In שלחן ערוך
Hl. Shabbos & in Hl. YomTov the מחבר
writes ולא מרקדין one may not dance on
The רמ"א writes the reason we do not
protest against the dancers on
Shabbos, because מוטב שיהו שוגגין- and
also today the reason for the גזירה is not so prevalent .
הקפות (even without dancing) on Simchas Torah is
not mentioned in טור or שלחן ערוך.
It is, the רמ"א, who writes about the מנהג of הקפות, but
there is no mention of dancing.
The משנה ברורה quotes the מהרי"ק , based on רב האי
the מנהג of dancing on Simchas Torah.
ר' האי גאון was מתיר dancing on Simchas Torah being
it is the second day Yom Tov (דרבנן) (the מ"ב doesn’t
mention 1st reason) and it’s done לכבוד the
In Frankfurt the Minhag of הקפות was first introduced
by R.S.R. Hirsch zt”l. Until then הקפות on
Simchas Torah
was unheard of.
One of the Gedolim in his times, R. Zalman Geiger
zt”l protested poetically (Note the rhyme,
wit and
wisdom) against this Polish* Minhag of הקפות*
רמ"א* (Cracow)
Is going around in a circle called dancing?