Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Segula From Reb elyashiv


                             Segulah from an Ish Halacha
Chazal tell us , at Matan Torah all the sick were healed. R.Y.S. Eliyashuv zt”l
said, every year on Shavuos this same Hashpa’ah comes down to the world.

On Shavuos it is an opportune time to daven for Refuos , there is a special segulah
for Hashem to heal the sick. He said the best time to daven is, during the
Kriah of the Aseres Hadibros.

Yehi Ratzon , the Melech Rofei Ne’emon should send us Refuos V’yeshuos etc.


  1. Interesting idea, thanks.

    But I was wondering, 1) isn't there a halachic problem with davening for refuah on Yom tov (as on Shabbos)?, 2) what is meant by davening during the kriah? Bein gavra legavra?


    1. 1) Mi Shebeirach - Yom Tov Hi Milizok Urefuah Krova Lavo.
      2) Probably (Bein Gavra Legavra)

      My own suggestion would be for the Gabbai to make the
      Mi Shebeirach Lecholim right before the Aliya of Aseres Hadibros

    2. 1) Mi Shebeirach - Yom Tov Hi Milizok Urefuah Krova Lavo.
      2) Probably (Bein Gavra Legavra)

      My own suggestion would be for the Gabbai to make the
      Mi Shebeirach Lecholim right before the Aliya of Aseres Hadibros


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