Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Only Yekkes are allowed


זאת חקת

           ובחקתיהם לא תלכו                                              

                     Only Yekkes & Oberlanders
                       may wear modern clothing

The  (*חכמת אדם (פ"ט:א defends Yidden from (כל ארץ אשכנז)
Germany who wear clothing similar to the Goyim.

The חכמת אדם claims since in Ashkenaz they never instituted
a dress code to be different than the Goyim, therefore there is
no Issur of ובחקתיהם לא תלכו by keeping their original dress,
which is similar to the Goyim.

However, Yidden originating from countries where they did
institute a dress code that is different than the Goyim

(Lithuania included) 
(regardless of the reason) they may not wear
clothing similar to the Goyim.

Those who do wear such clothing are עובר on ובחקתיהם לא תלכו
and are חייב מלקות.




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