Now You Know The Rest Of The Story.......... The Torah Matzav
According to Harav Y.S. Elyashiv zt"l, When disposing of Sheimos, only Segulos that have a Mokor in Chazal needs proper Geniza,(disposal) Segulos with no Mokor in Chazal even if it is mentioned in the Achronim may be disposed of in the garbage. R.Y.S.E. used these examples. Mokor in Chazal a) Pregnant women who eat Esrog will have nice smelling children (.כתובות סא) b) Childless couples to have children, should pay the tuition for a child in Cheder. ( תנחומא פרשת אמור סימן ז* ) No Mokor in Chazal To eat Melaveh Malka for easy childbirth. *מי הקדימני ואשלם (איוב מא)
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The Chasam Sofer writes about a kabala He has from his Rebbe- Reb Mendele Lilig Zt"lwho had a Kabbala from the Shev Yakov : ...
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