They asked the Rav, How come he skipped the פרק אזהו מקומן
and didn't say in the morning תפילות.
He answered, "Because I am the Rav and it's Shabbos."
They asked the Rav, How come he skipped the פרק אזהו מקומן and didn't say in the morning תפילות. He answered, "Because I am the Rav and it's Shabbos." The מנחת חינוך said, "Instead of saying איזהו מקומן he should learn הלכה" (Shabbos morning) Harav Avraham Chaim Reinman zt"l (Rav of Kretchinev)
writes in his Sefer (ויצא פרח)
that when his father received
סמיכה from the מהרש"ם, the
מהרש"ם warned him
that since he is a בנן של קדושים
he will be tempted
to learn Zohar &
Kabbalah or Pilpul in Shas.
For a מורה הוראה
(Posek) to do so is wrong and he will
be punished if he does it.
Posek's responsibility to the ציבור is to constantly learn
review the Shulchan Aruch & its Meforshim without
The מהרש"ם continued
that when he got סמיכה from
the מנחת חינוך, the מנחת חינוך
told him the same
not to learn anything but
Halacha and since on Shabbos*
when saying in the morning
the Perek of אזהו מקומן it is
considered only as learning
משניות, therefore he should learn
Halacha instead.
the week when saying the Halachos of קרבנות
is considered as if you were מקריב קרבנות.
On Shabbos, these קרבנות were not being מקריב. |
Do you know where in Rabbi Reinman's Sefer He writes this? Thank you