Friday, March 10, 2023

My Rebbie doesn't know


Mori V'Rabi doesn't know

In שלחן ערוך (Y.D. 283) it says One may not
write a מגילה with only a few פרשיות of the Torah.
One must write a complete ספר תורה with all the
(פרשיות - (חמשה חומשי תורה 

The ט"ז writes, that being it is too expensive to write a
complete  ספר תורה for children learning Chumash,
therefore, Poskim were lenient and allowed to write
a מגילה with just a few פרשיות. The היתר is based on the
Pasuk עת לעשות לה' הפרו תורתך.
There are times when we don't follow the Halacha for a
greater benefit. The היתר is only for this purpose so
children will be able to learn etc.

Mori V’rabi Harav Hagaon R. Shlomo Miller Shlita 
said he doesn't know of a היתר for Sofrim to write
theפרשת קטרת   on a קלף. He doesn't think that a Segulah
to become rich is enough of a reason for "הפרו תורתך"










  1. Why can't one write a מגילה without it having all the פרשיות. What is the reason for this?

  2. See shabbos 61b in rashi. Definition of a kemeya is full of inyanei Torah see rashi.


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