do they not tell us the reason we call it Shabbos Shira, Shuvo etc.
According to Dikduk this coming Shabbos should be called Shabbos Hagedolah (not Hagadol).
Some say that that Gadol refers to the Nes (Shabbos of the Nes Gadol) or Gadol refers
to the Rav who gives the Drasha. (Shabbos of the Rav)
These are  all tirutzim  ,it really should be called Shabbos Hagedola. Shabbos Hagadol
is incorrect.
Could be,  if everybody in Klal Yisroel  has a minhag even if it is wrong ,since  it is done by
a Rabim in Klal Yisroel it becomes a Halacha in Shulchan Aruch.
This is what the Tur & Shulchan(O. Ch. 430) are trying to teach us. The Shabbos before
Pesach is called Shabbos Hagadol.

Friday, March 15, 2013

This Weeks Daf-The Rebbe With Ruach hakodesh

The Gemoro says that in halachic matters we ignore the Bas Kol , Lo Bashomaym Hee. 

The Torah was given to earthlings to decide Halacha. 

 There was an Aguna , who Bais Din was matir to remarry. After her marriage she moved to a town where a famous great Rebbe lived. The Rebbe said, he can see(ruach hakodesh) this woman’s first husband is still alive, and she must leave her second husband. The Chasam Sofer was very angry and upset with this Rebbe. He wrote to the Rebbe ,that if he disagrees with the Psak Bais Din, then he should , go and bring his arguments in front of Bais Din. To come with Ruach Hakodesh and say the husband is alive he has no right, . Lo Bashomayim Hee.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Dipping Challah In Salt Friday Night

I was once invited Friday night for a Shabbos meal. I noticed my host didn’t dip
the Challah in salt. I asked him why he doesn’t do what it says in Shulchan Aruch
to dip the bread in salt. His answer was, he conducts the way his father does.
His father’s Minhag is not to dip Challah in salt on Friday night.
I told him that he was wrong in this case to keep his father’s Minhag .

There are 3 main reasons for dipping bread in salt.
1) Kol korboncho takriv melach.
The table is like mizbeiach and the bread
is like a korbon that requires salt.
2) Bread has some harmful ingredients.
By adding salt to the bread the harmful
effects are removed.
3) While waiting for others to wash the soton
is mekatreg. The salt represents the Bris
Melach and protects from punishment.

On Friday night  the reasons are not applicable
1a) There was no burnimg of the chalovim
on the mizbeiach on Friday nights.

2a) The halacha says pas nekia doesn't require
salt. Only whole wheat needs salt to
counter the harmful effect.
3a) To get the  protection of the salt, it is enough
to place it on the table.There is no need to eat it.

The Chasam Sofer said, "On Friday night
we eat Challah which is Pas Nekia (clean bread) and being
there was no korban burnt, therefore there is no need
to dip the challah in salt.

This ruling won't apply on whole wheat bread. 

The hostess, where I ate, baked her own delicious
whole wheat Challahs.

The family minhag of not dipping in salt
is only on white flour, and not on whole wheat Challas .

Monday, March 4, 2013

How to be ma'avir sidrah this week-PART II

The arrangement of the Tenach into Kapitlach (chapters) was done by the Christian church
in the 12th century . There is no uniform system, where a new chapter starts or ends.

At the end of chapter Shmos 35 it says how Moshe spoke to the Bnei Yisroel
about Betzalel’s  Chachma that Hashem gave him, to do the Meleches Hamishkan.

A new chapter begins at Shmos 36 – 1 “ V’osoh Betzalel – kol meleches avodas hakodesh”.
Because a new chapter begins here, one of the gedolei  hameforshim, mistakenly translated
And  Betzalel made (past tense) – (vav hachibur)

The Targum Onkeles  was also changed  from V’yabeid (He shall do) to Vavad (He did).
The Ibn Ezrah (36 -1) and Rashi in Makos 12a both say , V’osoh is a command
( future)  And Betzalel shall make etc.  V’osoh is a continuation from the previous
chapter.(mehapech + chibur)

In the name of the M’hril Diskin it is said “When you are ma’avir sidrah you should say
in theTargum V’yabeid and not the way it is printed in the chumashim “ Vavad” ,otherwise
you won’t be  yotzei Shnayim Mikrah.

