Wednesday, August 28, 2024

מופתים #2


  מופתים #2  

פרשת ראה

-ונתן אליך אות או מופת

Mori V'Rabi & a Mechutin of mine,  Harav Hagaon
Reb Nosson Schulman זצ"ל, Rosh Yeshivas
Slabodka, who was a תלמיד מובהק of the חזון איש said,

"The גדלות (greatness) of the חזון איש was not
the מופתים he performed but in his Torah, the ספרים he
wrote, and his leadership of כלל ישראל.

By repeating  מופתים of the חזון איש you are minimizing
his גדלות because that's not what the חזון איש was to
be known for.

Only for those צדיקים  who are unknown for their exceptional
Torah knowledge is there a need to speak of the מופתים
they performed.

Their מופתים proves that they belong to the group of צדיקים
who are גוזרוהקב"ה מקיים."

This might explain why the vast majority of מופתים are
attributed to the תלמידי בעש"ט compared to the very few
attributed to the non-Chasidic Gedolim


R Aryeh Leib ZT"L the son of the Chofetz Chaim while he 
was in Warsaw was asked by Chasidim to tell them a מופת
from his father the Chofetz Chaim.

Reb Aryeh Leb  told them that in all the years he was with his
father, he never noticed his father ever performing the
slightest מופת.

"Other צדיקים can & do perform מופתים because of
צדיק גוזר והקב"ה מקיים
My father the opposite was true הקב"ה גוזר וצדיק מקיים"




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