Thursday, October 14, 2021

Hilchos Vsain Tal Umatar for travelers.



Summary of  shiur on Shabbos at Vasikin Minyan (5 years ago)
by Moreinu V'Rabeinu Harav Hagaon R.  Shlomo Miller Shlita
Memorized & written by Harav Hagaon R.Ezriel Yehuda Gestetner Shlita* .
*(מחבר ספר שבת שלמה)



 Hilchos Vsain Tal Umatar for travelers.


  • Travellers just visiting EY (even if you are already in EY before they start saying Vsain Tal Umatar) should say Vsain Bracha in Boruch Aleynu and Vsain Tal Umatar in Shema Koleynu.


  • Bochurim who are learning in EY and plan on returning to Chutz Laaretz for Peasach permanently should also follow the above.


  • Bochurim (or anyone else) who are planning to stay in Eretz Yisroel till the summer (even if they will be returning to Chutz Laaretz for Peasach and will be returning to EY after Pesach) should start saying Vsain Tal Umatar like the Bnei Eretz Yisroel.


  • If the above Travellers mistakenly said Vsain Tal Umatar in Boruch Aleynu he does not have to repeat Shmono Esray.


  • If the above travellers mistakenly did not say Vsain Tal Umatar in Shema Koleynu he should try to be Yoitzaeh by hearing Chazaras Hashatz. If this is not possible he does not have to repeat Shmoneh Esrai.


  • If the above traverllers is Davening Shmoneh Esrai together with the Shatz during Chazaras Hashats he should say Vsain Tal Umatar in Boruch Aleynu along with the Shatz.


  • if the above travellers is Davening for the Amud he should say in his quiet Shmoneh Esrai as outlined above, and Chazaras Hashats should be said with Vsain Tal Umatar like the Bnai Eretz Yisroel.


  • When saying Vsain Tal Umatar in Shma Koleynu you must say "Vsain Tal Umatar Lvrocho Al Pnei Hadama".


  • Travellers from Eretz Yirsoel who are Bnei Eretz Yisroel who are travelling to Chutz Laaretz should say Vsain Tal Umatar like the Bnai Eretz Yisroel.


  • Travellers from Eretz Yirsoel who are Bnei Eretz Yisroel who are travelling to Chutz Laaretz and are Davening for the Amud should say Vsain Tal Umatar in the quiet Shmoneh Esray and Vsain Bracha in Chazarfas Hashatz.

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