Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Driving Drunk To Mincha

Shmerl's defence for killing a person while
driving intoxicated was,

a) He was extra careful to drive safely
b) He was driving to Shul for Mincha (doing a Mitzvah)
c) He was unaware that he was drunk.

Those* who still go to Shul today, justify doing so
and  willing to take the risk because

a) They will be extra careful
b) They are doing a Mitzvah
c) They are not convinced that anything will happen to them.

The reason for not assembling is twofold

1) Not to catch the virus from others.
2) Not to spread the virus to others.

Using Shmerl's defence logic is definitely
no excuse to spread the virus and
ח"ו possibly cause death to others.

 את חטאי אני מזכיר שעד היום אני הייתי בתוכם *

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