Thursday, September 10, 2020

Ignore the חרם - Daf Yomi


Daf Hayomi
ערובין ל ע"ב

          מ"ס אהל זרוק לאו שמיה אהל


שו"ת יביע אומר יו"ד ה': כ"ו   R. Ovadyah Yosef zt”l. writes:


“When R. Moshe Montifoire Z”l  visited ירושלים, he
paid a large sum of money to obtain a permit to enter
the הר הבית. He and his Rabbi, entered in a box which
was carried by 4 Goyim.


When the קנאי (zealot) R. Yosef Moshe from Lisa zt”l
(son of the חות דעת) heard what happened he blew with
his Shofar and put R. Moshe Montifoire in חרם.


R.M.M. was very upset and claimed he was innocent. He
was told that with a box, one may enter the הר הבית.



The רבני ירושלים told him to ignore the חרם for two reasons.

a)  We don’t put in חרם for being עובר an איסור בשוגג.

b)  The חק יעקב תע"ו writes, "A person who deserves to 

be put in חרם.but he supports Torah, we may forgo putting 
him in חרם."

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