Thursday, October 12, 2023

No Joke






Parshas Hashavua
הוא נתנה לי מן העץ 
בראשית ג : י"ג


The בעל הטורים writes that אדם said to Hashem
"שהיכיתני בעץ עד ששמעתי לדבריה" 

"חוה beat me with a stick and forced me
to listen to her".
 (first day of marriage)

Someone wrote in one of the Torah journals
(הדרום ניסן תשכ"ה) that this must be a joke. Some
prankster must have added it to the בעל הטורים.

He claims it is a Mitzvah to erase & remove
this quote from the בעל הטורים.

The truth is this quote was not added by a
prankster. The original כתבי יד (manuscripts)
still exists and it says so clearly.

Also the Chofetz Chaim in שם עולם writes
the exact quote in the name of the Midrash.

Rashi  יבמות ס"ג ע"א explains the word לא זכה מנגדתו
"מלקות" In other words  the "לא זכה" ends up with
a wife who beats him up.





The Rebbe Reb Baruch MiMezhbuzh zt"l said,
"אדם הראשון commited 2 עבירות.
The first עבירה was listening to his wife.
The second עבירה was eating from the עץ הדעת".






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